Chapter 37

1316 Words
~ Mike’s PoV “Why does she always do this?” I asked myself out loud while in my office, I couldn’t help but think that it was as if she really has no clue as to what is going on in the world, how cruel people can be, it was as if she was placing herself right out there to get hurt or worse lose her life and that is if she doesn’t get turned first. In the process of being reckless, she is hurting me, I really don’t get why or how she has so much influence over me and my moods, I really don’t know when I had allowed myself to start caring so much for her. So much so that all I wanted was to have her all to myself and no one else, just so she wouldn’t get hurt, just so that she will remain as innocent as I found her. But then, even I had hurt her, haven’t I, so was that why she was going to Victor? Because I had hurt her? And even worse I hadn’t even considered it enough to try to apologize to her? And to top it all off, Victor had been the better man by still sending her gifts and regular checkup on her and her well being, and then taking her for lunch? he is showing her all the best part of a man, something she must have forgotten or missed, having not recovered her memories still yet. But I am the one who knows Victor, I know him not to be the man he is claiming and showing to her, I know him for the monster he really is, I know him for what he is currently doing, he is being a total two faced green snake and she is oblivious to this. I gotta tell her, before it’s too late and I can’t do anything about it anymore, before he gets in too deep with her and I can’t pull her out anymore, before he sinks his fangs in her. I picked up the phone and paused, then I finally decided to dial her, I have to tell her, it was now or never, so I dialed her section and she picked after the second ring, her soft silky voice wafted in from the receiver, she must have been a singer, the voice is just too smooth and naturally melodious. “Hello!” she said for the second time, bringing me out of my daze, I had totally drifted off just by hearing her voice. “Oh uhm, hello, please come see me in my office, it’s important” I said and then there was a pause from the other side, I was sure she heard so why wasn’t she saying anything, I was about to talk again when she replied simply with “Ok” and hung up. What? I thought to myself, then I had a rethink, she has to be playing at something, she has to have a reason for doing this, for being with Victor despite my warnings to her about the Markham family. I’ll ask her that first, maybe she had an agenda that needed her to get close to Victor so she could achieve what she wanted to, but then, I might be overthinking things, still, it wouldn’t hurt to ask first. The door to my office opened after a knock sounded, she walked in in perfect strides, the clothes she was wearing made her look royal despite the fact that they were office clothes, she still manage to pull it off. It was these clothes that Victor added the coat to when I saw them coming out of the café down the street, the coat made the clothes complete though but even without it now, she still looked exceptionally beautiful. “Hello boss, welcome back, how was your journey?” she said to me and smiled, I could believe the smile but I couldn’t believe her words, she ought to have come straight here as soon as I arrived, even if she hadn’t seen me I’m sure they must have told her, also, what was that on the phone earlier? I decided to play along though, it will help with my temper at least, “Thanks Maya, I had a blast, it would have been better with you there with me though” I said and got the exact reaction I was expecting from her with those words, she looked shocked but quickly got over it. “Well of course, I’m sure it would have better with me there” she replied then tucked a couple of loose strands of hair back behind her ear, good I had shattered the confidence she came in with, now she is shy. “So uhm, you said it was important?” she asked, I got a bit sad at hearing that, wasn’t our conversation important? Can’t we just chat and label it important? And now I don’t even know how to go straight to the topic, I had thought we would get there after chatting a while. “Do sit down please” I started, I was going to have to say something, she obliged and took her seat before me, now, what do I say, what do I say? “I would like to promote you” I said as soon as the idea came into my head, she had a wary look rather than the joyous one I expected, then I remembered that she wasn’t like every other person who would be happy at being promoted, she had values, a lot for someone who had lost her memories. “Why?” she asked still wary and shifted in her seat, now I wasn’t expecting the conversation to go this way, why? Why would she aske why? “Uhm well, I feel the job you are doing isn’t worthy of your skills and abilities, you are someone capable of doing all I’m doing, so I want to make you a proper partner, not an assistant of a partner, that way we get to rub minds and actively decided on things to do to make the company even better” I answered. “Oh, I see, wow, thanks, I guess, I don’t know why you feel I’ll be good at your job, but then thanks” she replied, something about her tone was still sounding skeptical. “Oh don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll have a blast working closely together, you get to move to my office and we get to do a lot of things together” I answered trying to put her mind off the skepticism. But then I saw her smile, a knowing smile, as if she had figured something out, the reason she had been skeptical about the whole thing. “Mike, why are you really doing this?” she asked smirking and shocked me a bit, especially the way she called my name, so I decided to tell her the truth. “I want to always have you in my sights, knowing what you’re doing and when you’re doing it” I answered a bit indignant. “Ok, fine, if that’ll be all, I’ll take my leave now, I have to finish up my former job’s backlog before I resume my new one” she said and started to get up. Now I was getting angry, why was she acting so casual and unbothered, fine then I have to say this. “I want you to as well cut all ties with Victor Markham” I said to her and she sat back down and crossed her legs in a relaxed manner, it was then I knew that all she had been doing was baiting me to say these very words. ‘’Damn it’ I thought to myself, I have been so foolish.
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