Chapter 20

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV Councils are so frustrating! I blared in my thoughts, It is my first time in a war council or any council at all at that, but then I was already tired of any and all council, and is of the mind to never attend any other council unless of utmost importance, such as this. I have never seen Mother so worried, not even when I cause trouble and she has to rectify them, this time she was serious with every iota of her being. I got scared initially, but then I got to know it was all due to a looming war, something in her head even, not that she has the proof that it’s really going to happen. But then Mother is hardly wrong about her “gut” feelings, which is why all mer in here are taking her words quite seriously and passionately, they had been discussing seriously as if the war was already upon us. I wondered if I’ll ever have this kind of effect amongst merfolk, they were so trusting of Mother, their queen goddess and all they really wanted was to satisfy her. Would I ever have such effect on them? I had a guilt trip at that moment because while I desired such from them, I discovered that I hadn’t really worked for it like mother had, even now, in a war council, discussing something so urgent to the wellbeing of the whole kingdom, my mind wasn’t here. It was with Mike. I really wonder how he must be feeling right now, what could he be even be thinking about, I have been gone now for quite some time, so he must have felt my absence, or wouldn’t he? I started to doubt myself even in my thoughts about him, he usually acts so aloof, unbothered, uncaring, but I know the soft and kind man behind his irritated expressions. He had cared for me even when he hadn’t known me, albeit he had hit me with his car in the first place, but then, I know it wasn’t that he was so kind deep down, he wouldn’t have let it get to this point between us. I mean, I am now working for him after all, living in his house as well even though on different floors and a different apartment. He should be missing me now I said to give myself assurance that I’m not so useless to him as his reactions make me feel sometimes. This last time had been different though and a bit intimate, seeing as how he was able to sit with me and make clear all that was dark to me, he even held my hands before I left him, I mean, that must count for something right? Selena nudged me back to the present, away from my thoughts, I discovered that while I was daydreaming, I had been asked to give my point of view on a matter being discussed. Everyone was looking at me expectantly, expecting me to talk, but what was I to say? I had absolutely no idea what I was being asked, then Selena came through for me and whispered to me ever so slightly and undetectable. “Investigations, how should it go?” she said to me in the barest whisper, I could only catch what she said because I had strained my ears expectantly already for her to say something to me about what I was being asked, and she came through as usual. I stood up at that point, making it seem as if I was only just gathering my thoughts, rather than missing the whole thing altogether as I actually had. “If we are to investigate others be it a kingdom or sub-kingdom or even a region, we can’t do it in a way that’ll make it obvious, because that might even be calling for trouble” I started suddenly getting serious and surprising myself even. “But then we can instigate spies, in every region, sub-kingdom and kingdom, that way we would have even the tiniest inkling on whatever is going on wherever we have the spies, this I believe is the only way we can successfully root out whatever or whoever is planning such unimaginable act as waging a war against us” I finished, I sat back down slowly as I was confident I had spoken rightly. I stole a look at Mother and saw her beaming secretly and really trying not to show it, wow, she was proud of my contribution, I beamed without hiding though for just a few seconds before turning serious right back. After a few others talked and deliberated on this particular matter, it was finally concluded that the spies should be selected and trained on their duties then set off. Then I was chosen as the one to head the band of spies, meaning they will report to directly to me and then I will bring any urgent issue to the council. I almost declined and I sure would have if it hadn’t been for the fact that Mother was present and she expected great things from me, such as this, so declining now would disappoint her immensely. But then, if I am given this duty, that would mean very little or no more surface time, can I just forget about Mike like that, I really feel I had gotten far and all I need was more gentle nudging and then he would budge and love me back. Now if this is to be, that would mean that there would be no more gentle nudging, I’ll possibly not see him again. My mind immediately started working towards finding a solution to this, because there is no way I would give up on Mike at this point, he might not say it, he might not even act it out but I know that deep down he has a wonderful and kind heart, that same heart needs me. But then, I can’t be in two places at once, or can I? A thought popped into my head and settled there, it was a satisfactory idea, so I relaxed and endured the rest of the council. * “What!” Selena shouted as she heard my plan, “You know that will never work my princess” she stated strongly standing on her rejection of the idea. But I was calm, I knew as well that this was a big and dangerous thing “C’mon Selena, of course it can work, no one knows me as much as you do, not even Mother, you know me best, and that is exactly why it will work” I cajoled her, she had to agree even though what I asked might very truly be asking for too much. We were now back from the council and it had taken the whole of two days and then some, I really need to set things in motion and get done so I can quickly get back to my Mike. “My Princess, it is one thing to know you more than most people, but then it is another thing entirely to pretend to be you, I see a lot of holes that will sink us if we try this” Selena said still adamantly rejecting the offer. I knew what would I could say though, to let her worry less about the implications and consequences but rather focus on the benefits therein for is both. Fine, I’ll say it “Selena, You have told me that one of your unrealizable dreams was to rule a nation of merfolk, you told me of the significant things you’d rather do, the differences you’d make, just see this as an avenue to achieve that dream and some of those goals if not all, please Selena, for both our sakes and the sake of the kingdom” I said, playing the card with a sympathetic tone. I saw Selena’s expression began to soften, she looked kind of surprised that I could remember that conversation we had so long ago, but then we were best friends weren’t we. “But…” She started to say but I cut her short “I will personally prepare the spell so you can be rest assured that it will be very potent, no one will know a thing, not even Mother” I said to placate her worries. “So whenever I come, we swap back and I take over the duties just till I go again, I’ll only come back for necessary decisions especially on this spies band, but every other thing you can handle” I reassured firmly. I knew she was already in though, ever since I reminded her of her goal, besides, I strongly believe that she can carry it out perfectly, she is the only one who can copy me perfectly with anything I do, and since we grew up together it was relatively easy, not to talk of now when there is spell casting involved. “Fine, but if I get into trouble because of you, if I die because of you, well, I won’t forgive you” Selena said to me in a fake serious tone. I only just smiled and hugged her to me, she is a really strong and independent mer, I’m sure being a princess was going to be easy enough for her. From thence we moved to start the preparations on the spell, soon there will be two princesses, I and Selena both looking exactly like me, that way I get to be with Mike on the surface and leave Selena here to handle things. And should Mother ask of Selena, she can tell her that I (that is she) sent her as well as one of the spies to a major city. The plan sounded foolproof, and I was confident about it working so well. Even as Selena and myself walked down the corridor my thoughts remain with Mike, I miss you my oh my.
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