Chapter Four

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Oh no, I can't be dealing with this right now. I'm on the verge of shifting and going on a rampage for being belittled, Harley may be sensitive but she still wants me to kill everyone I see. If anything, the disrespect makes her want it more. I don't know how long I can pretend to be human if this is how they're treated. "I'm talking to you! Look at me while I'm speaking!" I glanced up, scanning the hallway. Okay, so nobody else is around... if I kill her now, it's about thirty feet from the Alpha's room. I can run in there and pretend I had no clue what happened. I'm sure there's at least one person who would love to see her dead so I won't be a suspect. Besides, who would blame the human for killing a werewolf? I'm the last person they'd expect. "Who the f**k do you think you-" she grabbed my shoulder, roughly spinning me to face her and a jolt of warmth shot through my eyes. She gasped and her hands retracted, the color in her face drained and her eyes widened in horror. I quickly closed my eyes to hide their shift and ripped away, mentally cursing for allowing her to get to me. "What the hell are you?" She shrieked, shoving me into the wall with a snarl and I balled my fists to keep my talons from growing. "What are you talking about? You're delusional," I spat, withholding the hiss that threatened to leave my throat. "You hit hard and your eyes change! That's not human!" She growled, gripping the dress and yanking me down to her level to get in my face, "I don't know who you are, but you're nothing here! When the Alpha finds out you're inhuman, he will tear you to shreds for lying! You're a dead-woman walking!" Harley nearly overpowered my control until someone slapped her hands off and shoved her back, taking a protective stance in front of me revealing it was Lucas. This made my raptor calm slightly, now chittering in amusement. "You will not hurt her. I'll be informing the Alpha of your little outburst, so don't get comfy," Lucas snarled, but the she-wolf smirked after throwing me a glare. "Get over yourself, Lucy, and for your own sake stop claiming you report directly to him. You're literally so pathetic," she brushed off his threat and shoulder checked him walking past, coming to a stop right next to me and yanking my body toward her as she whispered, "everyone will find out what you are, b***h. I suggest you leave now while you still can, because Damon won't let you when he figures it out," she shoved away then looked me up and down with a grimace before sauntering off. 'Kill her! Who the f**k does she think she is? Put that wolf in her place! I'll rip her throat out!' No! We have to lay low after this! You need to control yourself and set aside your pride or we're dead! "I hate her so much," Lucas muttered, turning to face me just as Mandy approached us, oblivious to what went down, "I'm so sorry, Luna. Are you alright? Did she hurt you at all? The Alpha will take care of her." "I'm fine. Thank you for stepping in," I stated, my eyes drifting to Mandy as she extended Damon's shirt out to me with a small nod. I took it and returned a nod, forcing a smile at her concerned features making her visibly relax. "Hey, are we still going?" She nudged him and he scanned me in concern. "I'm going to lay down. Thank you guys for doing this," I answered, flushing away the concern on Lucas' face and he smiled at his sister. "Let's go!" She cheered, taking his arm and dragging him with her down the hall. I watched them disappear around the corner before entering Damon's room, his scent hitting me harder than a rock. 'Where are they?' I'm not sure exactly, but he took our talon and wasn't happy about it. Why don't you ask his wolf since you two were so buddy-buddy? 'No! He's a liar, I won't believe anything else he says. Whatever comes out of his jaws will just be to appease me!' Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I made sure to close the door behind me before taking off the dress. My balance wasn't the greatest and I crashed onto the bed, growling lowly in annoyance. I'm still not used to being in my human form. A knock interrupted my silent cursing and I looked up at the door, not being able to reply before the man opened it, "Luna? Hello? Are you-" he froze, his eyes dropping to my nude body as I squinted at him trying to figure out who he is. 'He brought us here. I think his name is Lawson.' I nodded slightly as the dots slowly connected in my head, not realizing he was still staring at my body like he was a statue. Confusion whirled in me as to why he looked so tense and nervous, didn't wolves always see naked people? Wasn't this natural for them? My eyes then dropped to a movement in his pants and I frowned, pressing my legs together when a foreign feeling formed between them. "The Alpha-" he stopped himself again, his brown eyes darkening after he sniffed the air. That's when he closed the door growling lowly. I frantically grabbed Damon's shirt and pulled it on, never straying my eyes away from the man for more than a second. "Wh-What?" I asked, slowly sliding off the bed and cautiously watching him leer at me. "Do I arouse you?" He cleared his throat, obviously struggling to keep his distance while he squeezed the door handle. "I don't think so," I replied, lifting the bottom of the shirt to check but that made him snap. He had me against the wall in seconds and I widened my eyes, staring into his black ones in surprise. "It's my job to serve your every need and want, my Luna," his voice spoke a lot raspier than before, informing me that his wolf was now in complete control, "you're aroused, meaning you have a need that needs served," he whispered, slowly leaning his face closer to mine and panic started to set in. The door suddenly slammed opened and a loud growl made the wolf over me jump away, his eyes instantly fading back to their brown. Damon grabbed him by the throat, squeezing until a pop was heard and snarling dangerously. He held him up to his eye level and the man's feet left the floor. It was my turn to be frozen in my place while the Alpha standing a few feet in front of me deprived his warrior of air, making me genuinely think he was trying to kill him painfully slow. 'He looks so hot right now, the way his muscles flex as he chokes him to death, and how he stares him down like prey. Now that's a protector, a provider... a partner,' she made a purr-like noise, sending aches between my legs the more she purred for him. What are you doing to me, Harley? What's gotten into you? 