Chapter 39

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I was really skeptical about the whole thing as I highlighted from the taxi that brought me to Kelsey’s place, she had told me to come to her place first so we could go get a few things together and then head to the family house together. I have to admit that I had thought Kelsey’s place would look and feel gothic and be littered with dark themed stuffs, I just had the idea in my head ever since I know what gothic lifestyle meant. Kelsey looked naturally gothic, but getting to her place now, I found out that it was just her appearance that was that way, every other thing about her was rather plain and simple, no dark themes, nothing to even indicate she is a vampire. “Wow, cool crib” I said as I scanned about her place, she was still getting prepared and appeared to be a bit flustered as she moved up and about setting things and packing some stuffs in a small baggage. “Just admit the truth” she replied from the other room “It is drab, even I know that much” she said coming out to check something in the bag she was packing and then went back inside. “Well, I have, it wasn’t my first thoughts as to how your place would be, but then, being drab does not mean it can’t be cool, it’s cool, really” I said to her as she came back out again. “Hmm really? Well thanks, so what were your first thoughts of how it would look like? tell me” she said and rested on the back of a single seat sofa and looked right me. “Goth and heavy metal” I answered simply looking at her as well, she burst out laughing and I joined in. “Well you wouldn’t be the first amongst my friends who would think I’ll be into dark themes and explosive music, believe it or not, my genre is jazz” she said to me. I opened my mouth in surprise, I had listened to every form of music that the humans here had, just once, trying to get a feel of how their own music was like in form, mode and make, I remember jazz was one of the ones that really touched me, I really felt it soulfulness in that genre of music out of the numerous forms they had and it was as well part of the few I chose to take back with me to the deep to introduce to them all. “You’re not kidding are you? Wow, jazz, well I didn’t see that coming” I said to her to which she smiled heartily albeit a bit shyly. “Don’t you worry, I have got a surprise for you one of these days, on that not we are set, let us go get what we need to take along” she said to which I was a bit confused, why had she then been packing into the luggage if that was not what we were taking along initially? I asked myself and she caught me looking towards the baggage. “Oh that? Naa, it’s not for the dinner, it serves a different purpose” she said to me, and I just shrugged in acceptance. When we got outside her place she went into the garage and brought out a power bike, now I wasn’t even shocked or surprised, this much I expected from her after all, I smirked as she brought it around and I got on behind her after strapping on the helmet she stretched to me. She rode briskly and swiftly, as we headed for the supermarket where we were to get the items, I loved every moment of the ride especially because it almost felt as if I was flying with the way the wind whipped at me, flying has always been an experience that I wish to have, and the day I do, then I would have completed all modes of physical transport; swimming, walking and flying. We got to the supermarket and then after getting off the bike, Kelsey held my hand and walked quickly to the entrance with me in tow, I suspected she was in a hurry now, probably because we were running late already. She got the items which included; white and red wine, some veggies to include celery and cabbage, when she got to the seafood aisle, she glanced at me then shook her head saying “Definitely not!” I didn’t even know how to react at that, was she just considering some things or does she know something about me already, I really couldn’t conclude. After this we rode back again and this time we were headed for her parents place, on getting there, we were greeted by two other female siblings of Kelsey as we entered the gates that led to the huge mansion, but then, while Mike’s family mansion did have the look and feel of vampires, here was as ordinary and plain as any other rich man’s building. Kelsey’s siblings are called Katie and Kelly, Katie was the immediate younger sister of Kelsey and where Kelsey was as plain and simple in her lifestyle, Katie was as gothic and dark as I had expected Kelsey to be, while Kelly being the youngest led the lifestyle of a princess, the three of them were in so much contrast that looking at them lined up almost gave me a migraine. Surprisingly yet unsurprisingly they bonded really well and were cohesive in their relationship with each other, as we moved along into the mansion and they chattered like old friends who had only just seen each other after a while, I really didn’t understand how such difference could be amongst them yet they bonded and flowed so well together. Kelsey had introduced me simply as her friend and they had been accepting as well, Kelly even hugged me, stretching up on her toes to kiss both my cheeks, I stayed silent and listened to them talk as we entered, I had a lot to learn from them, seeing as I don’t get along at all with my siblings especially because we are al so different in nature. When we got in and I saw Kelsey’s father, my first thought was ‘He is a billionaire' but then most of the ‘prominent families' -as Mike had referred to them- that I have seen were all filthy rich, and even her mother reminded me of Mike’s mother, Miranda. Kelsey introduced me to her parents simply saying “Dad, Mom, this is my friend, Maya” but then her mother’s eyes widened and she rushed to hug me. “Oh my, goodness, welcome Maya” she said as she kissed both my cheeks just as Kelly had “Oh but Kel, you should have told us you were bringing your girlfriend to dinner today, then we would have been better prepared to receive her” she finished and her words hit me like a blow to the gut. Kelsey’s girlfriend?! I thought in alarm to myself.

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