Chapter 33

1843 Words
~ Princess Mylie’s PoV Down in the deep, the mermaids were usually more ferocious than the mermen, and while here on the surface, I’ve discovered that the reverse is the case and the men were usually more ferocious than the women. That didn’t apply to the girls here, they were immensely devastating in their attacks, strongly rigid in their defense and out rightly cunning in their tactics. I was at the dead center and the four girls made themselves into the cardinal points around me, and not once did any werewolf get in through their formation. Of course I helped with the barest of spells so they’d be unnoticeable, things like making a werewolf slip or trip, stumble or falter, and of course a bit of wind disturbance aimed only at the werewolves. Kelsey the fiercest of them all (the others hadn’t been joking about her having more vampire side than human, her eyes were more bloodshot than the rest at transformation, her fangs were well pronounced and her claws were long and sleek unlike the werewolves which were short and stoic) After watching Kelsey for a while, I believed the plea warning Sarah had given that no one should kill, was in fact meant for Kelsey. She was damn aggressive in her fighting, the first two wolves that came up to her got put down while they suffered broken ribs, arms and leg and torn backs. It had happened in a flash and I would have missed it if not for the fact that I was readily perceptive, and I had experience with following vampire movements thanks to Mike. Next on the ferocity list was Michelle, she was just as ruthless as Mike and snapped werewolf bones as if she was popping knuckles, what made her lesser in aggressiveness was the fact that she didn’t tear at the werewolves bodies with her claws, all she did was fight martial arts style (like Kelsey as well) and break bones. Sarah comes next, and although I really didn’t see much difference between she and Josey’s style of fighting, but then she had more precision and decisiveness than Josey who was fighting like she might break a nail if she tried too hard. It took quite a long while before the werewolves discovered that they were outmatched despite their numbers, they must have been counting on the fact of their larger number to give them the upper hand. But out of twelve werewolves, Kelsey alone had taken down five of them, Michelle knocked two out cold and another was writhing on the ground in pain. Sarah also took two down and Josey had managed to m**m one too, the last one was tangled in dried vines and thorny branches courtesy of yours truly, the spell had been easier than I had thought it actually would be. Standing tall over the werewolves with hardly any scratches on us, all five of us broke into grins and giggles, we huddled and laughed at an unknown secret joke. I really didn’t know what was funny at that point, but the laughter came and we laughed. I saw Kelsey wince and groan a bit and knew she must have been wounded more than I had initially suspected. “Hey Kel, c’mon let me look at that” I said to her and had her sit with her back to one Mr. Frank Griddle’s headstone. I pulled her top upwards a bit and saw a bit of a gash to her side where her ribs were, she winced some more as I lifted her arm up and had her hang it there so as to expose the wound better. “This happens only when you aim for a higher body count than the others” Josey said inspecting her nails and smiling wickedly. I reached in my sleeve and pulled out a shot I was supposed to take when we wanted to start the truth or dare game, everyone had been required to take two shots of alcohol to start with, but I could only take one, so I hid the other little bottle. “Ah ha! Cheater, I knew you didn’t complete your shots, how else can you be sharper than the rest of us when the game started” Kelsey accused me through her pain. I spitted out the cork of the bottle and smirked as I poured the contents over her wounds, Kelsey yelped and winced as the alcohol stung her skin, ‘damn she’s strong' I thought to myself as I drank the rest of what was in the little bottle. Yep still hated it, I said to myself in my mind, as I squeezed my face at the burning effects of the drink, then I tore both sleeves of my cloth so as to fashion a bandage out of them, then I wrapped up Kelsey’s side. “Hmmm, now I see why my brother keeps you around” Michelle said smiling, I blushed at that and hid my face under the pretense that my hair fell over my face. “So are we gonna talk about how that dude got wrapped up in twigs and vines?” Josey pointed out to the others, and I was scared they might want to look into it, but instead all four girls burst out laughing again, I quickly joined in, relieved that was all the reaction they made. The dude in question