'I want to breed. Our species chose if we wanted lovers, the strongest males always got mates because the females were drawn to them. Having a strong lover made it so we could care for our young properly without stress. We instinctively have the desire to breed when we come across a strong male.' They can smell us, so you need to chill the hell out! "Do I make myself clear?" An angry growl ripped me back to reality and I blinked, horrifically watching the dark-red wolf nod the best he could, prying at Damon's hand to no avail. "Y-es A-Alp-ha," he strained, his words barely a whisper but it was enough to grant him freedom. As soon as his feet found the floor again, he dashed out of the room coughing and gasping. "Did he touch you?" Damon turned to me, every sign of rage left and was quickly replaced with concern. "No, just startled me," I responded, stiffening when he extended his hand and cupped my cheek, pulling me into his chest and inhaling the scent of my hair deeply. "If it weren't for my wolf, I wouldn't have known. Where is Lucas? He was supposed to be with you until I got back," he snarled in frustration, tightening his hold around me and my raptor chittered approvingly. This is the first time she's been so happy. I'm just afraid our secret will get out, that'll ruin her and we would have to flee the country... again. We came from South America because word got out about what I was, now we're in North America for a fresh start. "Why are you, uh, aroused?" He asked awkwardly, his eyes were nearly black as well but he still seemed to be in complete control unlike his warrior, Lawson. "I don't know," I lied partially, knowing I'm hornier because of what my raptor said but I'm not sure why it started. I seen the other wolf get hard so I got aroused too, but I don't know why. Harley only found Damon arousing, so the other wolf was all me. "You don't... know?" He sounded perplexed, leaning back and tilting my chin up to meet his eyes, "were you never taught about s*x? Have you never experimented? I thought humans did all those activities by the age thirteen." They might, I'm just not human. "I didn't," I mumbled, expecting him to make an insulting comment like the other's but he caressed my cheek with his thumb and made me tense by softly pressing his lips to my forehead. "Either way, you don't have to sound so ashamed," he whispered. I raised my head to meet his eyes again and froze with our close proximity. His nose grazed over mine and the feeling between my legs worsened, making my heart begin to race and a blush tint my cheeks. 'Breed,' she chittered, sending another wave of heat through me and his eyes widened a bit, his hold on my chin tightening slightly. He must've smelt it. My hands mindlessly lifted, slowly removing his hold on my chin by wrapping my hand around his while my other hand gently planted against his cheek. His hot body temperature made every feeling in me much worse and I grew a strange, mind controlling crave for his touch. He began to lean in after scanning my expression, our lips hardly grazed when Harley clawed too close to the surface and my eyes flashed a rapid tingle. I closed them and ripped away with a gasp, turning my back to him before opening them once more after they returned to normal. What the hell just happened? I can't believe I almost lost control. I've never done that before. I've always had strong control over my raptor, she's never gotten so close to surfacing without my permission. This can't be good. "What happened? Did I come off too strong? I shouldn't have pushed my life on you the way I did, Sylvia, I'm sorry," he stated, placing his hand on my back and sending another jolt through my eyes as they shifted again. Suddenly, my body acted on its own. I whipped around and yanked his face down to mine, our lips met and he went rigid under my grasp. 'We must breed!' Harley snarled lividly. I quickly realized she overpowered me for the first time ever, forcing me down as I always did with her making everything go dark. **** I felt myself return to consciousness after what felt like forever, seeing I was laying in a bed. My heartbeat fastened and I jumped away when I registered his arm over my waist. He looked startled, sitting up with me and scanning my horrified features in confusion. That's when I noticed he was shirtless and my terror worsened, his chiseled body disappearing under the blanket. I only hoped he had clothes on and we didn't- "We didn't do anything," he confirmed, his eyes still fixated on my face as if he were trying to find something, "do you not remember what you did?" I shook my head, knowing it wasn't me but Harley. He then continued, "you kissed me, very passionately might I add, and you forced me to the bed which was quite odd considering..." he trailed off, referring to his werewolf strength and my 'human' strength, "but I stopped anything that it could've escalated into because, well, how do I put this? It just didn't feel like you. I don't want to do anything big when you're clouded by emotion, so after much struggle I got you to lay down to calm yourself. I'm shirtless because that seemed to be the only way you complied with me, oddly enough." I gave a slow nod, taking a hesitant seat back on the bed eyeing him closely. He proceeded to shamelessly analyze me. "If anything I said made you feel pressured, I apologize. That wasn't my intention, Syl, I want to take this at your pace. I understand my species differ from yours and I respect that. I will wait, just like a human would," he stated, running his hand through his hair and finally averting his gaze with furrowed brows. It looked as though his words bothered him, then I remembered Lucas saying he doesn't like humans all that much. If he doesn't like humans, but wants to be with me because I'm his mate... maybe there's a chance he will look past the fact I'm a raptor for that reason. I might be able to have a life- a life where I don't have to look over my shoulder and worry. He's looking past the thought that I'm human, so can I trust he will look past the fact I'm a raptor? 'No, we cannot risk it. It's best we remain secret, we have to stay in hiding to survive. Remember what our parents told us?' Weren't you just trying to have children with him less than ten minutes ago? 'I couldn't control myself, my primal instincts kicked in and it was like hypnosis. I wouldn't choose a mate if my life depended on it. What happened wasn't me, that's why we need to leave immediately. I fear this wolf's mate bond affects us, too.' This just got a lot more complicated...
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