Chapter 21

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~ Mike’s PoV I could feel the air whipping at me at all the exposed parts of my body as I rode my power bike at a neck breaking speed. When I got the call that Victor Markham was on his way to my office, I almost literally flew down here to the office, if I could, then I most definitely would. Victor Markham is the first son of the Markham family, my very close friend once upon a time, till the separation due to the companies issues occurred. If he was coming to see me now, then it could mean one of two things, either he was here to declare war, make his intentions known, or he was here to check out the lay of the land, check us out in terms of strength and balance, and as well try to convince us that we aren’t enemies. But we are though, no prominent vampire family will let that kind of incident go just like that, they would definitely look for a way to retaliate, vampires are good at keeping grudges, and considering the fact that they are near immortal, they get to keep the said grudges for very very long. I got off the bike and placed it on stand, the guy that will take it to be washed, serviced and primed was already approaching me, but still I threw the key to him and headed straight up with my helmet under my arm. The guy called after me as I almost entered the building and when I faced him, I realized he was asking for my helmet so I tossed it to him and entered the building. I went straight for the elevator, hardly able to answer the greetings all about from my staff, I was in a really dazed state at the moment, I could only imagine how the meeting would be, I can’t factually say this is really how it would go, and that bothered me. The elevator dinged and I stepped out to the corridor that led to my office, it was the smell of expensive cologne and aftershave that met my nostrils and announced the presence of Victor Markham. I entered my huge office and found him there seated at the guest sofa, crossed legged, when ge saw me enter, he stood up though. “Mikey, finally you’re here” he said and moved towards me, I still hated the way he called me Mikey because he had told me it was to acknowledge the difference between me and Mickey mouse the cartoon. “ Vicky, I’m sorry if I had kept you waiting but I had no idea you would be here today” I replied and hugged him as he stretched and spread out for a hug, I could see through the visage of the hug though, it was fake. He burst out laughing after I responded, “I see you still don’t like my nickname for you Michael, it’s cool though, I wouldn’t like to be named a better version of a cartoon character either, I guess you could say I was a bit cruel back then whilst naming” he said heartily. I really wondered how he could keep up such a good relationship vibe going, he was smiling and chuckling like he really meant it, could have fooled me though, but it doesn’t. “And how about now? You are no longer cruel? With naming” I asked but in a jovial manner so it doesn’t sound accusatory. “Well it all depends on the occasion Michael, I’m sure you yourself know very well how important it is to be cruel when and only when necessary” he said to me smiling broadly. “Do sit down Victor, or would you rather I keep calling you Vicky? I believe that is a bit more suited to you than my nickname is to me” I said still trying to jokingly get him jeered a bit. But he only smiled again as he sat down and replied “Well it would’ve been well suited as you’ve mentioned if it hadn’t been that it sounds so feminine, and trust me, I am in no way feminine” he told me. I believed him, “So I guess I should say welcome back to the city, it’s been a while hasn’t it, few decades to say the least” I said to him as I went across to the mini bar to brig out a whiskey and two cups. “To say the least, It is really good to be back home, yeah” he answered as he followed me about with his eyes, I felt as if he was scoring me, trying to figure me out, well I was doing the same to him, I really needed to figure him out. I went back to place the cups on the table before him and poured little quantities into the cups then we both picked up one each and made a toast. “To being back” I said as I raised my glass. “To being back to stay” he said and we clinked glasses together, that sentence he made was the first and only indication I got that day about his and his family’s actual intentions. Of course they are here to stay, but can they stay and have a family considered to be beneath them ruling the city and controlling its major businesses? Now if that isn’t a war cry, I don’t know what is. We started talking and reminiscing about the former days, our childhood and the neighborhood of then compared to now. Every now and then I would try to drive the conversation into business, at least that way I would know what they are bringing in and see the threat in it. But then Victor has always been the smart kind, he can’t be driven, he won’t be cajoled to talking about anything he wasn’t willing to talk about. Funny thing is that I know he would still venture into that conversation of his own accord, it made the whole thing all the more frustrating for me. We finished the bottle of whiskey and he complimented on it being a really good one, ‘of course it is' I said in my mind, we brewed it ourselves after all. “I would like to go into the brewing business though” Victor said and finally I knew he had started talking business and was about to fill me in on their business plans, or so I thought. “But then” Victor continued “I feel the tobacco business is rather more lucrative, what do you think?” he asked me and I finally actually realized what he was trying to do. My family was into brewing, but not into tobacco, he is still trying to figure me out, trying to get a weak spot out of me, if I say he should go for tobacco then he would think I’m insecure about our business and trying to save it. And if I say brewing, he would feel I’m trying to favor them, and for this there was so many meaning he could read into it. “Why not got for both?” I answered “Start small or medium and see which picks up best, then either convert fully to whichever that is or just enlarge it while still running the other simultaneously” I said to him. I saw the corner of his mouth twitch a little as he smiled at my answer, he hadn’t expected the answer I gave, I got him this time, two can play this game after all. “Hmm, I’ll take that into consideration, thanks Mike” he said, I got a bit on guard at hearing him call me by my popular nickname, he never does that. I had been trying to figure out some things about him too though, like the tiny red lines underneath his irises, some turned vamps have that, it shows they are centuries old. But then Victor is a pure breed and he isn’t even old enough to have should he be turned, so he shouldn’t have that line beneath his eyes, I’ll have to ask Father about it. My head suddenly perk up and even Victor noticed something was up, little did he know that I had just caught the strong scent of the ocean which could only mean one thing. Maya is back. I was filled with so many emotions at once and I carefully hid them all from my guest, I started to hope she wouldn’t come in just yet, even though I really wanted to see her. But then the knock came, once, twice and then the door opened bringing in the full rush of the ocean scent and a barrage of freshly scented flowers. I really tried not to look over first and I was successful, but then I almost regretted not being the first to have laid eyes on her because she was a total knockout. She was smiling as she entered and her face was full of glorious radiance, her hair was tied in an office style bun to accompany the simple yet classy office gown she wore which brought out her curves excellently. Her heels clicked as she came in and walked towards us, I scanned those long slim perfect legs and the only picture in my mind at that point was erotic. I stole a glance at Victor and saw that she had the same effect on him, he was staring passionately at her, and he was being so obvious about it, he didn’t hide it at all. “Oh Michael, is this your sister that I’ve heard so much about?” Victor said before anyone else, of course he would not have recognized my Sister should it have been her that just walked in, she was born shortly after the Markham family had left. “No Victor, this is Maya, my… partner and PA” I answered, at that he stood up and offered his hand to her, which she at first looked at awkwardly, I had almost forgotten how odd Maya could be when relating with people. “Victor Markham, I am or should I say was Michael’s best friend, left for quite some time but I’m back now hoping to reignite the friendship between us which hopefully will be extended as well to his relations, friends and partners at work” he said. She took his hand then and they shook, she smiled at him, the smile was so genuine that I felt jealous that she wasn’t giving that smile to me. She withdrew her hand and then smiled at me, a smile so sweet, so affectionate, so different from the one she gave Victor. “Hey boss, I’m back” she said to me.
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