The Ceremony

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Kaya P.O.V almond colored hair that went to the middle of his back. He usually kept his hair in a tight braid. He'd been going to the meeting ceremony since he was eighteen. He’d been looking for his mate like everybody else but had not found her yet. All the girls were hoping they would end up being his mate and then the future Luna. However, I thought that would be the worst outcome of all. I sat quietly in the corner until it was time for the ceremony to begin. We were led to the forest and told to stand around in a circle under the blood moon. A blindfold was placed around each woman's eyes to signify their trust in the moon goddess’s plan since the females could not sense their mate. All the females wore the same white silk dress. Luckily, it had stopped raining. When the blind fold was placed over my eyes the clearing around me grew silent. I could taste the anticipation and anxiety on the wind as silence wrapped its way around us. The sound of a loud howl rung through the air, and I gasped along with every woman around me. The males were coming to claim their mates. I shivered at the howl that had broken the quiet of the night. I found myself silently praying to the moon goddess once more. I couldn’t help but hope to not have a mate. When suddenly my prayers were interrupted by somebody’s large hands wrapping around my waist in a possessive hold. “Mine.” Anthony's POV It was that time again, the night of the blood moon ceremony. Hopefully, this year I will find my mate. I was beginning to lose hope and was beginning to fear that I might be mate-less. Unfortunately, the pack elders were also I starting to fear that as well. An alpha was nothing without his Luna. “Twelve years. Twelve f******g years, I've been trying to find my mate and yet nothing to show for it.” I yelled to my beta while I slammed my fist on my mahogany desk. “Don't give up hope, buddy. tonight, could be the night you find her.” my beta Ethan said optimistically as he stood in front of me with his arms crossed. “how can you be so optimistic? the pack needs a Luna and I have failed at finding her.” I growled through my teeth. “good things are worth the wait. look at me; it took me five years to find my mate and now Sequoia and I are happily fully mated.” Ethan replied without changing his demeanor. “lucky you.” I snorted back at him. I looked at the clock, it was time to head down to the forest’s edge. The males were eagerly waiting at the edge of the forest. I looked up to the moon to see it at its apex. It was time. I howled loudly to allow the males to walk into the forest to where the females were. The forest rang out in a cacophony of howls as the rest of the males ran into the forest in human form. As I ran, all I could think about was finding my mate. All of a sudden, I was hit by an intoxicating scent; it smelled heavenly. The scent smelled of roses and lavender. Instinctually I turned in the direction of the scent until I saw her. She was standing confident yet vulnerable. I could see her lips moving silently in what must have been a prayer. She looked like an absolute Angel. Her almond skin looked soft to the touch, long silky black hair that shined blue under the light of the moon, plush kissable lips that held the promises of words yet to be spoken. I wanted to kiss those lush sinful lips until the end of our lives. She was small, slightly emaciated like she hadn’t eaten in a while, yet she still had curves. The white dress bunched around her hips; the dress was obviously not made for her. I felt my wolf climb to the forefront of my mind. “Mine.” Ranger growled and took control of my body. And I couldn’t help but think. “Ours.”
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