Chapter 35

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Down in the deep of the ocean Selena was frantic, uneasy and filled with worry, how could princess Mylie just send such a message so casually, did she really take this matter so lightly? Selena had been acting like the princess for a long while now, it wasn’t what she had expected in the least, but then she had worked her tail fin off to make things right and also keep the ruse going. In the first couple of days, she had fumbled a lot, bowing when some elders come around before catching herself, she still thought she was Selena whereas she is now a princess and so others now to her. After those couple of days and mistakes though, Selena had quickly adapted to the lifestyle and copied the entire behavior of the actual princess so much so that the queen mother herself failed to notice the difference, the princess had been right, she was the only one truly capable of replicating her. Concerning the war effort though, they had all been drawing blanks on all the others they spied on, trying to see if there was anyone with the intent to wage war against them, but the other kingdoms were silent. Selena was about loosing her mind when Princess Mylie’s message got to her, she was surprised at first to get such a message from the princess, who knew she still cared about the kingdom as such, Selena thought but then when she heard the contents she was beyond marveled at the wisdom of the princess. ‘Of course it had to be other entities, it couldn’t be merfolk that wanted to wage war against them, they knew better than that, after all it had been made known amongst all merfolk that their kingdom wasn’t one to be trifled with. But other creatures of the deep wouldn’t know that, besides if the do, they will still wage their war because they had no fear of such and they had no restrictions concerning merfolk, they were ruthless and unforgiving and would fight with all their might even in a fight they cannot win and if they come in numbers, it will definitely mean a whole world of trouble for the opposition. Princess Mylie should have come with this message herself, rather than just send it off with a conch, she shouldn’t have taken this matter with such levity, she should have come because she would have a better chance of resolving it than even the queen mother would, she was after all more familiar with these creatures than any mer. Selena had sent a couple of spies to check on some known habitats of these creatures, lo and behold, they found evidence of war preparations in every single one they visited, they were not even trying to hide the fact, they knew no one would stop to think it could be them, and even if they did think it was them, then good for them. On getting the report back from the spies, Selena had started shaking when they left, these creatures are known best for their high potency of mystical energy and it’s converse to powers and abilities, they had been left alone since there was not so much of them around anymore, but then like princess Mylie had suggested, the had been breeding and increasing in quantity all these while. Now they are ready to cause an uproar, they want to fight to gain grounds, to rule the ocean as well, and their first target are those at the top of the food chain, the merfolk, and even at that they are first of all going for one of the most powerful kingdom right away. This was making a statement, something Selena understands quite well, she knows what it is like to have potential, skill, abilities and yet be regarded as 'lesser than’, she could almost laugh at the idea was it not so dire, if this war happens, a lot of merfolk will loose their lives, this is why the princess herself should have come, nevertheless the glory can still be taken by herself, Selena thought. Just then, while Selena was still pacing back and forth, the Queen Goddess arrived and entered the hall where Selena currently was, on seeing her Selena rushed to her and bowed. “Mother I had been expecting you for quite some time now, hope your journey was peaceful?” Selena asked as Princess Mylie, which she was in appearance to the queen mother and every other person. “Dear daughter, thank you, I had to visit some old acquaintances who I believed would be of great help in the upcoming war, I received positive answers as well” The Queen replied, she seemed satisfied which meant things had really gone her way as she had said. Selena smirked a bit without making it obvious, of course she would get positive responses from whoever she called that is not in the same level as she is in terms of power, no one dared to cross this Queen goddess, not even by saying no to her invitation to war. “Now, what was so urgent that you needed to see me so urgently for?” the Queen asked, she wasn’t one to dilly dally, not even with her daughter. “Yes mother, thanks to Selena and some of our spies we sent about, we have been able to discover that the threat of war is not coming from any mer, but rather the ocean spirits and creatures, and after even visual confirmation from our spies we got to know that the threat is very much real, they really are preparing for war” Selena said. The queen mother looked confused and surprised at the same time, “The spirits and creatures? I don’t understand, what grudges do they have with us? And how many are they to believe they can wage this war successfully?” the queen asked. Selena got a bit ticked off by the questions of the queen mother, it is exactly this kind of thinking that is causing them to wage this war and if serious care is not taken, lives will be lost. “Mother, they don’t have grudges with us specifically, we have been able to discern that their grudges and grievances is against all mer, merfolk and merfolk kingdoms, they are hurt, pained and bitter, and as for their numbers, you can’t just imagine how many they have become, it is like they are breeding every day for the past few years” Selena reply. The Queen’s mouth hung for a short while, then she recovered and actually got angry so fast that Selena had to take a step back as the water about the queen mother started to churn in response to her anger. “How dare they do this? How dare they put their grievances upon all merfolk, whatever did we do to hurt them at any point in time? Did they come to ask to be a part of the system we denied them? Have they encountered any for of harm from any mer at any point in time before?” the queen said then calmed after a few seconds, at which the water about her stopped churning as well. “Fine, if it’s war they want, then it is war they will get, rally our forces and reequip them according to the new threat we have discovered we are facing, get me the five generals and send them to my quarters, I have a few orders for them in light of this” she said and turnes away as she started to leave. She paused and turned back “Selena right? She discovered this? Well I always knew that girl had great potential, when she is back, have her see me, she deserves a boost in status as a reward for this” the queen mother said and left. Selena had remained bowed all the while the queen mother spoke in her anger till she left, while the queen spoke, she had felt both anger and sadness, she was confused as to why, but at least a good thing came out of it, she was to get her status boosted, finally. Now only one thing remained, for the princess to come back and placate her mother into trying to avoid the war, and then so that she could claim her reward from the queen mother. She turned and headed to her chambers or rather princess Mylie’s chambers, she needed to get a message across to the princess as well now, ‘come quick before we all die'
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