Chapter 18 Punished For Lying

1595 Words

Alexander’s P.O.V. After a long day of work, I arrive back home, feeling exhausted both mentally and physically. The events of the day replay in my mind, but one thought remains constant—Alice. I realize that raising my voice at her was unjustified. Just because she is my submissive does not give me the right to shout at her constantly. Filled with remorse, I make my way to my room, pondering over my actions. As I enter, I notice Alice sitting on the sofa, engrossed in her phone. As I clear my throat, I capture her attention, and she immediately stands up. “Sir, when did you arrive?” She asks, her eyes fixed on me. “Just now, while you were busy on the phone.” I reply, sinking heavily into my chair and closing my eyes, resting my head against the backrest. “I’m completely worn out.”

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