Chapter 32

1579 Words
~ Princess Mylie’s PoV “Hey Maya, you’re next” Kelsey said to me as it got to my turn to flip the coin that will indicate what the group will ask me or ask me or ask me to do. We started this questions and doing game after everyone recovered from Josey’s story, truth be told the story was just plain sad, I really felt for both characters. The game was called truth or dare, and since we started, everyone’s spirit had been lifted from the sad point it had been after Josey’s story. Everyone had had their turn already and now it was mine, so I flipped the coin as I had seen them do, “Heads, dare, tails truth” I declared like they do as well before uncovering the coin. “Tails, dang it!” Josey said “I had really been looking forward to daring you, alright, Michelle, you take this one, since you’ve known her the longest” she said and sat back. Why she had been eager to give me a dare I wouldn’t know, but then Kelsey’s dare for her had been for her to stick her thumb in her nose and bawl like a baby, Josey had done it, giving everyone a fit of laughter and Kelsey even took a picture (which I suspected was the reason she asked for the dare in the first place, to see the pretty and composed Josey in that condition? Classic) I breathe a little sign of relief for missing to be dared and also the fact that it was Michelle that will ask the truth they seek. “Fine, Maya, tell us, what is it you’ve done recently that you regret?” Michelle asked, and the whole crib was silent, whoa, they really wanted to know that? I thought to myself. It wasn’t an easy one but then deciding not to answer means I’ll pay the penalty, drinking a whole red cup of that irksome alcoholic drink, just the smell alone made me want to hurl. “Uhm, going on a date with Victor Markham” I replied honestly, up to this point I hadn’t really regretted any of my decisions and actions, but since that date with Victor Markham, things had really gotten worse. All four girls stared at me, dumbstruck, Michelle’s mouth was even hanging open, Josey’s left eye twitched, I started to wonder if I had said something wrong. “Uhm, did I say something bad?” I asked feeling uncomfortable at their stares and dumbstruck expressions, I really felt like I was in the wrong of something. “What did you just say?” Michelle asked, I could hear a bit of quivering in her voice, either she was in disbelief or surprised beyond reasoning. “You asked if I regretted doing anything recently, yeah, and I answered, I regret going on the date I went with Victor Markham” I answered a bit hotly, I was starting to get pissed at this situation. “Hold up!” Kelsey said “You have been on a date with the Victor Markham? How in the world did that even happen?” she asked in surprise. I was starting to realize that they all found it unlikely, and that was why they were acting like this, I also remembered Mike saying something on just how prominent Victor Markham’s family was, maybe that was why they doubted my words, but it had happened hadn’t it, and caused a whole lot of issues for me at that. “Well he came to the office to meet with Mike, I had just arrived so I went in to greet Mike, he greeted me as well and sought my consent at getting my contact details and all from Mike, I didn’t see why not so I allowed it, I don’t even think it would’ve made any difference had I said no at that point, well, next thing I know, about two days later, we were at a very fancy restaurant, afterwards though I could only wish I hadn’t agreed to go with him” I explained. “Lemme guess, it didn’t sit well with Mike?” Michelle asked, of course she’d know that, he was her brother after all. “To say the least” I answered subtly, I looked at the girls faces again and saw that I was still generating awe from them, Josey even seemed a bit pissed as well. “Whoa, a few weeks in as a prospect and you are already drawing in the big fishes in the ocean” Sarah said, I had a vague idea what she meant but then I could hardly agree with her. “mphf, oh please, I’m no fisher, I could never be, it was all just happenstance, it could have been anyone, I vaguely recall him confusing me for Michelle at first even, so there” I said in an attempt to defend myself only to ask myself why I felt the need to defend myself. “Well, I wouldn’t jump to that conclusion just yet” Kelsey said “Just ask Sarah and Josey, they had been on the Markham hunt all these while and all they got was subtle and sometimes not so subtle rejection” she said nonchalantly. Josey hissed at Kelsey, an actual snake-like hiss that scared even me, “You don’t need to spread out our dirty laundry out in front of strangers, you know” she said accusingly to Kelsey. “I beg to differ, Maya is no longer a stranger” Kelsey answered “or are you Maya? Besides winning where you came short, gives her that upper hand than you Josey” she said to her friend mockingly. I looked at Sarah who was watching the banter between Kelsey and Josey with humor, but behind that humor I could sense sadness. “It really isn’t the way you see it Kelsey, it really is just happenstance’ I said trying to keep Kelsey from continuing and hurting Sarah in an attempt to hurt Josey. But it wasn’t my words that stopped the banter but rather a loud noise and ruckus from outside and above the crib, it seemed like a few number of people are gathering from the sound of it. “Uhm, what the heck?” Josey said “Who could those be at this unnatural time?” she asked no one in particular. “Well, we should go check it out, I don’t think it could be humans, like you said, it’ll be unnatural for them, but for the supernatural, it’ll totally be natural” Sarah said. “Uhm Maya, would you wait in here?” Michelle asked me looking concerned. “What?! Heck no! I’m coming with, besides, we are a team are we not? So whatever it is we face it together” I answered, I was already getting scared at the idea of other supernatural beings here on the grounds, what if it was more turned vampires here to avenge their lost brothers? So we all got up and headed out, as we were almost out of the mausoleum, Kelsey made an annoyed tick sound with her mouth and said “Mutts” with a very pissed off expression on her face. Sarah nudged her then and shook her head in a sort if warning “Just cool it Kel, chill out” she said to her and Kelsey pouted at the precaution she got from Sarah. When we came out, the moonlight revealed about twelve individuals, male and female, covered partly in fur and having a rave. Without being told, I knew these were shape shifters, werewolves in particular, I didn’t know much about them though, but what I do know is that they and vampires don’t get along at all, it was then that Kelsey’s ‘mutts' statement and annoyance made sense, she and the other vamp girls must have realized that through their heightened senses. “What do we do?” Josey asked, even her pretty face registered annoyance. “This grounds is for vamps, obtained and kept so for centuries, this is our grounds, we chase those defilers away” Michelle said with a strained voice, whoa I thought, even Michelle was angry. The girls all started moving towards the werewolf rave and I followed, all the while I only kept thinking there’s five of us and twelve of them, how are we going to survive this? “Hey mutts! This is sacred ground you’re desecrating and defiling with your furry selves, get off these grounds now or suffer the consequences, there will be no other warning!” Kelsey yelled at the werewolves. In my mind, I knew that what Kelsey had said would never get them to go, instead it’ll get them riled up, I knew what Kelsey had done was call for a battle. The werewolves snickered and chuckled and laughed amongst themselves and then gathered up to come against the vamps. ‘oh boy’ I thought to myself ‘we are in big trouble' but it seems I was the only one thinking like that because when I looked at the other girls expression, their eyes were filled with sinister satisfaction. “Girls, no killing ok, so this doesn’t turn into something even worse, but then, let’s have fun chasing them out of our lands” Sarah said and we charged the oncoming werewolves.
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