discovered we were making jest of him and got angry, he wiggled to a kneeling position and then raised his head and let out a cry not unlike the howl of a wolf, only more intense and more sad. “Uhm guys, I think we should go” Sarah said suddenly feeling uneasy along with the other girls, I had no idea what could make them so unsure now all of a sudden, “That crazy wolf just called for backup” Sarah said again answering my mind’s question. “Good idea, let’s scram” Michelle said and we all turned away heading back to the mausoleum crib, but we hadn’t taken many steps before the backup arrived. The girls all stopped in their strides and even though I wanted to keep going, I had to stop as well, then we all looked back. “The alpha came, with extras” Kelsey said in a wary tone, now seeing Kelsey guarded was enough to send a shiver up my spine, there is jo doubting that the one she had called alpha meant really bad news. I counted five of them and I could tell which would most probably be the alpha amongst them, he had more bulk to his frame, well built and the ferocity in his glowing eyes was more intense than those of the others. “This is trouble guys, let’s attempt to talk things over with him first though” Sarah said, so we waited where we were whilst the alpha and the new five and the one that had howled came to meet us. “What is the meaning of this? Where are those you said beat you all up?” the alpha asked the werewolf that had howled when he got to us and saw we were all ladies. “That’s them boss” the guy said and his previous look of confidence had gone, replaced by a look of shame and regret. The alpha burst out laughing hard, his angry expression softened and his eyes dimmed and glowed a bit less intense. “These ones here? Five girls got the best of you all? Eight guys and four ladies by my count? No you must be joking” The alpha said still humorous. All the while he was talking I stole a look at Kelsey and saw how she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, she was getting really angry at the insulting words of the alpha and I could only pray she doesn’t do anything we might all come to regret. “Hey ladies” the alpha said referring to us “Call out the guys that must have done this, this one here has most likely taken a beating to have thought just you five did that to my pack” he said. “This is sacred vampire grounds” Sarah said answering in a confident, cool and calm tone, “Your pack was and still is trespassing, we came to tell them as much but it resulted in a fight as you can see or sniff, no one else is here, all I’m asking is that you all leave this grounds, peacefully” she finished. The alpha looked unsure for a brief moment, he most probably hadn’t expected such a calm yet mildly threatening response. He chuckled after bare seconds, “I see, you must have cheated in some way, because I don’t see how in hell you five bloodsucking creeps could have…” he didn’t get to finish his sentence because a solid right hook from Kelsey hit his face and cut him short and as well threw him off backwards, he hit one of the other werewolves he brought along and they both stumbled and fell. Immediately the others transformed (all human wolf mix transformation like the twelve we fought earlier) and bared their canines at us, but we as well were already in defensive positions and the girls had transformed as well baring their fangs. “Stop!” the alpha shouted, stopping his wolves from attacking us, “They are mine” he said with increased menace dripping from his voice along with the blood from his mouth. As he stood up, we all started to brace and get into fighting postures as well, but Kelsey stepped in front of us. “He is mine” she said in a way that brokered no argument, but I had been looking at her as well after she threw that right hook and she had held her wounded left side, wincing in pain. So I stepped forward to stay right behind her and whispered “Be careful” to her, but what I really did was lightly tough her wounded left side and flowed a bit of healing powers to it whilst humming a medley in my mind (the same thing I had done whilst healing Mike’s workers on the day of their fight) I went back to the girls and when I glanced back at Kelsey, I saw she was walking more straighter, she gave me a sidelong glance before facing her opponent again. “What did you say to her?” Michelle asked me as I joined them. “Some words of encouragement, she is going to need speed in this fight, and she’ll need to guard her wounded side without letting him know” I answered. “Of course she knows that” Josey said, although from her shaky voice I knew she was scared for her friend. I held Michelle’s hand as we all held each other, then the fight started.
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