Don't Anger Me (II)

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Neha can see the anger in his eyes, his eyes were looking so dark and blank just like a dense dangerous jungle. No one could guess what he had been thinking at the moment. And his devil-like expressions were scaring her to death. She was feeling as if she was facing the god of hell... Tears once again welled up in her eyes, and she starts sobbing silently as she don't want her family to hear her sobs and get worried for her. Her sob took him out of his lala world and he fists her jaws very angrily " I have some questions for you and I want your honest answer (He paused seeing the transparent perls which were rolling out of her eyes and making her look so innocent) I hate liars so be careful while giving answers " Black said very sternly, his harsh breath was fanning her face and filling more terror into her. If her life was in her hand she'll surely slip it... Black raised his brow at her in a deadly manner and due to his fear, she instantly nodded her head. His heart skips its beat seeing her innocent nod, he tried to resist his feelings but ended up kissing her cheeks, nose, and forehead and then he got up from her body. Neha quickly wiped her tears and tried to sit away from him but her husband's one glare was enough for her to stop her stupid attempts of going away from him. Black pulls her near him and traces his fingers on her beautiful red lips, and her cheek and then roams his fingers on her back neck. His touch was giving her chills, She was feeling as if thousands of ants has been running over her body. On the other side, Black sucked a deep breath and gulped his emotions with his saliva. He badly wants to suck her rosy red lips hard but he knew if he did that he'll lose control of himself and soon he'll end up claiming her body and he don't want to claim her here in her house. So he gathered all the courage and made little distance between them. Only he knew how hard it was for him. She was surprised and happy too but suddenly he told her to sit in front of him. Neha did what he asked her, " Do you still love that bastard?" Black asked in a very low but dangerous tone while he fists the bedsheet very tightly in anger. Her throat turns dry and she started looking into his ice-cold eyes like she have seen a ghost in front of her eyes. Well, Black wasn't less than any ghost. Neha knew if she lied he'll get angry and can do anything to her in her bedroom. After all, she had witnessed his madness over his body in Australia, so, she decided to give him an honest answer. He was staring at her very keenly just like a hunter staring at his prey, Her lips were wobbling too much, but still, she gathered all the courage and gently opened her mouth. " You...(She licked her lips to calm herself. Her husband and see how she has been struggling while speaking to him. Her chest popped up when she sucked a deep breath) ..... husband......and ...I..... married you (when she called him her husband he felt as if someone poured divine music in his ear. He was feeling blessed ) I'll ..(She paused)....never betray you " Neha said with great difficulty. In outrage, Black slapped her so hard that blood start dripping out of her lips. Neha put her hand on her mouth to control her sob, it's not like she can't scream and gather her family but she knew her husband's power that's why she planned to stay quiet. Black fists her hair very tightly and grit his teeth in anger. There was only a one-inch gap between their faces. His eyes were emitting fire, He was staring at her with such rage that was second she almost forget to breathe. " Do you still love him or not? " Black asked once again with a very calm and calculative expression. He was staring at her with such intensity that for a second he felt as if he could see her heart and her feelings too. " I.......forget.......about him ......when you.....tied...the nuptial.......chain..... around my .... neck. I swear I whole heartily accepted you as my husband " Neha said, more tears rolls out of her eyes as Black was fisting her hair so painfully. Black releases her hair, then he wipes her cheeks one by one with his thumbs and sits once again close to her. " Why you left Australia all of a sudden? (he asks as this question was bothering him for so long) I clearly remember I never tried to hurt you there, then why you left your work and came back to India?" He was looking so calm like a sea, " I don't know (Licking her lips she bit her upper lip absentmindedly) I was so scared... And your... (She paused but her fingers were busy fiddling with each other) eyes made feel like ....." She once again paused thinking about her first meeting with Black. This time he grabbed her chin, lift her face a little up, and made her look into her eyes. "Made you feel what?" he asked, showing her curiosity. "I wasn't getting good vibes from you! " She finally said and starts waiting for the other slap it never come. Black didn't react at all, he was listening to her every word very patiently. "Why?" he asked, "You were... You