Chapter 20 Am I Truly Heartless?

1754 Words

Alexander’s P.O.V. She puts my blazer on the sofa and walks in front of me. “Master, I want to tell you something.” “What is it?” I ask, curious about her revelation. “Before you arrived, I caught one maid stealing your watch, but I let her take it.” She confesses, her voice trembling with fear. Little does she know that I already know everything. “Why didn’t you take my watch back from her, Alice?” I inquire. “Master, she was crying and in need of money. I’m sorry.” She replies, her words filled with remorse. I shake my head, finding it hard to believe. Who is she? How can she be so innocent and selfless? “And you gave my watch to her?” I ask in incredulity. “Pardon me, Master. I just can’t see someone crying. I want to help her.” She honestly confesses, leaving me astonished. Y

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