Chapter Three

2760 Words
'Let's leave now. Kill this wolf and run! The Alpha will find out and we will pay the price. It isn't safe here, we're better alone!' "Luna? Are you alright?" I looked up at him and nodded, putting on my best fake smile, "I'm fine, and my name's Sylvia," I informed, watching him nod in return and hold his hand out to me. "I'm sure you've heard but my name's Lucas. It's so nice to finally meet you," he smiled in return, noticing I wasn't making any attempt to shake his hand and retracted it hastily. He awkwardly cleared his throat, "don't worry, Damon's not angry at you." Yes, he is. "I know, I'm not worried about it," I shrugged, plopping back on the bed and hoping he will leave. Unfortunately, I didn't hear footsteps or the door closing. "You're just going to lay in bed all day?" He asked, beginning to annoy me with his presence. Am I kissing goodbye to having even an ounce of damn alone time staying here or what? "Yes, leave," I groaned, closing my eyes and curling into the blankets until a hand grabbed the blanket and pulled it away. "Come on, let's do something together! It'll help you get more comfortable around here!" He suddenly leaned over my body and I opened my eyes, nearly punching him for putting his face directly in front of mine. "Let's sleep," I scowled, watching him grin. "I can't sleep with you, Luna, Damon will kill me," he chuckled, still not removing his face away from mine. "And he'll be fine with how close you are?" I challenged, almost vocally cheering when he squeaked in realization and jumped away with a dark red face. "Sorry!" He bowed, "I just want to be friends, you know how much bragging I can do to everyone if they find out I'm friends with the Luna? I'm the laughing stock of the pack because I'm the Beta, they don't believe I have one on one conversations with the Alpha. They just think I got this role to seem important in order to have people like me." "Wait, you're telling me the Alpha doesn't talk to his people?" I asked, jolting into a sitting position in surprise and he nodded. "He's always so busy, he lives in his office and nobody is allowed to disturb him. He's loaded in paperwork and if not that then rogues and any trespasser. Only the pack warriors and I have spoke to him one on one, everyone else goes through me when they want something because he doesn't have time. That's why they dislike me, they think I just want to steal the light from him and he's never around to blow off that rumor," he sighed, making slight pity swirl inside me. Lucas works the second hardest in this pack and nobody respects that, they all just act childish and bully him. "And they still follow him even though he never gives them any attention?" I asked, tilting my head and feeling pretty impressed. He must be a great leader to be able to treat everyone like they mean nothing and they still respect him. "Yes, everyone knows he's doing it to protect them," he stated. "Then what's up with some brunette laying in his bed? That contradicts what you're telling me," I pointed out, his expression paled slightly and his eyes went wide. "Claire! Oh god-" he abruptly stopped, groaning loudly, "she happened to run into him a few nights ago when he was leaving to finalize the treaty with the vampires and now she thinks she's special to him because he spoke nicely to her. Just because he doesn't have time to see everyone, doesn't mean he's going to be a d**k when he does and she needs to learn that, but she's so convinced he likes her." "He must've said something flirty to give her that impression, I'm sure she isn't-" he cut me off. "He gave her a nod in acknowledgment and told her to have a good night as they passed each other in the hallway," he replied flatly, shooting down any benefit of the doubt I had for her. Do people seriously do that? Who in their right mind would think they're being hit on after a polite encounter? What has this world come to? The more I hear, the more I realized I should've stayed secluded and alone. 'I'll shove a talon straight through her throat so she'll leave him alone!' Harley hissed, the amount of anger in her voice took me by surprise. Woah, calm down, why're you acting so jealous? 'I'm not! She just needs to learn boundaries and be respectful to her superior,' she snapped, growling lowly at my accusation. Yeah, not jealous... "So what do you say? Friends?" Lucas pulled me out of my thoughts, smiling hopefully at me. He seems to be the second most powerful in this pack, just below the Alpha, so being his friend may not be so terrible. As long as I can use him while staying away from Damon as much as possible, I could potentially have a good thing going here. They seem to put me next to Alpha status and I could use that to my advantage. "Yes, we can be friends," I smiled, he let out an ear piercing squeal that I was unaware a male voice could make before scooping me off the bed and embracing me in a tight hug. "Wait," he suddenly froze, leaning back and scanning my face with a look of confusion, "why do you smell... weird?" "Wow, thanks," I remarked, scowling, but he shook his head. "No, it's not that you smell weird, it's that you don't smell at all. I've been around many humans, Damon sends me to do any human related work because he can't stand them and they still have a scent. You don't," he frowned, sniffing the air and leaning closer with each sniff. I leaned back the closer his very focused face got to mine like we're two of the same ends on a magnet, grimacing when he stopped and squinted his eyes at me. What the hell is he doing? "Why can't I smell you?" He asked, suddenly leaning his head to my neck and tightening his hold on me while sniffing. 