Chapter 19

1421 Words
~ Mike’s PoV I haven’t seen Maya since I allowed her to take a break to recuperate, that was yesterday, and although I know once she is back she will most probably reek of the ocean, still I missed her. I miss her odd questions and actions, that I’m still finding hard to believe is entirely because of her memory loss. I mean who freaks out when the TV is switched one and starts asking how people could fit into something so flat, that was her first day with me, after my family dinner. She had been so psyched to have seen a TV, especially after I explained the concept to her which left her even more confused, but still she behaved like it was the very first time she was seeing a television. Come to think of it, she had that same reaction to a car, first she got hit by one (mine no less) then she got scared to enter one (still mine) like it would swallow her up. There was a lot of weird things going on with that girl, not to talk of her power to change my mood, be it from good to sour or from sour to good, also she knows how to make me feel guilty, without even trying to, take for instance the recent incident with the bloodsuckers. I had taken a risk by taking her home instead of the hospital, but then I was sure it was what she would want, even if she was going to die? I don’t really know. Then there was the issue of her supernatural healing, first was when I had hit her with my car, it had happened but because I didn’t such close attention I didn’t notice. The second was the incident with the turned vamps, she had somehow exerted herself to the point of breaking down, I thought she had come down with something (maybe the flu or something worse) when I saw her in that state, but she had gotten over that like it was a walk in the park, this time I noticed duly. The third time, while she was in my room being treated, she pulled out the line and bled, even though I noticed that she had been kind of silently freaked out after seeing the blood at first, but then she started to favor the hand, so I checked for myself by holding her hands as she was about to leave And what did I find? No marks, no scars, all had been perfectly healed up. So my question at this point is, how does a human gain supernatural healing ability?. What is wrong with me though? Here I am in my office at work, unable to think about anything else but Maya, I really needed her to come back soon. I know she isn’t home anymore, the ocean smell about her was very little now, almost absent even, which leaves me the question of where she went to. I know it has to be somewhere very close to the ocean, but then, where and why does she go there, or is she already regaining her memories back again? A knock sounded and I perceived the sweet rose petals perfume of my little sister Michelle, that girl had a strong thing for rose flowers, in fact she has a garden filled with all kinds, even a black rose. As she entered, I could only marvel at the speed at which she was growing, she was well into her teens now but her demeanor was like Mother’s, matured and wise. “Hey big bro!” she said to me as she came around to hug me, I was surprised because she knows well enough that I had shut everyone off and didn’t do hugs anymore, I guess she couldn’t care less though. “Hey Mich, how do you do?” I replied even though I didn’t really return the hug. She broke the hug and looked into my eyes, she seemed satisfied by what she saw there because she smiled then went back around to sit across from me. “I’m doing fine bro, how are you? Oh and where is Maya? We haven’t had time to really talk you know?” she said to me beaming up with a grin at that. “Uhm she is on a break right now” I answered and then a look of surprise and hurt crossed my sister’s face, ‘oh now I know why she was all so jolly, she was still of the impression that I and Maya were together'. “I mean from work, she is on break from work, she needs to sort out some things, I’ll let you know once she is back and inform her as well that you’re in search of her” I said to placate my sister’s mind. She relaxed visibly at that and her smile returned, What brings you here Mich?” I asked a bit curious, I hope she hadn’t been sent here by Mother, now that would hold implications. Michelle’s face regained it’s seriousness in blink of an eye, “Father sent me to you, he is really pleased with the high yield of your branch of the company” she answered but I knew there was more. “Ok, of course he’ll be pleased, I haven’t been slacking off here now have I? Any other thing” I said getting a bit irritated, I had only just started in my mind to start forgiving Father for his previously discovered heinous crime. “Well, I come here with a warning as well, while he tells you to be more careful as he can only sympathize with you concerning the struggles you’re facing down here, he says there is more troubles coming” Michelle delivered. Now I was getting worried, whenever Father gives a warning, it is usually because the issue is of dire consequences. “More troubles? What does he mean by that?” I asked quite on edge, I already had so much on my plate of troubles here in form of shape shifters, the rival werewolves and up till recently turned vamps, now what. Michelle drew closer on her chair “The Markham family are back” she said in a deadly whisper and righted her seat back uprightly. A bead of cold sweat travelled down my spine, the most prominent pure breed vampire family as far as these sides is concerned, they had been gone for decades when I was quite young. I remembered that their first son as well had been a close friend of mine, we were inseparable, till my Father took over one of their mainline shares of what is now part of our own company. They left then because they couldn’t face the shame that losing that part of their company brought to them as a top vamp family. I guess I always knew this day would come, Father was right to warn me, right now they are snakes whose intent we wouldn’t know yet. They would most definitely be seeking revenge, but then they wouldn’t make it obvious, not until they were ready to drive the knife home. “My oh my” I finally said, “Well, thank father for the heads up, I’ll be careful” I replied to Michelle who brought back her smile after hearing that. “Well brother mine, I’ll be taking my leave now, do remember to reach Maya for me” she said and made to leave, I waved in a slightly dismissive way, my mind wasn’t here any longer. Issues upon issues just keep on surfacing, another power struggle is about to occur now, and Michelle mentioning Maya actually brought up the thoughts of the issues I have concerning her too. ‘Where is she?’ I thought to myself in exasperation, I needed her, her presence, her oddity, her questions, her smell, wait, wait, wait, here I go again drifting into her essence and existence. She has really started getting to me despite her odd and awkward ways, funny thing, it only took about a week. I need to get my head out of the clouds though, dire issues that needs urgent attention are here now, so, bye-bye thoughts of Maya. ‘But seriously though where is she?’ I asked myself as I rolled my chair to face the window and viewed the outside world down below, wondering where the heck she could be.
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