Chapter 6

455 Words
Chapter 6 Sarah was cooking a special dinner for Jerry when he came home from work. Even Sarah had no clue that Jerry was The Gifter. Sarah's special dinner was almost done when she heard footsteps coming up the back stairs. She went to look who it was, but was knocked unconscious by the intruder. The intruder drug Sarah into the bedroom and laid her on the bed, bound and gagged. Then the intruder waited at Sarah's beautifully arranged table for Jerry to arrive home. Jerry tried to help a young teen boy who was shivering from the cold winter, but the boy recognized him from his photo on the news and assumed that Jerry was working him, so he ran off. Jerry cursed the person who blew his cover and and vowed to find out who did it. But for now, the only thing Jerry could do was go home to his wife. So he got into his car and went home. When Jerry pulled into his drive, he sensed something wasn't right, so he walked cautiously in the front door. As he called out Sarah's name, the house was strangely quiet. “That's weird?” Jerry muttered to himself. “Sarah never leaves home by herself this time of night?” He continued to walk into the kitchen to find that Cathie was sitting at Sarah's beautifully arranged table. It was obvious that Sarah had meant to surprise him with dinner, but Cathie was here instead. “What the hell are you doing here?” Jerry asked, shocked to find Cathie in his home. “Well, thanks for the greeting, Jerry love!” Cathie greeted him. “Is that any way to greet your wife?” “You are not my wife!” Jerry spit at her. “Where's Sarah?!” “She's in the bedroom!” Cathie told him. “You can see her later. You and I have some unfinished business!” “I have nothing to say to you!” Jerry said to her. Jerry began running towards his and Sarah's bedroom, but Cathie knocked him out cold before he could get to her. “Sorry, Jerry dear, I had to do that!” Cathie said. Leaving Jerry in the living room, Cathie headed for the bedroom with a knife. She opened the door to find that Sarah had managed to break free of the ropes and gag and escaped out the window. She was nowhere to be seen. Fuming, Cathie headed to the bedroom to find Jerry was missing too. She looked out the window to see Jerry and Sarah pulling away in their car. “You won't get away that easy, Jerry dear!” Cathie vowed to herself.
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