Chapter Seven

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"I think I'm getting sick," I said the first lie that came to mind, avoiding his gaze by staring at our touching hands. He makes me feel strange and neither Harley or I like it. His presence sets her off in indescribable ways, only few of which are even relatively positive. His hand lifted to my forehead and he tightened his hold on me, "oh- that's odd," he paused, intriguing me into looking up at him with a deepening frown. He returned it and analyzed me in worry, "you're beyond freezing. I thought humans ran warm? No wonder you're getting sick." I naturally run cold so his words didn't worry me, the part that had me most concerned was how he felt it. To the touch, I feel as warm as a typical human would. Internally, I'll feel cold in any climate below eighty degrees which is normal for my species. It's like running a constant fever whenever you enter a room below eighty, but it magically disappears after you leave. Minus the aches, you feel everything you would with a fever. The chills, the weakness, the weird swollen feeling... It's not fun for us. "Please get under the covers," he stated. I hesitantly did as told and felt no difference, knowing it's because it takes literal heat to warm me up and not room temperature fabrics. One of the joys of being cold-blooded, note my sarcasm. "I mind-linked Dr. Yuri," he added, gently laying me down and pulling the covers over me. My heart skipped a beat and my raptor hissed at the effect he had on us, prowling closer to control and I quickly pushed her back down before she overpowered me again. "You didn't have to," I replied just as the door opened and a beautiful woman walked in, her face was dark red and her eyes were widened in horror. "Alpha Damon, w-what did you need?" She bowed, her voice shaking anxiously, "you've n-never called fo-for me. It's my honor to personally a-aid you." "My mate is sick," he answered, making the woman finally raise her head and look at me seeming even more flushed. I felt a bit bad for her because she was visibly unsettled, maybe a tad embarrassed as well. "M-Mate?" She gasped, analyzing me with wider eyes, "oh my god, Alpha, congratulations! I meant no disrespect by my words, sir, I-I wasn't aware. It's very nice to meet you, my Luna. I'm s-sorry you're feeling under the weather." The woman walked over with a still lowered head and threw glances to Damon, "may I examine her?" He got up and stepped aside, allowing her to take his spot but she kept glancing over in obvious nervousness that he didn't catch. His focus was strictly on me. "Uh, can you step out for a minute? You're making her nervous and she can't focus," I announced, seeing the doctor's face go impossibly redder and he raised a brow. He then eyed her body language and face, returning his gaze to me with a singular nod before walking out of the room. The woman relaxed instantly, "thank you, ma'am. The Alpha is quite intimidating. He's never requested for anyone aside from his warriors, everything else he handles himself if he can. This is my first time seeing him up close. The pack only sees him during important events, life or death important, and I will say he's much more frightening than the rumor states." She suddenly flashed a warm smile, "anyways, could you could tell me what's got him so worried? You look okay physically..." she trailed off, her eyes roaming my face, "it's unusual seeing him like this after going so long seeing him close off from everyone. It's a nice change." "He's worried about my body temperature," I replied, feeling stupid saying it aloud. He called the pack doctor here all because I'm cold? If I were her, I'd laugh my ass off at such a ridiculous reason, except she didn't appear to mind at all. "May I see your hand?" She asked. I put my hand in hers and her welcoming smile faltered. Her fingers moved to my wrist and pressed firmly as she silently counted to herself, her frown deepening. "You're human, correct?" She suddenly questioned, retracting her hand and reaching inside her coat pocket, digging around until she pulled out a syringe with a cap over the needle. My eyes locked onto it as she popped off the cap, "there's definitely something going on internally that should show in your bloodstream, it feels as though your blood isn't as warm as it should be which is why you're cold. Are you okay if I take a sample for a blood test?" Harley snarled and hissed, urging me to reach out, take the syringe, and shove it into her carotid artery before breaking it off in her neck. I swallowed harshly at the thought, trying to refocus on her with sweat forming on my palms. If she takes my blood, she will see I'm not human, but the only way to find out why I'm cold to the touch would be to test it. I'm between a rock and a hard place... 'If she touches us, I'll claw her eyes out of their sockets and bite off her hands! I don't trust her, Via, get this wolf away from us or you won't like what'll happen.' That's enough! Control yourself! If they were going to hurt us, they would've done so already! I'm not saying trust them, I'm saying stop acting so paranoid and defensive! If and when that time comes where I need you, you'll know! Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean you can kill everyone you see. The world has changed since our species ruled. It's gone soft and you need to change with it or else you're going to get us killed! "Luna? May I?" She looked concerned, taking in my reaction with a sad smile, "if it's because you're afraid of needles, there are multiple things I can suggest to help as I take it." "What kind of tests are you running on me?" I blurted with no control of my words, feeling myself getting angry that Harley pushed through enough to make me seem suspicious. I'm not surprised she wouldn't listen to me, she rarely does! The doctor looked startled by my straightforward question, "I sincerely apologize if that came out devious, ma'am. I will only do what is needed to ensure you're in good health, or whatever you want me to- of course. I'm under your command," she replied, giving a slight bow to emphasize her point and my raptor's anger eased. She feels a little more settled now that this woman is showing us respect, but my skepticism never wavered. "Can't we do this another way?" I glared at the needle and she sighed, looking over at the door and Damon walked back in as if she called for him. "She's refusing, Alpha. I can't help without her blood," she informed, automatically lowering her head when he stopped next to her. That's when I noticed every time he's in her view, she's bowing, and if not that, then she's hanging her head low. That's also when I realized nobody's looked him in the eyes except for me. "Sylvia," he said softly, rounding the bed and taking a seat on the other side of me. I watched him closely, connecting our gazes with a pleading expression. "I feel fine," I whispered to him, feeling his hand cup my face and caress my cheek with his thumb. "We just want you to be okay. I'm worried about you, this isn't normal," he responded, breaking our eye contact and removing his hands from my face, "she won't do anything extra, beautiful, she's only testing for any abnormalities." The way he worded that made me whip my head to the side to ensure she wasn't trying to be sneaky, however, I caught the needle already filled with blood and a bandaid over my thigh. Damon was distracting me! My pupils constricted and my heart tightened as she stood up and bowed right before leaving the room. It felt as if my bones were shrinking around my lungs and Harley hissed so loud in my mind that I winced, clutching my head due to the sharp pain she inflicted it into. This can’t be happening! "Are you alright?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest. I couldn't find the strength to fight back so I curled into him, whimpering the more Harley tried to come through to go after the doctor. The harder she fought, the more pain she unknowingly forced upon me, and I couldn't find the air to tell her she's taking it too far. That's another thing the moon goddess changed. Your animal side never used to be able to feel the same pain as your human side, now they can which is good for situations like this! Our humans feel what our animals feel, but not the other way around as stupid as it sounds. She definitely made small improvements in her creations, that I’ll admit. "Harley," I wheezed, hardly able to choke out her name without thinking of the consequences. His eyes darkened after hearing it and he squeezed me to his chest, his hand held my head to his collar while his body heat began warming me up. Not a second later she came to a sudden stop, her entire presence retreated to the back of my mind with caws of shame. I slumped in relief and my pains stopped, except I didn't move. His body heat felt amazing and it was making me exhausted. All the stress and strain I've been through since my parents died seemed to be catching up to me now that I feel the most relaxed I ever have. My body felt paralyzed. "Who's Harley?" He asked when he noticed my pain subsided, reminding me of my mistake. My guard shot to high alert and my muscles went tense, readying me for a fight. "My dead sister," I looked up and answered, unsure of what else to say so he'd drop the topic. It did the trick because guilt flashed his features. "I'm sorry, forget I asked," he replied softly, moving my body off his and back under the blankets, "now get some rest, okay? I have to take care of a few more things so I'll have Lucas stand guard if you need anything. I'll be back by sunset." I suddenly felt a strong sense of sadness wash over me watching him leave the room, yanking Harley out of submission and back into the center of my mind. 'You are falling for the Alpha. You are falling for the bond,' she stated, sounding neutral which was odd for her. I let her words sink in and a pit of nausea swirled my stomach. It's too dangerous for me to fall in love. I can’t be! It hasn’t even been a week since I’ve known him… Am I really that deprived of attention? Or is the bond that strong? ‘We can rest now, but we will go for a run after. I need to hunt! It’s been too long since our last kill and I need to blow off steam!’
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