Chapter 36

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV “I really don’t know what you want me to say again” I said to the bug pestering me, the bug called Victor Markham, he is an handsome bug though and he knows it hence why he flirts casually with almost every move he makes towards me. Today is the second time he would come to the office, surprising me and catching me off guard, I wonder if he would come around so much if Mike was around, I doubt it though, but then why was Mike taking longer than he had said he would?! We were at the café a little ways away from the office, the safe café I had met Marvin and had lunch with him, I was having lunch with Victor Markham. I really hoped Michelle hadn’t seen him yesterday when he cane by my office right after she left, it was getting harder and harder to avoid him and I really don’t want people to get the wrong idea. So after thanking him for his gifts as he had asked, I gently dismissed him with the excuse of backlog, the excuse wasn’t a lie though, I had left so many things left undone in my righteous anger towards Mike. “When can I see you again?” Victor Markham had asked with a soft smile that made me all tingly, he really had the whole charm all about him. “I am really busy, I’m sorry, I’ll be at work all through the week and weekend” I had replied hoping that would get him off my matter, but then as I heard his reply, I knew I had dug a tight grave for myself. “Ok fine then” He had replied “I’ll come during your lunch break all through the week and weekend to buy you lunch most importantly and as well to see you, it’s a win-win if you ask me” he had said. I could only just huff and send him off, now we are here, first day out of the next couple ones, he had bought me lunch as promised when I had said I wanted here and no other place and he had humbly agreed. “C’mon, it’ll be fun, I don’t know why you’re not saying anything” he charged me again, I had my reasons though, oh I had my still very fresh reasons. “You are asking me to come with you on a night out with a few friends of yours who would come with their female friends too, and I am telling you that I am not interested, how is that jot saying anything?” I said then popped a few fries in my mouth, my last night out still rang clear in my mind, when I close my eyes, I still see the images from when I was attacked by turned vamps to the battle with the wolves. “You are just being stubborn, you know, c’mon make this easy, come with me else you’ll have to see so much of me around that it’ll tire you out” Victor Markham said to me with a smirk and if I had a boxing glove, I would have given him a swollen eye and lip with it so he can stop looking so devilishly handsome. I considered my options, seeing him all the time, or just once during that outing, seeing him all the time would mean Mike would definitely take notice and get angry again, but then the outing is dangerous for her as well, seeing as she had been attacked twice now by turned vampires. “I have a few conditions” I said to him and he adjusted in his seat eager to listen to my terms, “Firstly, I can’t be the only human amongst you guys, then, I want you to swear that my life is safe should I come with, I don’t want to get turned into a vampire either, then lastly, no strong drinks for me and tricking me to do anything, if there is more I’ll tell you as I remember” I said to him. He smiled and nodded “One of my friends is human, so you don’t have to worry about that, and every other thing you listed is fine, I’ll comply” he responded. “Ok fine, so I’ll think about it then, you can stop coming around everyday during lunch now” I said to him hoping he takes the bait and back out. “Ok fine, but then the lunch deal wasn’t part of the deal, I had made that decision already before this offer, so I’ll keep coming till the end of this week, I hope to get your answer during the week though” he said once again backing me into a corner, oh Mike was going to be so pissed, I thought. But then maybe this is exactly what he needs, seeing me out with someone else frequently, especially one he considers to be a rival, maybe, just maybe that will get him to decide on how he wants to feel for me and what he wants me to be in his life. I rolled my eyes but smirked as I put the straw of the smoothie to my mouth to hide my smirk, I don’t know what exactly Victor Markham wants from me and or if his intentions are pure, but I know what I want from him, he is going to be the catalyst to increasing the level if the bond between I and Mike. Victor Markham held the door open for me as we left the café and as he was draping my coat over me, a car passed and the world seemed to slow down, it was Mike, driving towards the office and he was looking straight at me, seeing Victor Markham putting the coat on me and helping me don it properly. I hadn’t caught his eye so I just shifted my gaze as if I did not see him as he drove past us, then I faced Victor Markham and thanked him again for the lunch and told him there was no need for him to see me off back to the office. As I went back though, I started going over a couple of scenarios that could happen, before that even I really was only just wondering what would be going on through Mike’s head right now, oh my oh my, someone’s blood must have boiled, I thought to myself getting giddy over the matter. Fate was a funny thing uhn, just when I decided that I was going to make him jealous to the point that he couldn’t bear it and would have to make a decision if he really wanted me in his life, that happened at the most perfect of times. Getting to the office, Marvin came quickly to meet me as I was entering the elevator “The boss is back, and he looks super angry” he said to me. “I know” I responded to Marvin as the elevator doors were closing “I made him that way” I finished and the doors closed but not before I saw his mouth hang open in surprise.
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