were giving me a gangster-like feeling," Neha said, Black sighed, wiping her rolling tears, " Why you agreed to come with me when you are so scared of me? (She was quiet) I know you don't have any family members in the USA (He leaned close to her and started inhaling very slowly and sensually. She holds her breath and starts staring at his lips) what if I hurt you? " Black asked and start staring at her facial expressions. Neha moves her face a little back and smiled sadly, this time wiping her tears with her own hands. " I know because of you, Karan didn't come to the aisle, "Neha said, but as she was expecting he didn't denied her accusation. Instead, Black made impressive face. He wasn't looking scared or bothered even after knowing that his wife know the truth. Black did what he felt the right to make Neha his and it isn't sorry for anything. "I know you destroyed his career! (She was trying hard to control her tears but her heart was bleeding for Karan. After all, Karan was not just her lover but he was her best friend too) I know you shattered the home of my dreams to build your castle ( She paused thinking about the past month when she used to feel every second that someone had been keeping eye at her) I always felt like someone was chasing me, I was scared, so scared (She came out of her thoughts and looked at her husband) but when Karan refused to come to the aisle, and when in the next morning I see you in my home next day as my husband, my suspicion got confirmed," Neha said, Black didn't react at all, he raised his palm and tuck her hair behind her ear, then he brush his thumb over her wobbling lips. " Well done Neha! (He made impressive face) you impressed me girl and I am glad you know I did all this. (he pulled her little close and kissed her head) Now remember one thing (he looked into her eyes with stern gaze. His eyes were warning her but she was unable to read that warning ) If you ever dare to contact that bastard or any other men, I'll f*****g rip their heads and then I'll make your life living hell," Black said and pushes Neha on bed. He was about to hover over her but suddenly he got the call so he went out. Neha went inside the washroom and start splashing water on her face. She knew Black is not a normal man, she had witnessed the madness in his eyes at hotel that was why she left. She closed her eyes and his image appeared in front of her eyes. he look so different so handsome but when he gets angry, he turns into a complete different man. His beautiful eyes and his anger scars her to death. She don't know how she'll survive with this man, but one thing was sure if he ever dare to hurt her. She won't hesitate to kill him. Neha changed her clothes and then came out. She placed pillows carefully around her and then start packing her bags. Out of Neha's home: Alex was stressed and was starting at Black, " Black do you think, it's good to transfer all your business here," Alex asked, Black puffed out a heavy sigh, then looked at Alex, " She is ready to come with me, (He paused) And the good part is, she didn't ask me to transfer my business here. (Alex raised his brow at Black as if he was reminding Black about his discussion with his inlaws. Black understood Alex's concern) Don't worry! I'll find another way to get out of this situation (Black was sounding very assured) And once we reach Usa, I'll never take her back to India. (Alex was stunned and his eyes also widened in shock) Because I don't want to share her with anyone," Black said in a calm voice and walks inside the room. Alex rubbed his fingers over his palm then shook his face. he was scared for Neha because he knew black so well. When Black steps inside the home Neha's cousins start teasing him. Black looked at her cousins but didn't say anything as he don't understand what they were teasing him about. Black took the stairs and reached to Neha's room, He opened the door and found her busy packing her stuff. He locked the door and stepped into her closet, He found some gifts into it, but more than gifts they were looking trash. He remember Neha's little sister panchi had put that stuff here. He picked one of the gift and noticed Karan's name over it. His blood automatically started boiling in his veins and when he opened the box and find the black lingerie into it, he completely lost it. He crushed the box and turned his attention to his wife but his wife was already staring at the gift which he was holding in his palm. Black was about to lash out on her but soon his mind remind himself that the place where he was standing was loaded with many people. He threw the box over the floor and moved toward the bed, She was still sitting on the floor, " Come to bed I am feeling drowsy," He said, Neha slowly got up then walks near the bed and lay at the edge of the bed. " If you don't want me to f**k you in your parent's house come near me and don't ever try to keep that much distance between us ever again," Black said in a dangerous tone and Neha slowly shift towards him.
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