Chapter 38

1295 Words
~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I really couldn’t believe it, even though I had anticipated it, I had suspected that Victor Markham was the main reason why Mike had called me to him, it wasn’t because of any undeserved promotion, it was because he was jealous. I sat back down and relaxed, resting my back and crossing my legs, I smiled politely and I could see the acknowledgment in his eyes, he must have known now that I had baited him into saying what was really on his mind to say to me, and while I had expected it to be about Victor Markham, deep down, I had really hope it wasn’t and was about something else entirely. “Why would you ask me to do that?” I asked in a relaxed manner, I really did not know where this confident attitude was coming from, but then, things had changed for me since the girls night out, I had a different perspective of this world now, and I wasn’t about to be bullied by anyone. “You just gotta stop, I already told you how dangerous he and his family are, you just can’t possibly imagine, just please listen to me and cut all ties with him” he answered me still standing his ground. “And if I don’t?” I asked, he looked shocked, he didn’t expect that response I guess, but I was about to make this conversation really uncomfortable for him and at the end it still won’t go his way. He didn’t answer quickly so I pressured “If I don’t cut ties with him, will you fire me, stop me from working with you, will you send me packing and chase me out of your mansion?” I asked and as I wanted he started to get uncomfortable and shifted in his seat. “Of course not, that is not what I’m aiming at, all I am saying is you stop relations with the Markham family, it will definitely come back to bite us” he said trying to convince me. “So you won’t fire me or send me packing if I don’t?” I asked again and he had to pinch his nose in frustration. “No I won’t fire you or send you packing” he answered still holding his nose in a pinch and shaking his head. “Fine then” I said and got up “I am not going to cut ties with Victor Markham, he is a good friend to me and doesn’t deserve the cold shoulder from me or me pushing him away, I should tell you, we have lunch dates lined up throughout this week, so I am going to be seeing him a lot” I said and his eyes bulged at hearing that, he got angry then and got up as well. “Listen to me!” he yelled at me but I was braced for the barrage “Victor is not your friend, remember those vamps that broke into your apartment, that I dispatched and took the last one for interrogation, well he told me that the Markham’s sent them to kill you off, think about it, who else knows you amongst the Markhams apart from Victor” he said to me. The news shocked me and I believed him right away, I myself had been wondering why I was being attacked on two occasions now when it wasn’t like that before, before the Markhams came, in fact my troubles had started the day I got introduced to Victor Markham. But I had been avoiding the possible truth of the matter all these while, secretly hoping it wasn’t true that the Markhams were involved in my attacks. “You know what, Mike, right now, I really don’t care, if he ordered those vamps to come after me or it was his family that gave the order, I don’t care if he is after my life of if it is his family, I just know that I am not cutting ties with me as you have ordered, you don’t get to control my life regardless of any situation I’m in, I’ll handle Victor Markham in my own way” I said and headed out. “Wait, Maya, Maya, Maya!!” he called after me as I moved out of his office without answering him or even glancing back at him. ‘My name is not Maya!’ I said in my mind, I began to wonder if I was right by doing what I am doing, the game is now out rightly dangerous and no matter how I try to play it, it might very well cost me a whole lot. Mike wasn’t thinking clearly, if he was, then he would have known that cutting ties was not the best solution in this case, especially if Victor Markham really gave the order to have me killed. I need to get close to him so as to know his motives, I am a nobody to the Markham family, so why would they call for my head? Mike should have thought about that. We don’t need to get estranged from them, but rather we need someone who would get close to them and infiltrate, and find out what exactly their plans and motives are. So far, I was ahead of the game than even Mike was, he is letting his emotions cloud his reasoning, he was supposed to be my ally in this game, but then, this means I need other allies, and from my new friends, I knew the best person to fill that spot, someone who could care less about the Markham family since she had no ties whatsoever with them, someone who I’m sure would care even more about me. As I got to my office, I took my phone and dialed Kelsey, she picked on the first ring “Hey Kel” I said. “Ok now I know you did not dial me by mistake, what’s up girl?” she answered and I could hear the excitement in her voice even though she was trying to hide it. “I would like to see you so we could talk, privately, it is kind of important” I said and crossed my fingers. “Ok no problem, hint me though, what’s up? Are you okay?” she asked with a tone of obvious worry. “I’m okay for the time being, I hope it continues that way and that is why I need to see you, the issue I want to discuss with you rhymes with Rictor” I said over hinting the situation to her. “Oohhhh, I’m game girl, come for our dinner at my folks place, we would be excused after dinner and we can talk comfortably in my room there” she said. “Ok, I’d love that, thanks Kel” I said and we hung up. I breathed a sign of relief at that moment. I was glad for two things, the fact that I could now add someone to the list of trusted allies, and as well I’ll get to meet Kelsey’s family, the pure breed vamps who are more human than in their nature than vampires and gave birth to an almost total vampire. I was also glad for the fact that it wasn’t Kelsey’s own apartment we would have to go since things could get a bit awkward again like it did when she came to my office. I dropped my phone and quickly went back to work, the day wasn’t over yet, I still had so much to do, so I better quickly cover up, before I go to Kelsey and come clean about me being a mermaid.
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