
996 Words
Anthony's P.O.V I don't get it, I just don't fucken understand. I finally find my mate after 12 years 12 f*****g years, and she acts like she wants nothing to do with me. I slammed the door and got out of there as fast as I could before my wolf could tear her clothes apart. My wolf Ranger wanted to breed her and Mark her right then and there. I made sure before I left I locked the the door so she could not Escape or any unmated males would get in there. I didn't understand what was going on with her, but I did know that there was no way in hell I was letting her go she was MINE! After leaving my mate I stormed into my office and plopped down in the chair. I run my hands through my hair. I let out a sigh of frustration. "Go back to mate! breed mate now!" Ranger was growling and snarling in my head. "We can't right now she's not ready and I have no plans to force her." I say to ranger trying to calm him down. "Fine we could just cuddle?..... and smell her mmmmmm." Ranger is desperately trying to persuade me. "Ranger we don't even know her name." I state matter of factly. "I want mate" he says whimpering. " I know I do too but we have to be patient. so we don't scare her, if we scare her she will reject us" I say that last part almost a whisper. ............................................................................ A few hours later I find myself back at the door to my room just staring at it. Finally willing myself to move my hands and knock on the door. When I don't hear anything I unlock the door and open it abruptly to an empty room. I let out a glass shattering Roar as my eyes turn black. My eyes quickly Dart to the open window. I'll run and jump out of the three-story High window and shift midair. The ground shook as I landed on All 4 Paws running as fast as I could after her scent. "No mate can't Leave us!" Ranger was snarling ....................................................................... Kaya P.O.V I ditched my shoes and managed to climb down the side of the pack house. YES! I whisper out loud and give myself a fist in the air. Where are you going mate is in there? Nova ask upset at the thought of leaving her mate. Sorry girl but we have to do this it's what's best. I try to soothe her. She whimpers but doesn't protest she loves her boys just as much as I do. I start making my way through the forest, I have to get back to my boys and grab them and then we'll get out of here and go anywhere else cuz we can't stay here now. A loud roar that shakes the ground cut through the quiet of the night. I knew it was him and he was on his way to find me. I pick up the pace not daring to shift because it would make my scent stronger. I wasn't sure what to do because I knew I couldn't outrun an Alpha especially in wolf form. So I climbed the tree. shortly after that huge black wolf comes running up to the tree that I hiding in and start sniffing the ground and then the tree. He looks up and then growled. Suddenly his voice comes blooming into my head over mind link. "Come down Little mate" he says with slight irritation laced in his voice. " Let me think about that one for a second yeah no" I hollered at him "please little mate I promise I won't hurt you and you can't stay up there all day."He says once again over mind link. "I don't know it's kind of nice up here peaceful less Alpha-y up here." As a reply to him you can almost hear the smirk on my face. "I'm losing patience with you love." He snarled. " See that seems like more of a reason for me to stay up here and the way from yo---." I am rudely and abruptly cut off by his huge wolf knocking into the tree knocking me out of the tree. He shifted as fast as Lightning and caught me as I fell, Landing smoothly in his arms with a Thud. Immediately tingles shoot through my body. "HOW DARE YOU!" I began to shout angrily but stop when I realize he is naked from just having shifted. "CLOTHING!!!" I Shout and begin to blush. "I shredded them coming after you." he replies in his rough deep handsome voice. I keep my eyes plastered close as he carries me back to what I presume is the packhouse. I'm sure I didn't look much better my hair was probably A rat's Nest and my dress was probably torn by now. Eventually we reached the pack house and he kicks the door open not wanting to remove his hands for me. I'm trying my hardest not to enjoy the tingles his touch leaves behind on my body. He carries me upstairs back into the room that I was before which I presume it is. He finally takes his hands off of me as he sits me down on the bed. Then he gets into the dresser drawer and pulls out some basketball shorts, which he puts on with lightning speed. and then he grabbed another pair basketball shorts and a large t-shirt and throws it at me and tells me to change has he turned around. I quickly discard the dress and put on the other clothes, the shirt was huge but it works. I triple tie the shorts and sit down. He grabs a chair and sits in front of me. His mesmerizing eyes are staring at me intently. He lets out a husky growl. "What is your name little Mate?"
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