Chapter 30

1769 Words
~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I felt a couple of gentle taps on my cheeks and heard an insistent calling of my name as I came to, “Michelle?” I called as I groaned awake. I feigned weakness though because surprisingly, the seconds I had spent being unconscious had done wonders for me, I felt renewed energy coursing through me, somewhere at the back of my mind a thought surfaced ‘this pearl will be the death of me’. “Hey iron lady Maya, the untouchable badass bosslady, welcome back to the land of the living” Michelle answered me as she helped me sit up. “Was I dead?” I asked, I figured that I had to feign total ignorance of the entire incident, else how could I explain holding my own perfectly against three vampires and even able to kill one. The vampire girls burst out laughing at my question, “Well we hope not, that will make you an undead right about now you know?” Michelle answered jovially. I looked around and saw that the remains of the vampires were being burned, I remember that Mike had burned the one he had killed as well. I was curious, but I dare not ask the wrong question here, Mike knew to an extent everything about me and how foreign I was to all this, but to Michelle and the rest I was a human prospect hoping to be turned one day. Although during my phone conversations with Michelle (because she calls a lot to check on me and find out how mike is doing) she knows I am without my past memories as is the story I told Mike as well, so I’m sure she thinks that is the reason that I’m now a prospect. I was helped up by Michelle, then I looked at the other three ladies, they all looked to be Michelle’s age and were almost all likely dressed. All had highlights in their hair, although of different colors, and then they all had the same double ponytail hairstyles, they wore cropped tops with a hooded jacket on and a joggers pants accompanied with sweet trainer kicks, in short they were all dressed the same way as me (Michelle had hinted me on the graveyard picnic dress code) “So Maya, this is Josey, Sarah and Kelsey, guys this is Maya” Michelle said as introduction and I looked at them carefully, trying to memorize who is who, Kelsey was the most beautiful albeit fierce looking, I really wanted to be like that but I don’t think I can pull of looking fierce. “Nice to meet you guys” I said in a higher voice than I had meant to, damn, I didn’t want to look weak to these guys, if they don’t accept me then this will be the last time I’ll ever hang with them. “Yeah meat is the right word, cause that’s what you are around here” the one called Josey said after snickering, I wanted to feel bad but I held myself, what she said wasn’t true after all if anyone is going to get me, I wasn’t going to make it easy for them, not now that my arsenal has been upgraded. “Oh! can it Jo!” Kelsey said in a stern but sweet voice then she faced me and used just the sweet voice “Never mind that chick, she doesn’t know when to talk and when not to, she just says everything that comes to her mouth” Kelsey told me. “What?! But you all know I’m right though, I mean look at the situation we walked in on, she was about to be kebab for those bloodsuckers had we not stepped in” Josey said again. “Well she held out long enough for us to get here, and even managed to end one, so I believe she is strong enough and worthy to be amongst us” Kelsey replied Josey. “Cmon guys, enough arguing, the poor lady had just gone through a life threatening ordeal, lets get her to camp and have her settle down, be considerate” Sarah admonished the others, from the way she carried herself, she seemed to be the oldest amongst the group. “They like you, despite their reactions, you really made a good first impression” Michelle whispered in my ears as we moved towards the picnic site. “I had been following the maps on my phone for almost an hour and never got here, it seemed impossible” I said aloud although I was directing the conversation to Michelle. “Oh don’t be silly” Sarah answered instead “This is supernatural site, human things especially tech, won’t work well here, I’m sure the map had just been taking you in circles” she said to me. I opened my mouth in surprise, wait so I could have been there for hours just trailing circles, had I not been attacked, I thought to myself in dread. “Yh, we had set out to look for you as soon as you were five minutes later than expected, since you had called after getting off the cab that brought you up here” Michelle said reassuringly. I swallowed hard, that means my fight with the vampires (who I now know were turned vampires because Josey had called them bloodsuckers) had taken less that ten minutes, probably just under six minutes, what had felt like at least an hour. We got to the campsite and an eerie feeling overcame me, the graveyard was really large, spread even to a couple of hills to the front, and it was surrounded by fog, Down in the deep, the burial site of merfolk was always unreachable by those still alive, usually because it is located in a cave very deep down in the ocean and the cave’s entrance is usually just a slit that the dead will be passed in through. Being here though, in a place were people are actually buried and being able to move amongst them, as eerie as it was, it was still exhilarating for me, my heart thumped in fear and delight at the same time. We got to the front of a mausoleum that looked really nice, carved with bleached white marble, words in stylish fonts proclaimed the place to be sacred and private and the black gates looked spooky enough to give anyone second thoughts about entering. “Open sesame” Josey said and the gates swung open seemingly by themselves, goosebumps scaled my skin at that and I froze in fear, I didn’t get calm until Michelle whispered that it was just a trick and there was a floor tile that had to be pressed for the mechanicals behind the gate to swing it open. Thank goodness no one else except Michelle saw my fear and how I froze, that would have been embarrassing, and here I was trying to impress the other girls and not look weak. Getting inside the mausoleum though was another world, the girls had decorated the inside and restructured it to look almost like a luxury home. Candle light, chandeliers, soft mini beds with softer pillows, retractable sofa, flat screen, games section, I wasn’t even sure I was really still inside the same mausoleum. “We had bought of this part of the cemetery and built this under here, then used the mausoleum as cover so here doesn’t get desecrated so to speak” Michelle said to me after reading my expression, at least I hoped it was my expression she read and not my mind. I was really wowed and impressed, money really makes a lot of impact here on the surface world, whereas all you need down in the deep oceans is to be born with good blood, high ranking blood, money in whatever form is worthless over there. “Now dear let’s get you settled before you fall over” Sarah said to me lightheartedly, she had the impression of a mother or at least a big sister. “Thankfully we are not far behind schedule, so we can still proceed as planned” Josey said. I sat down where Sarah indicated and then she brought me a chilled smoothie, she said it’ll calm ny nerves but I looked at it skeptically, could be a blood meal of sorts for all I know, I was amidst vampires after all. “Cmon, we can’t feed blood to you, we are considerate, and you seem to forget that we are half human as well, well some of us more than others” Sarah said and glanced at Kelsey “So we do take plain human stuff too” she finished. “What do you mean by that?” I asked unable to keep my curious mouth silent. “Well, in a situation where a pure breed and a human come together and give birth, their offspring will have more human side to them than vampire, the percentage is always higher than when both parents are pure breeds born from pure breeds” Sarah explained. I nodded slowly to show my comprehension, then she continued; “But then in some cases where one of the parent or both were born of a pure breed and a human, then those parents will have offspring that their dominant side will vary, some might have more vampire side to them and some might have more human side to them” she further explained but I didn’t get that part so she came closer to me and brought her voice lower as she clarified. “Take Kelsey’s parents, her father was born of a pure breed and a human, same as her mother, this means they both have more human part to them than vampire, but when they gave birth to her, she had way more vampire side than human, this because the variable of the dominant side had been unbalanced” she said. Now I got the meaning of her words, there was already too much gene to choose from, most of it human, but then there was vamp too, now because there wasn’t a stable gene any one can be the dominant side as the offsprings come. “Well, well, well, who is ready for the first aspect of the night, spooky stories!” Josey said in a singsong using a shrill voice. I gulped hard, why must everything about vampires be dark, creepy and spooky, I thought to myself and rolled my eyes.
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