Chapter Six

1995 Words
Sylvia's POV "I-I need fresh air," I gasped, rushing off the bed toward the balcony and holding my aching chest. I ripped open the door and hunched over the railing in desperate attempts for air to cool me down. Internally, I felt like I was melting due to how much rage Harley held. I'm not sure what happened while she was under control, but I do know she's the most pissed off I've seen her, even more than when our parents died. If I didn't cool off, I'd black out and go after everything. "What's wrong? Did my wolf scare you? What did he do? I shouldn't have let him take control," Damon chased me onto the balcony, wrapping his arms around my body to keep me upright. I shook my head, taking deep breaths to keep down my growing rage. "Go away, please," I whimpered, pushing him back and clenching my fists around the railing. My head spun and I closed my eyes, struggling to remain in control having to deal with the feeling of her tearing apart my insides. She's livid and I have no idea why, it's to the point she doesn't care what she's doing to me and it's terrifying. She's never acted like this before- like a rabid animal. "I won't leave you like this," he growled, the unmoving tone in his voice sent a cold chill through my overheating body. It was heavenly and I groaned in slight relief, wiping the newly forming sweat-beads off my face and glancing at him through the corner of my eye. Harley seems to still be obeying regardless of her intense anger towards him and his wolf, so if I can't keep her down then I might just have to use him to do so for me. My goal was to avoid this wolf, now I'm relying on him. How pathetic is that? “Hold me,” I winced, watching his eyes widen in shock but he didn’t make any advances toward me as if he thought I was speaking out of my ass. To show I wasn’t saying things out of desperation, I pushed away from the railing and grabbed onto his arms with the same force, “just hold me,” I grunted, lifting my gaze to his urging him to abide. This made him snap out of his frozen state and wrap his arms around me, petting my hair and encaging me in his strong embrace that I instantly started to relax in. Harley’s deafening snarls and hisses turned into whimpers before falling silent and I finally felt completely in control again. She had retreated in submission upon feeling he had us in a vulnerable position. At least she’s smart enough to know when we stand no chance, it’s just how she responds to it sometimes can be quite stupid. We stayed like that for a few more minutes until someone knocked on his bedroom door, making me suddenly realize what we were doing and I jumped away from him with a rapid growing blush. He snarled in disapproval, turning his attention to the door just as it opened and in walked Lucas and Mandy carrying bags. “A-Alpha Damon! Oh my god, I wasn’t expecting to see you in here,” Mandy gasped, coming to a halt by the door and bowing at him. I scrunched my brows until remembering what Lucas said about how he doesn’t see his pack. “It’s my room. If anything, I shouldn’t be seeing you in here,” he responded, signaling upward with his hand, “stand up,” he shrugged off her bow carelessly, moving his attention to Lucas, “what is all this?” He snapped, narrowing his eyes at the poor Beta, “I gave you one order-“ “I asked them to,” I intervened quickly, hearing my raptor hiss at me for defending them but I kept my focus on the action in front of me. Everyone was standing still, staring at me with different emotions. Lucas looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here, his eyes were bugging out of his head and his face was slightly pale. Mandy looked horrified, and Damon looked conflicted. “It’s not their fault,” I added quietly, seeing him scan me over then look at the siblings. “Put the bags down and leave,” he dismissed, watching them do as told and rush toward the door, “and Lucas,” he called, stopping the wolf in his tracks. “Yes, Alpha?” He lowered his head, not daring to turn back around. “Don’t disobey me again,” he threatened, a low warning growl followed his sentence, “you may leave.” He practically bolted out the door, closing it behind him in a rush leaving only me and Damon. I wasn’t unsettled per usual, instead, I was more relaxed than I have been these past years. It was refreshing. “You told them to get you this?” His voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I blinked, looking up at him and widening my eyes. He was holding up a royal blue lace set. The only reason I even knew what it is was because before my parents died, my mom explained intimacy to me. I remember her mentioning revealing clothing. She said it’s good to show skin, but not too much because you need to leave room for the imagination. What he was holding was a s*x outfit. Why the hell did they get me s*x clothes? “No!” I exclaimed, snatching the clothes from him and shoving them back into the bag feeling absolutely humiliated. A deep chuckle vibrated my ears and I couldn’t help but lift my head to see him staring at me with a small, genuine, toothy smile. My brain forgot how to function and my mouth fell agape, a strange tingling sensation washed over my heart and it quickened its beating. “Don’t be so embarrassed. You never have to