Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 When Jerry arrived home, Sarah left a letter for Jerry laying on the dining room table along with a note explaining that she was out shopping. After Jerry read Sarah's note, he picked up the letter and opened it. He was shocked when he saw it was from his ex-fiancee, Cathie Strickly. He thought he would never have to hear from Cathie after she was convicted of second-degree attempted murder for trying to kill him. The judge handed Cathie a life sentence of 25 to life with possibility for parole. He was sure she would never get parole. It was shocking that Cathie was getting parole after just ten years in prison. Her letter had mentioned that she was getting time off for being a model prisoner. Jerry tossed the letter in the trash. “How could she get out so quick?” Jerry thought to himself. Cathie Strickly is decorating her new apartment after getting out of prison. She knew that all she had to do was be the model prisoner. She went so far as to work whenever she could, be it, in the kitchen, laundry, she even got to work in the infirmary a few times. She knew it would be worth it if she could get early parole. And sure enough, it paid off. She managed to convince those stupid fools on the parole board that she was a changed person. Damn, she was good! She knew she had it in her to be convincing. Now she was decorating her secret room in her new apartment: photos and clippings of Jerry, past and present. In fact, one wall was devoted to his work as The Gifter that she managed to get via her trusted henchman, Rusty, who was such a dear to her. Rusty would do anything for Cathie, so it was no problem when she asked him to find Jerry and paid him for his work getting proof that Jerry was The Gifter. Now, all Cathie had to do was put her next plan in motion. Kill Jerry's wife, Sarah, so she could resume her life as Jerry's rightful wife. And she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted!
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