Chapter 17 Punishment of Nancy

1163 Words

Alice’s P.O.V. As I step out of Master’s cabin, confusion and hurt swirl within me. I can’t understand what caused such a sudden change in his demeanour. As I make my way back to the Wilson mansion, a mix of relief and anxiety washes over me. My mind races with thoughts. What could have triggered Master’s outburst? Did I do something wrong? Despite the turmoil in my mind, a wave of relief envelops me. I feel at ease knowing he won't share me with his brother. The thought of someone else controlling me besides Master is unimaginable. Thank God! I rush to my room as I spot Edward Sir coming downstairs. The way he treated Nancy during breakfast has filled me with fear. It’s as if he has two distinct personalities because he is always sweet to me. However, I don’t want to take any risks, s

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