Chapter 13

417 Words
Chapter 13 Cathie didn’t know that Jerry was on to her schemes when she drove into his driveway to leave a surprise for him. She was hoping he would forget all about Sarah and come back to her, she got a shock when she used the key to get into Jerry and Sarah’s home. Jerry was sitting in a chair in the living room when Cathie let herself in with the key under Jerry’s door step. “Hello, Cathie!” Jerry greeted his ex-wife. “Jerry?” Cathie said, startled that he’d even be home. She had calculated Jerry’s lifestyle and was sure he’d be gone so she could enter without being seen. “Surprised to see me?” Jerry said. “No.” she lied. “What did you want, Cathie?” “Nothing.” Cathie said, trying to get out fast before Jerry could find out what she was up to. “You break into mine and my wife’s home…for nothing?” Jerry said, not buying her bull. “Sarah isn’t good enough for you, Jerry.” “Let me be the judge of that!” Jerry said ired. “You know what we had? Don’t you?” “Lies? Manipulations? You call that love?” “Jerry, you know I loved you. I had your son.” “A son that I found out wasn’t mine because you slept with my brother!” “It wasn’t supposed to be like that?” Cathie pleaded. “Stop with the lies!” Jerry told her. “I’m on to you!” “What lies?” “The lie that Sarah was gay! You forced her to confess it!” “I did not!” Cathie defended herself. “I read the story online! You didn’t think Sarah would blog about this?” “She did?” Cathie said, sounding shocked. And just as Jerry had the goods on his ex-wife, Sarah came in from the kitchen after getting home from grocery shopping and got caught in the scuffle. “Sarah, watch out!” Jerry yelled at his wife as he tried to shield her from Cathie. Cathie grabbed Sarah and held her hostage as leverage to get what she wanted. “Come any closer and she dies!” Cathie said pointing a gun at Sarah’s forehead.
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