Finding Me

2011 Words

All I can hear is my mother's sobs, I never expected this to happen, did he do this to her while I was away? Despite the things that my mother did to me, I still care about her and love her. Complete darkness surrounds us, at least we are not alone. I sink to the ground, my back against the door.  "What's going on mom?" I ask. "He is having an affair, I confronted him about it and this is what he did" she sobs, I roll my eyes. I guess its karma, I sigh. "I don't think that Dan is the good man" I say, she remains quiet "This is what Dan does, he punishes, what happened to dad was all for nothing, for what? This lifestyle of a man that isn't good" I say. "I didn't expect it from Dan" she sniffs. "If Dan leaves you, I do think that you will lose everything. Dan gave you everything, inste

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