The Confrontation

2134 Words

After I left the office, Dan allowed me to get my things at Laura's apartment, and my other apartment. I can't even look at him, knowing what he planned to do. One person that I cannot wait to confront is my mother. She was part of the plan. My phone has been buzzing with calls and texts from Connor, I don't answer the calls and I don't read his texts. I keep on looking out the window of the car. A part of me hates that I have to do this, I hate to leave Connor behind. I hate that I quit my dream job.  I will probably be punished again and then I would have to pursue dance again, but I am willing to stand my ground this time. I can't even press any charges against Dan for my father because Dan did nothing, just planned. I will not press any charges against Connor for the accident. Dan and

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