'Get him off or I'll tear his heart out and force it down his throat with the strings still attached so he's alive through it all.' "Okay buddy, what's there to do here?" I cleared my throat, squirming in his hold until he finally let me go. "Anything you want!" He grinned, completely forgetting his suspicions of me, "we have a movie theater, a pool, a spa, an arcade- or we could go to the mall so we could get you some clothes! It's the only place we share with the humans." Clothes? Hm, I might as well agree if I'm going to be sticking in this form for awhile. He can help me pick them out. I haven't had clothes since I was a toddler when my parents did so for me. "Let's go shopping," I nodded, watching him grin wickedly. He doesn't seem very masculine the more I speak to him, if anything he has a lot of feminine characteristics that make me strangely comfortable around him. I think I like Lucas already. 'I don't trust him. We need to be alone or with the Alpha. I am certain the Alpha won't hurt us because he needs us to survive, this man has no business with us. Get him away.' Ignoring her, I pushed down the urge to dig my nails into his face due to her attempts to take control. One thing I hate is whatever she feels, I feel, and if it's strong enough it'll influence me like mind-control. I black out and obey to her demands if it gets bad. Thankfully, I have pretty much mastered keeping her under control. "You good with going commando for a few hours? My sister might have a sundress you could borrow," he tapped his chin, his eyes analyzing my figure before he snatched my hand and dragged me out of the room. I closed the door behind us as we practically ran down the hall, steering a corner and barging into a random room. "Mandy! The Luna and I are going shopping, do you think you could help us out?" He yelled, startling the blonde she-wolf on the bed who had headphones in. The girl took them out and scanned me over, a huge grin plastering across her lips. "Only if I can go!" She yelled right back, jumping to her feet and running into her closet. A few seconds later she ran out with a short, beautiful blue dress and approached me with a head bow, "try this, we look to be the same size but I also can't judge when you're wearing the Alpha's baggy shirt. It won't hurt to try." I nodded, taking the clothing from her and she led me to the bathroom. I walked in and closed the door, hearing them conversing outside the door but trying not to eavesdrop. I focused on taking off the shirt and sliding the dress on, frowning at how tight it was. I know I'm not fat, but neither is she. My body is built wider than hers, regardless if we both are fit supernatural beings. My ribs, hips, butt, shoulders, and breasts all pop out more than hers. I'm broader, otherwise I'm certain it'd fit perfectly. I noticed werewolf females are petite, they still have beautiful curves and toned muscles but their structure is naturally smaller. As for me, I have all the same things, they're just enlarged. I'm like them except enhanced and it has everything to do with what we are. Why am I suddenly feeling so insecure about it? Werewolf females are smaller which means their human form needs to be parallel in order to create an easy shift, the human form of a shifter has to resemble their shifted forms. My raptor is bigger than a female wolf which means my human form is going to be bigger than theirs, it's to accommodate for our animals. Unfortunately, the male werewolves are still bigger than me, but that's because of gender. A male raptor would be bigger than a male werewolf just as I am bigger than a female. Both males are bigger than me, only males can outsize other males. I adjusted the dress then stepped out of the bathroom, ending their conversation. They looked up at me and Mandy giggled, "girl, you look like a linebacker!" 