Chapter 29

1993 Words
~ Princess Mylie’s PoV Not knowing places was my first problem, locating venues was straight up near impossible my first three days on the surface. It was unlike the deep where everything is pinged back and forth on a sonar like wave, thereby mapping out everywhere, besides, I had moved around the deep so much so that I could most probably draw up a map offhand. Now though, I just make use of the directional guides, part of which is the Google maps, and I was on this as soon as I got out of the cab that brought me to the selected location for the girl’s night out. We were to have a picnic out in the woods close to a cemetery and then visit a spa after which we’ll head to Michelle’s place, I wonder if it’ll be anything like Mike’s place. I hefted my bags and followed the directions in the map on my phone, I placed it on the trek setting so it was directing me with a huge arrow and saying the instructions into my ear via the earpiece I had in. After a few minutes, I got pretty tired, why couldn’t they have chosen a more easily accessible location for this? I thought to myself, must everything about vampires be dark and creepy? I rolled my eyes and just forged ahead. I stopped suddenly when I thought I heard a sound, I removed one ear of my earpiece so I could listen, it was then I looked around and saw I was actually deep in the woods, a bit of fear gripped me at that point and I gulped hard. I continued on my way and this time I hastened my steps, I walked faster, turned faster, moved faster, hastened by the fear that had started to grow in me. I stopped again, I’m sure I definitely heard something this time, a rustling of sorts, could it have come from an animal or something? I thought to myself, there wasn’t so much bushes here, just lots and lots of trees and shrubs. I was sure I’d see any animal coming towards me or if any was around even, it had all seemed calm now though, but I had the vague feeling of being watched and followed. “Uhm, Michelle? Guys? Is that you?” I called out with a shaky voice, “Cmon out guys, and stop creeping about” I said trying to put a bit more confidence in my voice. No reply came, not even a gust of wind blew, it was eerily calm, not even crickets were chirping, that’s when I knew that indeed I was being monitored and followed and probably not by one person and possibly not even human. I bolted at that point, dashing away in a hurry but still following the map’s directions, I didn’t want to get totally lost as well, that would make things even more difficult and dangerous, besides, if I located the others then I might be saved by them, they are vampires after all. Whilst running, I heard the sound of other footfalls as well, they were running after me too, I couldn’t look back, I feared what I would see or rather not see. I started a spell in my mind, I was at least going to buy myself some time to keep on moving, so a simple smokescreen spell would work. In the deep this spell would rummage the ocean floor and bring up sand and other debris to cover up, here on the surface there was even more things to throw up. Before I could finish the spell though, I felt a hand hold my bag and I was pulled taut, then I was launched backwards, as I flew backwards a few things crossed my mind; heck this guy had to be so strong, and I’m definitely not going to make it out of here alive. I landed on my back and bag with a thud that knocked the wind out of me, the landing and pain that followed brought out a grunt from deep within me. The grunt I made created a sort of minor sonic boom, undetectable to anyone but me, ‘whoa’ I thought still on the floor blinking the pain away and trying to regain my breath. That was an instant spell, I didn’t know I could make instant spells, well, now that changes a lot of things, like the fact that I could indeed make it out of here. I got up on my feet and dropped my back bag, the one I was holding had fallen off when I was thrown, I looked around and only saw flashes of my attackers, they were moving in a speed that reminded me of Mike’s movements whilst he was facing off those who came to attack me in my room. So they were vampires, I couldn’t tell if they were turned vampires or pure breeds, I also couldn’t tell how many they were, but I could tell one thing, I wasn’t going down here tonight. I felt the next attack rather than see it, the vampire was already close to me and all I felt was the crawling of my skin in a repulsive reaction to the vampire’s close proximity. I shrilled immediately I felt that and a sharp strong wind blew and slapped the vampire away from me, it really was instant spell, wow this pearl has more power that I could ever imagine, no wonder the ocean spirits had been reluctant to let it go. The vampire landed hard with a huff and rolled till he hit a tree, I also hadn’t expected the spell to be so strong, I guess it was because there is no water about to slur or slow the effects of the spell. The surprised vampire looked up from his position on the floor, they hadn’t expected me to have