wear it around me if it makes you uncomfortable,” he replied, brushing the hair out of my face, “don’t ever feel pressured by me, Sylvia. I’m not much different than you.” “Alpha! We have rogues!” Lucas came barging in, startling me yet Damon didn’t even flinch at his entry which made me feel like a pansy. “What? Where are the warriors working the borders?” He snarled, glaring daggers at him and taking a step closer to me like he was the threat. “That’s the thing… they don’t want trouble, they want to talk. They claim to have information about our problem,” he bowed, catching Damon’s interest with one word yet making me grow nauseated. “Bring me to them,” he demanded, taking only one step before I snagged his forearm and pleaded him with my eyes. He frowned at my expression and pulled me in, cupping my face with his free hand and placing his forehead against mine. It oddly calmed me until he leaned back, “stay here and do not leave this room, okay? I will be back as soon as I’m done, so please just stay where you’re safe. Rogues are unpredictable and I don’t want you getting hurt.” I nodded reluctantly, regretting that choice the second he released me and left the room with Lucas. My nerves shot sky high again and I ran to the window, frantically scanning the surroundings for a way out without being caught. That’s when I spotted a group of people walking toward the house where Damon and Lucas appeared. There were three women and one man, the rest I believe were Damon’s warriors. Cracking the window, I strained my hearing to eavesdrop on their conversation. It was hardly audible. “Alpha Damon,” the four rogues bowed in acknowledgment, their eyes darting around them at the many warrior wolves standing guard ready to attack if need be. They looked visibly discomforted. “I hear you have information regarding my current trespasser?” Damon raised a brow, boredom written across his face but the male rogue in the front took a step forward with eager nods. His movement made Damon’s warriors take a step closer in alarm, though the rogue didn’t dare make another move. “Yes! We’ve been tracking it down, state across state, until we lost it a few weeks back. It’s a f*****g raptor. Believe us or not, but we’ve seen this thing in person! So when we seen its previous hide out, we figured you might of had problems judging by how close it was,” one of the females added. Damon shared a look with Lucas, except neither of them appeared surprised unlike everyone else. “I’ve known this, so unless you have something more specific to tell me, I suggest leaving my land within the next thirty seconds,” he crossed his arms, his deadly eyes skimmed the rogues in annoyance. “It’s a malicious creature, Alpha Damon, we’ve seen this beast kill any and every living thing just for sport. It’s an evil we’ve never encountered before. We don’t know what it looks like outside of it’s shifted form, but it’s a smart animal so I don’t think we ever will. It knows it’s being targeted. If it finds you before you find it, you’re dead.” Ice constricted my heart and I swallowed harshly, a hurt frown finding my lips. I’m not evil. Harley isn’t evil! ‘Follow their scent after they leave and kill them! They will go around and tell everyone we exist if you don’t,’ she growled. No, this is what they’re talking about! We have to restrain ourselves, you can’t continue to be so aggressive. “Is it evil? Or does it just feel threatened?” A small gasp left my mouth and my eyes snapped to Damon. Harley chittered in shock and I widened my eyes in surprise, a warm jolt pierced my chest and an uncontrollable smile found my mouth. Both Harley and I were beyond surprised he defended us. “W-What?” The male rogue choked, obviously not expecting that reply from him. The other’s looked equally as bewildered as I felt. “If it knows what’ll happen if it’s found, and it’s not any good, then why do you say it’s evil? It’s scared. Rightfully so,” he explained, “now please vacate my land. I’ve heard enough from you mutts,” he eyed them in disgust and his warriors soon led the rogues back the way they came without another peep. “Did you mean that?” Lucas asked when they were the only two left, earning a hard look from his Alpha. “Yes. I said the creature is scared, Lucas, not friendly. It’s still a threat, if not a bigger one now that it’s provoked, and I want it found as soon as possible. It needs to be put down before it tears into one of us,” he replied, giving him a cold stare before turning and walking back into the house. I shut the window and scrambled onto the bed, forcing myself to rid of the horrible thoughts running through my mind. Harley’s more alert than ever now that we know our secret is getting out. It’s only a matter of time before it’s revealed that we are the creature everyone is after. “I’m back, beautiful. Are you alright? You look pale,” he came over and sat next to me on the bed, taking my hand in his and caressing his thumb over my palm. The worried look in his eyes almost convinced me everything was going to be fine. I was so worried about Harley trusting too easy and not seeing that just because people are nice, doesn’t mean they’re nice. When all along… I’m the one who can’t see the difference.
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