Chapter 31

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The Vampire and the Witch On a faithful auspicious Halloween night, auspicious stars were aligned and their rays crossed path with that of the moon to shine down on earth and its inhabitants. In a little town, in the country side, two kids; one male one female went to get their Halloween costume at different parts of the town. The girl got a vampire’s costume along with a vial of fake vampire blood (or so she thought, because unbeknownst to her, that vial she picked contained real vampire’s blood, it was the only one amongst the other hundreds of fake sugar syrup blood vials) it was an auspicious night after all. The guy at the store he went into decided to get a wizard’s costume and took a wand as well (it was supposed to be a fake wand made of candy cane painted black, but this particular wand was made out of real oak wood and imbued with power from etchings of runes, it was the only one amongst the hundreds of black candy cane wands) it was an auspicious night after all. “Wait, wait, hold up” Kelsey cut into Josey’s story telling, “You said the title to this story is vampire and the witch, shouldn’t the guy be the vampire and the girl a witch? You just mentioned the guy chose a wizard’s costume after all” Kelsey said and rolled her eyes. “Hey!” Josey replied “It’s my story telling ok? I tell it how I see fit” she said with an indifferent attitude. “But it won’t make sense anymore that way” Michelle stated. “Fine let’s rename the title” Josey finally gave in. “Oh and use vampiress instead of vampire, that way the gender is stated” Sarah put in making Josey roll her eyes as she complied and continued her story. “No more interruptions again ok? Let me tell it how I see fit” Josey said looking at Maya as if expecting her as well to say something to interrupt the story, but Maya was only quiet and attentive. The Vampiress and the Wizard After getting their costumes, they set out for the center of the town where the Halloween fair was to hold, for it was on this night they would have their first meeting. The fair bustled with vigor, everyone was out in their costumes and many games were set to be participated in, there were playgrounds as well and a huge merry-go-round dominated the center of the fair. It was at this merry-go-round round that our characters would meet, for their fate was tied together on this auspicious night. The porter in charge of the merry-go-round was a sad drunk who had forgotten to do a maintenance check the day before the event and even as the event carried on, he paid no attention to the merry-go-round and the people that were on it. All he did was collect the money, hand out the ticket and switch the merry-go-round on after people boarded, it stops after a set time and all he’d do was start the process again. Our lady vampire arrived first to go in the merry-go-round, and she was given a car, then came the wizard, but when he was to be given a car, it was discovered the all the cars were taken and the only one he could pair with was the very one that contained the vampiress. This was against the rules of the ride, but the drunk couldn’t care any less, so hesitantly, the wizard boarded with the vampiress. The ride started with a creak and a groan, but it got moving and spun, and spun, and spun, then all off a sudden, Bam!! A huge screw loosened and created a chain of unraveling, wham! Bam! c***k! Hinges came loose, joints snapped and the whole merry-go-round started crumbling in a slow gradual process. At this point, our poor vampiress and wizard were at the very top of the merry-go-round, they were in the most danger, that is if you don’t count those that were at the bottom, who were dead already, crushed by the crumbling. Some who were nearer to the ground jumped off, the merry-go-round, and some in the process of jumping off, broke or sprained an ankle or joint, but some had it worse and got impaled by erect poles. “I think we should jump” the girl said to the boy, but he shook his head vehemently and replied “What?! Of course not, if we do that, then we’ll surely die” But the girl was convinced “We will only aim for softer region, like that place filled with beach sand, or over there with the inflated castle” she said trying to get the boy to agree with her. The boy was as well sure of what he was saying “From this height it doesn’t matter if the sand is soft or not, It’ll be as hard as road asphalt, and the inflated castle might just bounce you off and right back towards the merry-go-round which would be a grave mistake” he answered. The girl seemed to cool a bit as she contemplated this, but just then, the merry-go-round creaked and crumbled some more again, crushing more people below and their dying screams echoed all about. The girl stood up, “It is better I put my fate in my own hands then, than to die in an uncontrollable circumstance, but before I go, should in case I’d die, one last sweet thing” she said. Then she dipped her hands into her pocket and brought out the vial and downed the substance within “ugh, I guess when death is near even sweet things turn into an awkward taste” she said not knowing there was nothing wrong with her taste buds but rather she had actually drank blood, vampire’s blood. She looked at the guy who only started back at her, partly in awe and partly with pity, then moved closer to him and kissed him, long and hard and passionately. “That might’ve been my last” she said when she broke off the kiss, and then she turned and jumped hard, heading for the inflated castle. “Wait…” the boy said as she was jumping but it was too late, she landed squarely on the inflated castle but like the boy had rightly noted all it did was bounce her off with almost an equal force as she landed with and right at the same direction only lower. She landed back into one of the dislodged car, where a dislodged hand brace rod pierced her from her ribs and to her heart which stopped immediately. The boy watched this with horror on his face, “I should have tried harder to convince her” he said out loud, then he sat back in and clutched his wand tightly as he started wishing to be saved, if he had known there was power in the wand probably he would have done more than wishing. But then all the same his wish came through and an helicopter appeared seemingly from nowhere carrying a rescue team, they rescued the boy, seeing as he was at the topmost car and