Chapter :- 15.

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Hearing the voice of Erlik calling her, Zene's eyes snapped open in shock. She found that she was inside Erlik's arms instead of fallen on the ground. His hand and chest are the soft but hard thing that caught her before she could fall down. They both got caught on each others eyes. Zene was looking at Erlik's dark one while he was looking at her blue one. But now she got scared to think what answer she will give him when he will ask her about, what she was doing outside the palace. Surprisingly, Zene noticed that Erlik wasn't putting her down, neighter he was asking her anything. It seemed like he was drowned in her beauty because he was looking at her face continually. “Umm… You can put me down now.” Zene said taking him out of his daze. Erlik was truly drowned in her beauty. As she opened her eyes, her blue mesmerizing eyes caught his attention. The moon light was reflecting on her beautiful pale skin, making it shine even more. And her blue eyes were glistening like ocean waves because of the moon light. Erlik's heart was getting the same feelings as before as his eyes fell on her lips. Her soft plump lips were inviting him to taste them, and he was craving for them too. He was thinking just about it, when Zene spoke up taking him out of his thoughts. “Oh! Uh… Yes. Sorry.” He finally put Zene down from his arms. “Thank you for saving me. Umm.. I think I should leave now.” Saying this, Zene turned around and was about to leave that place when Erlik stopped her. “Wait. You have to tell me, what are you doing out at this time of the night?” He asked her as she started getting nervous. “I heard a noise out here, so I came to check it.” Zene lied to him, but she didn't know that Erlik knows the truth. He laughed out hearing her lie. “Don't lie to me. I know the truth. Tonight is not the first time you are sneaking out. I'm seeing you do it every night, since I came here. Now can you tell me the truth please.” It made Zene found out that she's being followed for six days now, and she never realized it before. It made her angry to think about an outsider following her all along at night, and he never mentioned it before. On the other hand she was worried too, by thinking that if he's following her all this time then he must know her truth. But she was determined that she will not admit it until he tells it himself. “You were following me? How dare you to follow me at night? What if anybody saw you with me?” Zene screamed out in anger. “Calm down. I didn't say I followed you. I'm saying, I saw you sneaking in at night. So where do you go every night?” Zene relaxed to hear that. That means he doesn't know the truth. “It's none of your business. Why do I need to explain myself to you? Who even are you?” Zene told him angrily. “Well. I know I'm no one to you, but do you realise what will happen once your parents know about your night adventures?” Erlik tried to threat Zene, and she smiled at that. “Do you think my parents will believe you instead of their own daughter? I'm pretty sure they won't. And besides, if they do believe in your words, then I will tell them how you kept following me all the time. King Triton won't be pleased if he finds out you have your eyes on his favorite daughter.” Zene threatened him back in hope that he would back off hearing it. In her heart, she got way too scared by his threat because she's scared of her parents to find out the truth. Luckily her confident voice made Erlik think about it again. He realized that what Zene said wasn't wrong. If her father finds out he's following his favorite daughter, he would be really mad. While thinking about Zene and her adventures, he will lose his mission for which he came here for. He can't afford to lose at this stage of his father's success. So he thought it will be better if he becomes silent in this situation. “Very well. You can go on your own way, and I will go on my own.” Saying this Erlik got away from that place leaving Zene alone there. She couldn't believe that her threat worked. Erlik backed up sooner than she expected. But whatever happened was all in her favor. Now she can relax without worrying about him reveling her truth. Zene doesn't want to risk it anymore, so she decided to stay home until Sylvia becomes the Queen. Thinking this, she got back to her room. Erlik went back to his own room too. But he couldn't have peace in him mind. The thought of tonight's event kept repeating itself in his mind. He tried to forget it and fell asleep but sleep was way far from his eyes. Finally, getting irritated of trying to sleep, he sat up on his bed. “What does she do out every night? If it's not so important to know about, then why she's hesitating to tell me the truth?” He asked in himself. He looked out of the window to think of any explanation of her activity, when he noticed that the moon was on top of the sky, informing that it's already midnight. It instantly ticked his mind. It's getting midnight right now, but Zene return almost and hour ago. She always comes back after midnight. So what happened to her tonight that she returned so soon? There's something he's not getting matched up. Then he remembered that he saw the white Mermaid tonight out in the ocean. She rushed out of her place as soon as she heard him. Zene was also getting back home rushing for some reason. So that means there's a connection between these