
1057 Words
Kaya POV I let out a blood curdling scream as I felt the muscled arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a firm wall of muscle. I felt the owner of the strong arms shove his face in the crook of my neck that would one day bear his mark and heard him inhale. I was trembling as I heard him repeat the phrase over and over again. “Mine. Mine. Mine.” he growled softly; it was obvious his wolf was in control. He licked my neck, and I screamed in frustration. I tried to push away from the rock-hard wall of muscle in front of me. I thrashed violently, trying to get away. All of a sudden the blindfold was removed from my eyes, and I could see who was in front of me. I whimpered as recognition filled my vision; it was none other than the alpha himself, Anthony f*****g Bishop. This was the worst possible outcome. Not only did I find my mate, but he was the alpha. I thrashed wildly again and finally was able to break out of his strong grip. I turned away from him and ran towards the forest. I only made it a few long strides before a large body tackled me to the ground and pinned me. His eyes were black since his wolf was in control. It made him look intimidating. I continued trying to break free, but he pushed his heavy body into me harder. “Submit!” the alpha growled in my ear. “No!” I screamed. “Submit to me, woman!” he roared in my face. I fell still on the ground and turned my head so that I exposed my neck to him in submission. I was breathing heavily from exertion. After I submitted, he wasted no time having his face back into my neck licking and nibbling my marking spot, inhaling my scent deeply. “You are mine, love. No one else’s.” Anthony huskily whispered. All of a sudden, I felt haze arise from within me; the alpha stopped grooming me and sniffed the air. He crooked his head and then leaned his face down to my lower belly and took a deep inhale. He could smell my arousal and it made his haze arise. He let out a howl. Before I knew it, I was slung over his shoulder, and he was running towards the pack house as fast as he could. Alpha burst into the packhouse and raced upstairs to his room and threw me on the bed. Then he turned and locked the door. Anthonys POV I found her. I finally found her she was absolutely breathtaking. I had thrown her onto the bed where she lay whimpering and panting. My haze was blaring inside me, she needed my touch, just like I needed hers. She was a virgin, that much I knew. I knew my eyes were dark black with lust, I was having trouble controlling myself. I started stalking towards her, my eyes never moved from her beautiful form. She whimpered loudly and I couldn’t hold myself back any longer; I pounced on top of her. My eager mouth instantly connected with hers, I slipped my tongue inside. She tasted divine. One of my hands found her plump b****t and I began to knead it. While my other hand began slowly rubbing up her thigh; hiking her dress to her beautiful untouched flower. As I touched the moistened thin fabric of her underwear, she moaned into my mouth. She was already so wet from the haze. I kissed my way down her body and inhaled the scent of her between her legs. God she smelled good. “No don't.” I heard her whisper meekly. “Why not, my love? Your body seems to like it when I do this.” I asked huskily through her underwear. I put more pressure on her sensitive clit and she gasped for air. Kaya POV With the haze, I could not think straight. The alpha’s hands were all over me; I was trying so desperately to break myself out of this haze. Finally, a thought came into my head. I thought of the boys and what would happen to them. “Stop!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. The alpha leapt back. He was breathing heavily; staring at me in bewilderment. “Please! Don't touch me!” I pleaded with him. I made sure to lower my eyes so that he wouldn't see this as a challenge. My wolf was whimpering inside my head, Nova wanted to be intimate with her mate. The alpha's eyes were black, it seemed like he was staring through me. He let out a loud growl that shook the packhouse; and then, without saying a word, he quickly left the room slamming the door. Before I could do anything I heard a click as the door became locked. “Did he really just lock me in here like I'm some prisoner?” I think inside myself. Nova piped in her opinion, “Why did you deny mate?” “We don't need him. We need back home and take care of our boys, you horny bitch.” I paused and looked at the door. “Not to mention, he locked us in here. We need to figure out how to get out.” I said bitterly in my head. “No. We need mate, we stay here. We wait for mate and then we mate with mate. We need him. Let him Mark you. Then you'll feel it too.” Nova said, scowling in my mind but wagging her tail at the thought of being marked by her mate. “I'm going to get us out of this. We do not belong here. I will do whatever it takes to get back to those boys.” I told her before I put up the mental wall. I looked around the room, trying to find any weak points and spotted the window. “Don't worry boys, Big Sis is coming. And nothing, especially a big stupid alpha mate, is going to stop me.” I say out loud as determination filled my little body. ............................................................................ author note Please comment and tell me what you think so far.
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