'Girl, you look like a f*****g gummy bear,' Harley mocked with a snarl, very dissatisfied with her comment. She's very defensive over our size because we're the biggest female shifters still alive, deep down I know she's insecure about it so I let her remark slide. "Yeah, I feel like I look like a man in this," I rubbed the side of my neck and Lucas chuckled, Mandy shook her head and approached me with a smile. She turned me around and messed with the back, making the dress suddenly loose. "Good thing I buy the ones with ties, my weight is unstable and I'm too stingy with my money to keep buying clothes," she laughed, fixing the tie then stepping back and Lucas suddenly bursted into laughter. "I can't! I'm sorry, I just can't!" He wheezed, holding his knees for support and making heat flush my cheeks. I wanted to crawl into a box and rot away, feeling embarrassment tug at me for his unexplained laughter. 'They're making fun of us! Teach them respect. Dig your nails in their eyes.' "What he means, Luna, is that you should avoid dresses if you don't want to be rudely talked about," she put her hand on my shoulder, smiling pitifully at me which made Harley furious. "I respect the muscles because I understand human's have to actually work for them, but with definition like that you look absolutely ridiculous in a dress. Your arms are almost manly," he wiped his eye and coughed, calming from his laughing fit and I heard my raptor caw small cries at his words. My heart tightened upon hearing them. She's never cried over anything other than the mistreatment she's received from the moon goddess, and even then she stays strong until I go to sleep because she doesn't want me to hear her. She's very stern when it comes to her dominance and strength, she hates being disparaged. Though she's always resorted to anger and murder, never crying, which tells me this seriously hurt her. Then again, she's never experienced someone making fun of her insecurity. It's always just been me and her, in fact, neither of us are used to the feedback. "Oh my god, we are so sorry Luna- look what you did, you jackass!" Mandy growled at her brother who looked at me, his amusement dropped and I was confused until I felt my eyes burning followed by warm liquid running down my cheeks. What's going on? Why are my eyes bleeding? I don't recall hurting them. Wait, am I crying? No, I can't be. I haven't cried once in my life... not even when my parents died. When someone cries, do their eyes bleed? I touched the warm liquid and looked at my fingers, furrowing my eyebrows at the water with anticipation of seeing blood. Water comes from your eyes when you cry? But why does crying involve your eyes when it's an internal pain? I thought crying was sounds like gurgles and chitters to ease the pain you feel, not a physical thing I can't seem to control. "I'm so sorry, Sylvia," he frowned deeply, "I didn't know you were sensitive over that, I'm so sorry! You look amazing, I'm sorry." "I-I don't want to go anymore," I muttered, a cold feeling pricked my heart and a small whimper accidentally left my mouth. "Here, how about I measure you and do your shopping? Is that fine with you? Do you have a specific style?" Mandy asked softly, "we will make it up to you, just all we ask is please don't tell the Alpha. He will be livid." "No, pick whatever you think will look nice," I frowned, watching Lucas hand her a metal square that ejected a yellow stick with numbers on it. She wrapped it around my waist and mumbled to herself, "thirty-four," she moved up to my breasts and was careful not to touch them, "forty-seven," she whispered, sliding down to my hips, "fifty-two." She clicked the yellow metal back into the box and smiled, "and how tall are you?" "Five-eleven," I mumbled, watching her eyes widen and Lucas' jaw dropped. "What? We noticed you were tall but s**t! I'm only six-one!" He stated, glancing at Mandy, "and she's only five-three!" "Yeah, the tallest girl in this pack is Claire! She's five-seven when she decides not to wear those obnoxious high heels," she added, causing the water in my eyes to return and my raptor gurgled in sadness. 'We are different. Mother made her new creations slimmer, she didn't like our size and no one will. We are ugly... we are mistakes.' "If you're that upset over your muscles, then why do you workout?" I don't. I had natural muscles and they weren't that big because I'm a female, however, ever since I had to start fighting for my life everyday they grew. But it's not like I can tell you that... 'Kill them and run.' I quickly looked down when my eyes tingled and I balled my fists, feeling my extending talons pierce the flesh on my palm. "Just shut up, Lucas. The more you speak, the more of a chance she will tell Alpha. If I were Luna, I'd for sure tell him if I felt I was being bullied. So let's just go make it up to her," Mandy said, stepping away from me and grabbing him. 'One s***h and you'll hit both their throats, do it then run. Escape out the window.' "I'm going to lay down," I blurted, rushing out of the room and making my way back to the bedroom. I felt myself calming as I rounded a corner and a breath of relief left my mouth, that was until a familiar snarky voice came from behind me. "So how did he punish you for hurting me?"
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