Chapter 12

368 Words
Chapter 12 Jerry couldn't believe that Sarah was gay. Something didn't add up. Jerry remembered the rude woman who called Sarah a lesbian and Sarah nearly let the woman have it. So Jerry knew that Sarah was hiding something big from him and that Cathie was holding something over her to let him believe she was gay. But what could be so bad that Sarah would want Jerry to think she was gay? Jerry went online to do a search for Sarah's past. After ten years of marriage, Jerry suddenly realized, he didn't know much of Sarah's past and she was always vague whenever he brought it up and clammed up almost instantly. When he typed in Sarah's maiden name, he hit pay dirt. He saw an article where Sarah was arrested for p**********n and drugs at just age 13. This made Jerry dig even more for Sarah's past, as he wondered what would lead his wife into the world of p**********n and drugs. And then he found it. The article about her father's trial describing in detail how he forced Sarah's brother into having s*x with Sarah when she was just 7-years-old, and having s*x with her himself. Then he saw in the article that Sarah ended up pregnant at 12 years of age and didn't know if her father or brother was the father. The article also said that Sarah's father went to prison for 20 years, but was paroled after just 5 years for good behavior. Then it revealed that Sarah's brother never went to trial as he killed himself in jail before he could go to trial, suffering from depression and severe mental cruelty at the hands of his and Sarah's father. Then, the article went on to describe how Sarah had given the baby up for adoption before even knowing the s*x of the baby or knowing who the father was. So now that Jerry knew the truth about his wife's past, he had to figure out a way to turn the table's on Cathie and bring Sarah home. Cathie would be sorry for everything she was doing to his wife. Jerry would make sure Cathie went back to prison where she belonged.
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