The Basement

2041 Words

I decide that I will give Connor a call later, I want to make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid. I think back to what my mother said. She thinks that its okay to do the same to me as what my grandparents did to her. I hope that she really realizes how wrong that is. I still can't believe that my mother and Dan had planned to kill my father. If I confront Dan about it, I might just be dragged back into the basement.  I make my way down the stairs, I walk to the kitchen. Max, Dan and my mother is sitting around the kitchen counter. I take my seat on a bar stool. My mother doesn't look like herself. However, she places a plate of salad in front of me, while they all eat pasta.  "So I have to eat salad for the whole week?" I ask her. "Yes" she says. I sigh. "What's happening after th

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