Chapter 11

327 Words
Chapter 11 “Hello, Cathie.” Cathie's mother, Roberta said when she saw Cathie's number show up on her cell. “Hello, mother. How is Stephen doing?” “He's doing okay. He's coloring in his book.” “That's good. I've been detained longer than I expected and won't be home for another week.” Cathie told her mother. “So does Jerry know about his wife's son?” “No, he doesn't. His perfect Sarah never even told him, the lying b***h!” “So Jerry doesn't even have a clue about his wife's past?!” “No, he doesn't. For now, I've got her pretending to be my lover to keep her secret, but little does Sarah know, that I have her son.” “When do you plan on revealing the secret?” “When Sarah least expects it. Sarah won't know what hit her.” Cathie tells her mother. “Then, Jerry will be all mine again. Jerry will be begging to take me back when he discovers just who his precious Sarah really is and what she's done.” “Well, I hope you're right, Cathie? I don't want this blowing up in your face.” “Don't worry mother, all is going according to my plan.” Cathie says, reassuringly, as she hangs up. Cathie gets a sly smile on her face. Sarah really is a stupid woman. Does she really think I will keep her promise and not reveal her secret? Pretending to be Sarah's lover was just biding Cathie time until she reveals Sarah's 14-year-old son, Stephen, to her and Jerry. Cathie pretended to be a long-lost girlfriend of Sarah's in order to adopt Sarah's son. It was all part of Cathie's plan to get Jerry back. And what better way than to expose the one secret that Sarah was keeping from Jerry. Cathie was so sure that Jerry would never forgive Sarah once her secret was out.
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