Chapter Five

2287 Words
"Are you okay?" He shifted his position to sit up next to me, the blanket falling off him and revealing his shorts which brought me slight relief. I couldn't help but let my eyes glue to his muscular abdomen, though I nearly jumped out of my skin when he grabbed my hand. "Sylvia?" My gaze darted to meet his and I let out a small gasp, not expecting him to be so close. I wasn't used to having my space invaded, so maybe he isn't that close and I'm just overthinking it. "Are you afraid of me?" He frowned, his eyes bore into mine with so much intensity I began to fidget. Harley felt threatened by the unwavering eye contact and hissed lowly, anxiously pacing around in mind while I strained to keep her down. I can't let her take over again or we're dead. She hates being dominated by anyone that's not me, so she's most definitely not happy with him affecting her the way he is. I can't say I am either, but she's much more emotional about it. "If I said yes?" I forced a small smile and his frown deepened, informing me that my attempt to lighten the mood did nothing. Although, I didn't want to lie. He intimidates me severely, but I'm still in question if I can trust him or not so I'm not entirely sure the truth should be said. I don't know what to do other than survive. I've never had to do anything more than that and now that I do, I'm lost, and so is Harley. She's still naturally set on attacking anyone who gets too close just for our protection, whether the person means harm or not she sees no difference because it's all we know and remember. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I'd never hurt you. You're my beautiful mate and I will protect you until my dying breath..." he trailed off, his eyebrows scrunching, "is it because I'm a werewolf? Did I overwhelm you with all of this?" I shook my head, uncertain on what to say the reasoning is for my anxiety around him without revealing myself. Thankfully, however, he continued and gave me the perfect excuse. "Or is this because of Lawson? He will be dealt with for laying his filthy paws on you, I promise. That won't be happening ever again," he growled lowly, clear anger seeping through his words that he seemed to try and control for the sake of my unease. This action alone made me warm and tingly inside, even my raptor chittered quietly with interest as she sent a strong jolt of approval through me, making him strongly enticing. I sensed she was very slowly beginning to warm up to him and it ever so slightly lightened my tension. Maybe we can trust him. "You won't let anything happen to me?" I questioned, hesitantly placing my hand over the one he had holding my other hand and he formed a tiny smile. His free hand reached over and tipped my chin up, preventing me from hiding my face behind my hair and forcing me to face him straight on. Harley snarled thinking he was trying trying to challenge us and I closed my eyes with a deep inhale, suppressing the sudden urge to claw at his face and impale his throat with my talons by constantly reminding myself that's not what I want. It's what Harley wants. I'm in control, not her. "Never," he confirmed, his expression fell right after and a low growl escaped his lips. I flinched back at the sudden hostility and he clenched his jaw with a sigh, "Claire attacked you again?" His question startled me until I realized he can communicate with his pack, that's one thing the moon goddess added when she created new species. My species wasn't able to communicate through our heads with each other, we can only do that with our reptiles. 'It's only because they're in a pack! They're not special, they just have a pack bond! It's not like they can speak to any wolf, it only implies to the wolves in the pack,' Harley snarled in annoyance, obviously not pleased with my liking of another shifter. "Yeah but I'm okay," I said quietly, a little reluctant to speak because I'm unsure of what will set him off. After seeing him mercilessly attack his own warrior, I will say he has inflicted deep fear into me. 'He's just a mutt to me!' A mutt that can mutilate our asses. All she did was growl in response, retreating deeper into my head which I was incredibly thankful for. She doesn't help my unease around these wolves because all she wants is to attack, resulting in me to feel the same urge. She's quite hard to handle sometimes. "That's not the issue," he frowned, a look of frustration crossed his face, "she shouldn't be going after you at all let alone twice within twenty-four hours. I have no other choice but to turn her rogue since she can't follow a simple order." My eyes widened, "w-what? Just for attacking me? But she's been in your pack and we just-" "You're my mate, Sylvia," he interrupted, slight impatience leaked in his tone and I felt like an i***t as embarrassment filled me and my face grew hot, "you come before everything. I don't know how humans view love, but to us it's life or death. Please understand that." "Okay," I mumbled, looking down at our hands with a churn of nausea in my gut. How would he feel if he finds out I lied to him? He's banishing one of his pack members and nearly killed one, I wonder what he'd do to me for lying to his face? 'Let me have control this instant!' Harley suddenly demanded, taking me by surprise. What? No way in hell! 