Chapter 22

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I admit that I really don’t know so much about the human world and its supernatural yet, but then I believe that with the little I’ve come to know, well I can do pretty well living as a human. Which is what I’ll be testing out this time around, no more sneaking back to the ocean for another week straight, this way I’ll know and experience the full feel of being human. Before coming to work, I had gone home (Mike’s house, my apartment) and consulted the books of knowledge (the magazines). The one tagged “Get dressed for work like you own the place” seemed to be the best at this time and I went straight to the hottest pick in the gallery. I didn’t have the exact clothing in the magazine but the there were those amongst my collection of clothing that could pass for the selection, so I bathed, dressed, even did my hair the same way the lady image in the magazine had done hers (which was no easy feat) and then headed to work. I really couldn’t wait to lay my eyes on Mike, but I tried to keep myself in check and calmed down after I was told he was with a visitor at the moment. After waiting for over an hour though I decided to go in, he could need my help seeing that we are also actually partner after all. Going into his office, I at first saw a man of Mike’s caliber, almost the same stature, almost as strikingly handsome, almost the same perfect features. I immediately knew he had to be a pure breed vampire, both he and Mike had their eyes fixed on me as I approached them, maybe the dressing was a tad bit too hot? After I got to know Mr. Victor Markham, apparently he was Mike’s best friend and is back to “reignite” their friendship. I had no doubt this guy had once been close to Mike, he did call him a name I didn’t know was Mike’s before; Michael, and I really loved the way it sounded. But then, there was a bit of animosity between them, it was only detectable in the air, the atmosphere, not in the way they related with each other, they could fool anyone who didn’t know how to read the actual situation of things though I was glad to have met him though, now I know someone who knew him well and is not his family, I also noticed the iota of respect that Mike (or should I just call him Michael now too?) was showing to Victor Markham. I have my questions all set for Mike already, after all he did tell me to always ask, so I stayed to the side and sat after the introduction, and watched the two guys converse for a while. There was chemistry between them, they flowed really well as they conversed, but then it was obvious that they were both threading on eggshells with each other. They were guarded, each being very careful not to spill wrongly, I started feeling that it was as if any wrong words would lead to a never ending war or something. I really hoped it wouldn’t though, but all in all, I really hoped Victor Markham would just go and leave me to be alone with my Mike. Sure enough he started to get up and ready to go, he came to me again, ok what is his problem? But then I smiled at him. “Lady Maya, I would be taking my leave now, I do hope we get to see later though, hopefully out of the work context, something just casual” he said to me as he stretched his hand to me again. I nodded as I shook his hand “Oh? That’ll really be lovely” I said to him although I was really hoping not to see him again. “Alright then, I’ll call you, Michael has been gracious enough to share your contact with me” he said again. At first I had no idea what he meant by sharing my contact with him, but then I remembered Mike had said “You need this in case I need to contact you or you need to contact anyone” on the very day he bought a phone for me. I didn’t really fully get his meaning then but now that Victor Markham is saying this I believe it’s the phone he means right now. I haven’t gotten the use of the phone well enough, or the tab that most workers here use, or the computer that almost everyone has with them for work too. It is too sophisticated for me at the moment, “It’s fine Sir” I said to him. After this he went to greet his about-to-be-reignited best friend to bid him goodbye once again before they both left the room. I started to take a stroll around the office, looking everything over till I got to the huge glass windows overlooking the city. Heights was a small thing in the deep, there was no falling for us, but here on the surface, falling is a al thing, and just thinking about falling from this height was giving me headache and light headedness. As beautiful as it was out there, I had to step back from the glass, apparently I have a fear of heights, I know, it started from my determination not to fall down like humans do back when I was still fresh to being human. “So you’re back uhn?” I heard Mike say from behind me, I hadn’t even heard him come back in, stealth of a vampire be thanked. “Yes boss” I replied “I’m back and here to stay” I said, I almost regretted adding that sentence because his brows furrowed in a kind of surprised frown, I didn’t know why though, but then his expression returned to normal, that us to say his seriously straight and emotionless demeanor is back. “So, where have you been?” He asked me. I was at first at a total loss on what to say, what could I tell him, to him I had lost my memories, so I shouldn’t have a place to go. “Have you started remembering? Do you know of a place you go to?” he asked calmly and I felt a bit of remorse and pity in his voice. “The beach!” I said to him forming my explanation on the go “I like to go there, that is the first place I saw as I opened my eyes after losing my memories, it somehow reminds me of home, and I go there hoping there is someone who is looking for me or at least someone who would recognize me” I mixed a bit of truth with the lies I was telling him, it really hurt me to lies to him, but it is true what they say that one lie begets another, I now have to keep lying to keep up with the lies I had already told him. I really wish to tell him the truth about me, but then the history between humans and merfolk has always been a bad and bloody one, not to talk of someone who isn’t human, who knows how he would react and how every other person that gets to know would react. The solution right now still seems simple, lie. I glanced up at him and my heart melted at the look of sorrow on his face, ok maybe that lie was a bit much? I hadn’t meant for it to get to him like this, seeing as he was always looking so tough and all. “I’m sorry” he said to me “I really am, and also for the fact that our team here has not been able to help track who you folks might be, I am assuring you now that I’ll charge them to work faster and harder” he told me and took a step forward towards me. Now it was my turn to feel sorry, I didn’t also mean to make him feel guilty or like he is failing, I really want to hug him to myself right now. “Its fine, Mike” I said calling him by his name for the first time, “I’ll stop going so often, I believe its futile really, I just have to face my life with you here now as the way forward for me” I told him. He took another step forward and I saw his reluctance to come near me so I closed the gap and hugged him hard. He hugged me back and his embrace brought out warmth from within me, his cool skin made mine react oppositely and grow warm. The opposite reaction caused a form of steam to rise from between us, I don’t know if he saw this reaction but it was marvelous. I wanted to remain in his embrace but this wasn’t the place or time for it, so we dislodged and for a few seconds things were awkward between us. “So tell me boss, what have I missed uhn?” I asked him to which he smiled at first, then, like a special ability, his expression became serious, I’m sure there must be a switch for the somewhere in his head. “Well, all our warehouses are functioning properly once again, constructions are also on par with the budget, production is up by twelve percent, and profit is up by eight percent, so far we’re running greatly” he answered. I realized I really have to hit the books again and get myself up to speed with things here, I’m almost done learning all I need to know and if it hadn’t been for the unexpectedly long period I spent down in the deep, I would have covered much more already. “That’s great then” I said smiling widely, I still haven’t gotten over the rush in me caused by hugging Mike. “Well then, let me tell you about the imminent threat we are facing, that is the Markham family” he said with a serious demeanor such that it brought down my own elation and I grew serious as well. Time to learn about the family of Victor Markham, the about to be reignited best friend to my love.
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