abilities, he stood up slowly and I used that opportunity to let out another instant spell aimed at him. In the deep whilst we were learning about instant spells, we were told that it was whatever type of sound that came easiest to us that we should train our instant spells on. For me that was singing, so I trained my instant spells on the solfa notes, I released a soh note instant spell from the base of my stomach to my throat and out of my mouth at the vampire and if he had been a bit later in his escape, he would have been blasted to bits because the tree behind him exploded in a shower of shreds. Even I was shocked at the effectiveness of the instant spells here on the surface, I should reduce the intensity if I don’t want to kill anyone, maybe just to the fah note, or even just the mih note. It was at this point that all the others stopped in their tracks and I saw that they were three as well just as the first time in my room. The one I had directed the spell to had his mouth opened in disbelief, he could have been shredded to pieces now as well, I couldn’t even imagine what was going on in his head at escaping such a gruesome death. “No one said she was gifted” one of the others said sounding uneasy, I’m sure he hadn’t meant for me to hear but it came out louder than he had hoped. “It’s part of the job, the unexpected, so lest just deal with it and get done” the other one said, the one I had attacked looked at the one who just talked with disdain. “Easy for you say, you didn’t just almost get blasted to pieces” he said, every ounce of him dripped with annoyance. “Guys, if you want to keep your heads on you, you’d finish the job” the other one said again prompting his teammates to continue to attack me despite my abilities. They were still a bit hesitant though, so I decided to hasten their actions, I drew in breath and sang the mih note, thick and sleek and filled with vibrato. The instant spell dove straight at them and hit them squarely save for one who had dove away as soon as he heard me sing. While the others scattered and were flung backwards by the windy lash of the spell, the third one used that opportunity to come at me. I didn’t expect it and so I was caught off guard, his hands was on me and his claw already dug deep into the side of my stomach. If he had been any wiser, he would have aimed at hitting my kidney because then I wouldn’t have been able to make a sound, that or hitting my throat just hard enough to make me choke, but then he had only wanted to hurt me and with the hurt came the pain and with the pain came the scream and with the scream came the instant spell. It was an unintended release, that is one thing instant spell is bad for, when it comes out when you didn’t plan for it too, it becomes spontaneous and unpredictable. The spell that accompanied my scream was devastating in its effectiveness, it was an outward explosion of matter and air shredding everything in its path with me at its center. The vampire the was closest to me got torn to pieces on the spot, I hadn’t wanted that to happen but ge had caused it with his attack on me, I felt pity for him, no one should die that way. His other teammates got lesser effects seeing as they were a bit farther from me, all the spell did to them was tear at them, cutting and bruising them badly. I got the worst effect of the spell though, it had sapped me of all my strength, I fell to my knees unable to stand anymore and I sat on my hunches. My vision became blurry and dimmed around the edges, I felt faint, then from my blurry vision I saw the other two get up and walk up to me slowly. The spell had affected them more than I thought because they were both limping, who mnew I could have stood up to vampires like that and lasted till this point. I guess I wasn’t going to make it after all, these guys had so much menace in their eyes that I was sure they would throw away all reasoning and kill me straight up. My thoughts moved to my kingdom, ‘Selena, you’d better make a great queen for them’ I thought to myself ‘I’m not coming to take over anymore’ I wondered how she would do it though, she won’t ne able to keep up the ruse forever, so maybe eventually she would tell Mother everything and maybe Mother would cone here to search for me though she wouldn’t find me, or maybe Mother won’t bother. I thought about Mike, I wanted to blame him for this, it was his avoidance that drove me out here after all, but then, my love for him wouldn’t let me blame him, how had I fallen so much for this guy? How? I asked myself. With every step the vampires took closer to me it seemed as if time slowed down, I struggled to get in a deep breath but I ended up coughing weakly. ‘Fine, if this is it, then fine’ I thought to myself. “Hey you! Get away from her!” I suddenly heard a familiar voice shout, Michelle? Of course it is, I’m saved! I thought and I started to go faint. My last vision being a battle between a couple of vampire girls and my two attackers, then I drifted off and went unconscious.
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