Don't Anger me (I)

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Don't anger me ~ 6 Black and Alex were sitting with Neha's parents when Neha came out of her room. She wasn't looking comfortable as Black had once again started staring at Neha with blank eyes. " Come sit beta," Neha's mom said and told Neha to sit beside her husband. Of course, Neha doesn't like it when her mother denoted Black as her husband but soon poor girl reminded herself that Black is her reality now and no matter how hard she tries to vanish this truth from her life but the reality is that she has been wearing Black's nuptial chain in her neck. With a heavy heart sigh and an aching heart, Neha nods her head and slowly starts walking towards Black but suddenly she twists her leg and falls hard. Neha screamed in pain, holding her leg and soon tears started brimming out of her eyes. Everyone runs towards Neha but before anyone grabs her shoulder and asks her anything, Black scoops her in his arms. Neha's entire family stopped at their respective places and started looking at the newlywed couple. Someone of the family members even gasps in shock and some were blushing to see the proximity between the couple. Neha's eyes also opened wide in shock and of course embarrassment. " Put me ..(He didn't listen to her, Neha once again look around her then she looked at Black)... Put me down...... Right now " Neha tried to say in a stern tone but her voice comes out like a whisper. "Please..." She almost begged him, Black tightened his grip on her, " I am ok, I was kidding... Please..... Put me down " Neha said and lowered her gaze because of embarrassment. But Black was in no mood to believe her words. He took her towards the couch and carefully placed her on it. They were looking so beautiful together, just like the couples in fairytales. Black sat on his knees and tries to grab her leg but Neha quickly hugs her knees. Many of the gazes were blessing them but some of the gazes had anger and jealousy too. Neha see her family then she looked at her husband who was staring at her with an unknown emotion. Looking at Black's face it was clear that Black don't know how to show affection and how to express his feelings. "Let me see your foot...!" Black's voice was cold and dominating but behind his plain tone, Alex could feel Black's love for Neha. Black again tries to grab her leg but Neha clasps his palm. She was feeling extremely uneasy, she felt the spark in her palm, She was feeling as if she grabbed the hand of the devil, so she quickly released his palm. "I was falsifying" Black's eyes turned super deadly, as he hate lairs but he only grits his teeth in anger. "Never lie to me again!" Black said in a cold tone, Neha looked into his eyes for a second but didn't say a word to him. Black badly wants to slap Neha but because of her family, he composed his anger. Neha quickly stands up and walks away from that place, as she had been feeling too embarrassed to tolerate all the gazes of her family. Neha's parents were staring at the newlyweds with love and admiration but her parents also understood that it would be so hard for their daughter to move on from Karan. Neha's parents and family walk near Black and told Black to sit on the couch. Black sat on the couch and his inlaws sat on the sofa " So when are you planning to shift your business here, " asked Neha's cousin's brother to Black. " You know Gibby, his business is huge, and we need some time to transfer our work here. We need approx two to three months for that," Alex said, Black only gave his inlaws a forced tight lip cold nod. " Then let Neha stay here for three months, (Black looked at Panchi) I mean, she has a business here and we know nothing about her work," Panchi said to Black. Black was about to yell at Panchi but Luck was at Black's side. Before Black opens his mouth, their chat got interrupted by Neha. " No Panchi! (Everyone turned their attention to Neha) I'll go with him, I have some work in the USA. And it's better if I moved from here. I want a new start... And about our business, so I know you'll take great care of our business in my absence, " Neha said with teary eyes. Everyone made a miserable face after seeing her red tear-filled eyes, except Black. He was burning in rage and jealousy if he had the power he'll surely vanish all the traces of Karan from her mind. On the other hand, Alex pleads with Neha with his eyes not to come with them but Neha ignored his eye signals. " But Neha you said, you love here then why do you want to go to the USA? " Neha's mother said with a worried expression. She doesn't want to send her daughter far away from her especially when she knows how homesick Neha is. Neha's father steps in the direction, "Your husband is ready to transfer his business here, I don't think you should leave the country," Neha's father said, Neha gave her father a sad smile. " Please try and understand me. It's not about him but it's about me. (She paused as her past with Karan was appearing in her mind) It's better if I accept this relationship because now he is my destiny and I can't run away from him," Neha said with a heavy heart and tears once again rolls down from her beautiful eyes. Neha bites her lips to control her sob and walks out of her home. Neha's mom sat beside Black, and that was when Black remove his gaze from the door and looked at his mom-in-law. "Son Neha is such a sensitive girl. Karan was the most important part of her life and it will be hard for her to move on but I am sure your love will heal all the scars that he left on her heart (Neha's mother wiped her tears) she is a very shy and emotional fool, Please take care of our daughter. (She paused thinking about the excitement of Neha before the marriage) Please deal with her with patience," Neha's mom said to Black in a motherly tone. With the help of a translator Black understood her words and looking at his mother-in-law's expression he understood her feelings too. Black nods her head and once again turned his attention to the door. Black signals to Alex to chase Neha and Alex walkout out of the house in search of Mrs. Black Knight. Neha was sitting at the door of the temple and looking at the god without blinking her eyes. Tears were also constantly rolling out of her eyes and she wasn't attempting to wipe her tears. **Why did you snatch my Karan from me? Why? I never did anything wrong with anyone then why you shattered my dreams and crush my soul so brutally, **Neha said in her mind. She lost count of how long she stayed inside the temple but when the priest shook that was when she came out of her thoughts and noticed the old-looking man in front of her. She instantly bent down and took the blessing from the priest, "May you live a long, happy, and healthy life with your husband..." Hearing the blessing, Neha's body turned rigid for a second but she didn't say anything to the priest. In the evening Neha reached her home, and without eating anything she walks inside her room, but when she sees the condition of her room she grits her teeth in anger. Neha steps into the washroom and changed her clothes into a simple dress and but when she walks out her gaze fell on her husband who was staring at her with a very dark expression. Seeing him in her bedroom her breath hitched, and her body starts trembling in fear. She starts taking steps back. But his hard voice turns her blood into her veins, " Don't angry me Neha...!" Black said in a stern tone His angry voice stopped her in her tracks, She fists the towel tightly and starts taking deep breaths to calm her beating heart. Black slowly walks near her and once again she starts taking steps back. Suddenly she back hit the wall, now there was no place to go, Her gaze fell on the washroom but before she runs into the washroom Black grabs her hand and drags her towards the bed. Neha's whole body starts shivering in fear, she tried to release her hand from his tight grip but Black only tightened his grip over her palm in rage. He was angry because she was trying to run away from him. All of sudden, Black pushed her onto the bed and hover over her frame, Neha fisted his shirt and closes her eyes tightly. She starts waiting for his torture but it never comes. " I'll not hurt you..."He said staring at her scared expression, then those moments occurred in his mind when he had witnessed her looking into Karan's eyes with so much love but he brush off his hare feelings She opened her eyes and looked into his eyes for a second, then she started staring at his neck. He lovingly brushes off her hair from her face and puts a kiss on her forehead, "Today you made me so happy, (She was confused as she have no idea how she made him happy) And don't worry I'll not make love to you here, (Black how her body turned rigid under him hearing love-making words from his mouth) I want to take your first time in my mansion, our mansion, " Black said last line with so much hate and anger. Black thought Neha is not a virgin as Neha and Karan was in a relationship with each other for the last two years.
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