Chapter 19 Steal His Watch

1102 Words

Alice’s P.O.V. After taking off my heels, I lie down on the sofa. I don’t know how I’m going to sleep with this gag in my mouth. It feels so uncomfortable, as it stretches my mouth unnaturally, keeping it forced open, and I’m drooling like hell. His punishments are harsh and merciless. I know I have brought it upon myself by lying to him. Breaking the rules means facing the consequences, and he, as my master, has every right to punish me. The cold air from the A/C chills me, making me shiver. When he returns, I will ask him for a blanket, but how will ask for it? After a few minutes, he walks back into the room, dressed in a white vest and joggers. The tattoo on his arm tempts me, his attractiveness is undeniable. How can anybody look so attractive all the time? Damn! Alice, contro

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