easiest to reach and immediately they did, the whole merry-go-round crumbled, killing off everyone else remaining there. After a while, as other rescue teams came and tried to see if there was anyone still alive and as well fishing out the dead bodies, the boy summoned up courage and decided to go look at the girl. On getting to the car she died in though, there was no sign of there, just a bent and bloodied dislodged hand brace rod. He searched about for her body, he asked the rescuers if they had seen body of a girl of her description, but no one had seen her. “How could her body just disappear?” He asked himself, clueless as to what could have happened, he went back home with a heavy heart though after failing to find the girl. But that midnight, ten people died before morning, the only symptoms being two puncture holes on them and they had no more blood in them. Over the course of the week, more and more people died of the sane symptoms, by then, the little boy wizard had discovered that his wand had a bit of magical potency in it, and he had started to suspect one thing. The girl was dressed in a vampire costume after all, and she wasn’t found after the whole incident, then these mysterious killings started. So the next night, by midnight, the boy clutched his wand tightly and wished to see the girl, after a few minutes, he heard a knock on the door to his house. He waited a bit to hear the knock again, but instead he heard the door opening and then conversation and then a short and silent scream. He rushed down at that point but he was too late, he got down and saw his mother lying on the couch, pale and unmoving. “She invited me in, she shouldn’t have, I have no control once I’m invited in” the girl said from the back of the boy as he was inspecting his mother and found the two puncture holes in her neck and a bit of blood flowing down from one of the holes. “You killed her” the boy said to the girl, “She is all I have left and you killed her” the boy repeated, he went for his wand, which he usually keeps at his back pocket only to find it missing ‘had it fallen while he was rushing down?’ he thought to himself. “Well, careful what you wish for” the girl said, “That very night that I died and turned into this, I came here as well, my hunger and thirst had turn into the same thing only to be sated by blood, I saw you through the window, looking sad and lost, I knew this was your house so I left and headed elsewhere” “Ever since I had been avoiding this place, but tonight came a pull that I couldn’t resist or reject, I didn’t even realize where I was until after you came down. you have some kind of power don’t you? That is why you were able to escape death that very night, just you alone amongst all other left there” “When I saw the whole thing crumbled down, I figured you must have died as well, not till I got to your house and saw you that same night, I discovered that you could have saved me, you could have assured me that we’ll be fine or saved, you could have convinced me to stay with you, but you were silent, and you saved yourself after I was gone” the girl vampiress said. “I… I didn’t know as well until later, a few days ago in fact” the boy said feeling the guilt he had tried to bury all these days. “Well, you called me here, here I am, what do you have to say?” the girl asked him. “I’m sorry, I really am, I should have convinced you harder not to jump, I should have held on to you, please I’m sorry” the boy wizard said, from the corner of his eye, he spotted the wand and inched towards it ‘this menace has got to end tonight' he thought to himself. “You just don’t get it do you? You still don’t get it, I’m in here now, and I am hungry, thirsty for blood, I can’t control and to have talked this long, to have waited this long has gotten me famished, parched, so much so that I think I’ll die again if I wait any longer” the girl said weeping. Then the boy ran, heading towards the direction of the wand, he dove for it, but before he could grab a hold if it the vampiress slammed in to, throwing him off balance and away from the wand. She picked it up and examined it “So this is it? I remember now, you held unto this that very night as well, this saved you uhn, and now it brought me to you, all at your request, and I guess you went for it because you wanted to use it to kill me right?” The girl asked. Even though she knew the answer. She shook her head sadly as she watched him slowly get up back to his feet, “I just thought I should release you from this wrong, this menace, please just give me the wand, I’ll reverse the effects and you’ll be normal again” he said to her. “Oh you cheeky i***t, do you think I’m stupid? If that were possible, you would have just said it to me, not run to get the wand like that, I know all you want to do is kill me, but I can’t die now, I still have a lot of things I wish to do, do you know you are my first kiss, I want to kiss some more, other people, have fun, live life, so I can’t die yet, I’ll find a way to get this hunger and thirst under control, I’ll grow past it and live” she said with tears still streaming down here eyes. “Oh and one more thing, I won’t kill you today, I’ll live so that I can haunt you for the rest of your life, you’ll always look over your shoulders wondering if this is the day I come to kill you, you’ll go to sleep wondering if you’ll see tomorrow or I’d be there to take your breath away, literally” the vampiress added. Then she held the wand with both her hands and snapped it into two “Noooo!” the boy shouted, then the girl threw the pieces at him, before they landed though she was gone and the boy looked up to fine her gone. He picked up his wand or rather what was left of it and cried, knowing he was in for a lifetime of hell. The End. Josey finished her story then switched the light back on and looked at her friends, all except Kelsey had tears in their eyes and Maya was actually sobbing, even Kelsey despite not shedding any tears looked immensely sad. “What’s wrong guys?” She asked affected by their sudden sad mood as well. “What is wrong is you said spooky story but you gave us a tragic story” Kelsey answered. “Yh” Michelle chuckled through her tears “Way more tragic than spooky” she said blowing her nose. “Hmm” Josey said “Well story time is over, so y’all better pull yourselves together” she added. “Uhm, What’s next?” Maya asked.
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