two girls. There might be a connection between them that he's not finding. He needs to talk to her to know the truth. He needs to find out who that white Mermaid was, no matter what he had to do for it. He spent the rest of the night to think this repeatedly. Next day, his smiling face was disappeared, and it was turned into a serious one. He was waiting for his time to get out of this place and approach Zene to find out the truth. He couldn't take his mind of off the thought of the white Mermaid and Zene. Sylvia noticed the sudden change on his mood and tried to talk to him. “Hey. What's wrong? Why are you looking so upset?” She asked him while sitting on the table to have their mornings meal. “It's nothing serious. Can we not talk about it now please. I'll explain everything later.” Erlik said to Sylvia for now and went back to eat his food. Sylvia got disappointed by his answer and looked away from him in anger. Erlik's answer caught everyone's attention as they looked up at Erlik who had no interest on anyone at that moment except of Zene. Zene also noticed the sudden change on him and realized that he's not going to let it go so easily. She has to avoid him as much as possible, this few days. So as soon as she finished her meal, she excused herself and rushed out of that place. Erlik saw her leaving. But no matter what, he needs to get his answers. So he also excused himself and rushed out behind her. Getting out of the places, he couldn't find her anywhere in sight. But he's not letting it go this easily. While staying on this island for a week now, he knows almost all the favorite places of Zene to hang out. So he thought to check on every place she could be. It took him half of the day to find Zene, but eventually he found her. She was sitting on the cliff of South side of that island. Erlik once saw her there with Kally, when he was strolling around with Sylvia. This place was another one of her favorite places where she loves to hang around. The little stream that comes from the lake which is placed in the middle of the island, flows beside and falls into the ocean like a little waterfall, really amazes her. Zene was sitting there, deep in her imaginary world like always when Erlik approached her. “We need to talk.” Zene jumped up on scare of Erlik's sudden voice. She was hiding in this place to get away from him in the first place. But it seemed like her secret places are not so secret for him anymore. Zene got up from her place and was about to leave when Erlik came in front of her. “I said we need to talk.” He said again. “Move. I have no interest to talk with you.” She tried to move aside and leave, but he stopped her again. “You're not going anywhere without giving my answers.” He said to Zene. “I'm not bound to answer your questions. Now let me leave or else I will tell dad about you following me.” She tried to threat him again. “I don't care. I need my answers first.” Zene got startled to hear his reply. She had thought that her threat will work on him just like last night, but she was wrong. “I'm not answering you anything. Goodbye.” Saying this, she moved aside again and was about to leave when Erlik caught her hand. He pulled him near as she bumped with his hard chest again. She tried to wiggle out of his hold but to stop her from getting away, he put both of her hands behind her and pressed her more into his chest. At first Zene was wiggling to get out, but then she felt something warm and hard was pressing against her lower stomach. She didn't realise what it was until she noticed that her breasts were pressed with Erlik's chest. And as much as she wiggles, her breasts were also rubbing along his hard chest. Then she realized what was the hard thing she was feeling on her lower part, and she freezes immediately. As she became still, she felt that thing twitch, and it made her red in shame. She knows Erlik is not going to let her go without giving his answers and there's no was she's going to stand in there like that, pressed on his manhood. “Okay, ask me what you want. But before that please leave my hands. I promise I won't leave.” Zene said, but she couldn't look up at Erlik face in shame. On the other hand Erlik was having a hard time to let Zene go. He tried to stop her from leaving by holding her arms behind her. But in that process, she got pressed against his chest. Erlik is a little taller than Zene, so when he looked down to see her face, his eyes fell on her breasts instead. Because her chest was pressed against him, her breasts were also touching his chest, and it was popped up a little due to the pressure. Erlik could clearly see her cleavage by looking down at her. Erlik never had such close contact with any female body before. So Zene's gorgeous milky white skin was making him get turned on. She was even making it the worst by wiggling as her breasts were also jiggling with her. By feeling her soft body on his hard one, Erlik couldn't control himself anymore and his manhood got hard. But when it touched her body, she made it more crazy by rubbing it with her body unintentionally. Erlik's eyes got closed as he enjoyed every second of their body contact, until Zene became still. Although she stopped moving, it wasn't enough to make Erlik's desire calm again. He wanted to let her go because he knew it's not proper for any of them, but his desire wasn't letting him do that.
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