'I'm going to kill this dog!' I fought her attempts until Damon grabbed my chin and forced me to face him, his eyes were black and a low growl left his throat. "Let her out," he snarled. I quickly realized this wasn't Damon, it was his wolf, and I felt goosebumps crawl across my body. He had my attention just long enough to make me slip away from control and I instantly knew Harley took my submission as her chance to tear through, giving her the dominance she's been clawing for. Harley's POV (still in human form) I narrowed my eyes at the man who's now taken over by Blaze, hissing at his snarls then tackling him into the bed. He grabbed me by the neck and growled, lifting my body from his before slamming me down against the mattress. His hold tightened and his body flipped to pin me down. I growled when he lowered his face to mine and his features softened. "Harley, please," he begged, keeping a firm hold on my neck so I was unable to break free. I only grew angrier when my attempts went unsuccessful against this measly wolf. I cannot lose to a wolf! "Please, listen to me for one damn second!" He growled, the power from his voice tightened every muscle in my body which made it difficult to continue fighting. In spite of that, I kept trying to fight his command to avoid falling into submission for him except my body only worked against me. Every second I disobeyed made my muscles heavier and heavier until I finally went limp beneath him in defeat. "Just because I don't have other options, does not mean I'm forced to fall in love and commit to you! It's a decision that I'm choosing! Just let me tell him what you are, I promise he won't care! Please, just trust me," he exhaled, slowly releasing his hold after watching me falter and taking a seat next to me. I sat up staring at him, my anger fading rapidly as I looked over his sincere features and found myself stuck gazing at his black irises. Not even the newest pile of coal can look as dark, the little speckles of grey somehow make the black much more vivid. His whole face is very pleasing to stare at. "I accept you, Harley. Your appearance means nothing, you could be a possum for all I care," he added, reaching out and pulling me into his lap. I went tense being so close and vulnerable to him, letting out a low warning hiss to let me go that he completely ignored. Cocky bastard. "I can't wait to see your true form," he whispered, raising the back of his hand to my face and softly caressing the skin. Warm tingles snaked through my cheek and I inhaled sharply, widening my eyes when he leaned closer and grazed his nose over mine, "and your eyes are nothing to be ashamed of. They aren't scary or disgusting like you claim... they're beautiful and unique," he added, his voice barely audible and his palm pressed into my face, slowly pulling me toward him. My heart raced the closer we got and small involuntary chitters of contentment left my throat, confusion fogged my head and I wasn't sure why I let out approving noises. I do not want a lover! I don't like anyone but me and Sylvia! "Can I kiss you?" He asked, a low purr vibrated his chest and more involuntary chitters rippled up my throat. "What is kiss?" I tilted my head, scrunching my eyebrows and he seemed surprised by my question, putting a little distance between us again. "You don't know what a kiss is?" He raised a brow, "you are very sheltered... nobody should live like that," he mumbled, his eyes dropping to my lips, "a kiss is when you put your lips on someone with a bit of pressure." "So what I did to your human? That is called a kiss? I thought that's only done when you want to breed, does that mean it has other meanings?" I asked, flinching when he wrapped his arms around my body. "Depends," he replied, lifting his hand and tapping my cheek, "a kiss given here is friendly," his finger moved to my forehead, tapping it lightly, "a kiss given here can be friendly, but is often a sign of love," his finger slid down to my nose, "a kiss given here is rarely friendly, it mainly signifies love," then his finger pressed against my lips, "and a kiss given here..." he trailed off, his eyes lifting from my lips and connecting with mine, "means you want that person, love or lust, it's meant for two people who accept each other. Whereas the other's are usually one sided because the kiss is not returned." He removed his finger from my lips to let me speak and I scrunched my brows, "so a lip kiss also means both participants agree to not be enemies?" "Um... in a way, yes... I suppose," he chuckled slightly, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion as a tiny amused smile overtook his mouth. "Okay," I nodded, leaning in and pressing my lips against his. He removed me almost immediately, his eyes wide, "Harley!" He yelped, analyzing my calm demeanor in panic, "you can't just keep kissing us like that." "You want to be enemies? I thought you accept what I am," I snarled, "you said a kiss is acceptance and you don't want to kiss me." "No, it's more! I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry, I explained it poorly. A kiss isn't something you can just do to anyone you want acceptance from," he said, his eyes flickering back to my lips. "What more is it if it's meant for more than breeding and acceptance? You said that's what it means," I narrowed my eyes at him, frustrated for being so ignorant. I feel stupid and inferior for knowing this wolf has more knowledge than me when my species have been here longer. He should be the i***t, not me! This nincompoop brings me so much rage! "I can't explain it. It's just a feeling, it's something you have to experience to understand," he responded, cupping my face to force me to look him in the eyes, "do you really want to know?" "Yes," I nodded. I will learn more, I want to. I don't want to be clueless. I'm not going to let a wolf stand above me. "Close your eyes and relax, the rest will come on it's own," he said, with much reluctance I listened and felt his hands readjust. One moved back and got lost in my hair while his thumb rested on my cheekbone, the other dropped to my hands in my lap and held them, his thumb caressing over the back of them. Just as I was about to open my eyes, I felt his soft kiss and leaned into it. I parted my lips to relax which made me feel extremely bare, that's when a strong explosion warmed my chest unlike the first time. Tingles swam through my body and I suddenly craved everything involving him. The feeling was abrupt and powerful. I ripped away, throwing myself to the other side of the bed and hissing at him with occasional snarls. What is this feeling? Why didn't I feel this the first time? I don't rely on anyone, so why do I suddenly feel empty away from him? Why do I want to be close? "You infected me!" I growled, shooting him a glare, "we will be nothing more than enemies," I spat, retreating to the depths of my mind and allowing Sylvia the consciousness she's been waiting for.
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