Chapter 4

376 Words
Chapter 4 Jerry made the mistake of helping Senator Robert Truman when he lost his senate seat due to scandal Word got out that Sen. Truman was having an affair with the famous Hollywood actress, Shaely Harrison, most notably known for her recent movie, The Supernatural Project, that co-starred, Jimmy Henderson. Sen. Truman was seen on numerous occasions having dinner with Ms. Harrison. But the last photo op was of the two of them kissing in Cabo San Lucas when Sen. Truman was supposedly in senate meetings. Sen. Truman had managed to skip the senate meetings and make his way to Cabo to spend some time with Ms. Harrison. After the scandalous affair was exposed, Sen. Truman's devoted wife, Daisy, who was devastated by the affair, threw him out of their mansion and filed for divorced. Daisy got a sizable chunk of Sen. Truman's estate, which left him virtually penniless and homeless. With nowhere to turn, Sen. Truman was on the streets, panhandling for food. He couldn't believe one affair could do this to him. When Jerry came upon Sen. Truman panhandling, he immediately felt compassion for him and walked with him to the shelter. When Jerry and Robert Truman arrived at the shelter, a volunteer worker immediately recognized Jerry. “Hey, Jerry, how's it hanging! So you're The Gifter that everyone is talking about?” “What? No way, I have no idea what you are talking about?”Jerry told the volunteer. “Sure you do. It's all been aired on YouTube. Everyone you've helped. It's all on YouTube.” the volunteer informed him. “What do you mean, it's all on YouTube?” Jerry asked. “Here. Here's the link. Go see for yourself.” the volunteer told him, scribbling the link on paper for Jerry. Jerry took the piece of paper from the volunteer, who took Robert Truman in and helped him to a warm bed and meal. Jerry couldn't believe all his hard work was blown. His identity as The Gifter had been exposed. How could he do good for others now that his identity had been blown? Who could have exposed his secret? Jerry intended to find out just who blew his anonymous identity and posted it up on YouTube.
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