All Mine (II)

2656 Words
All mine ~~ Chapter 5 (II) Everyone smiled brightly after hearing Black's love confession for Neha. But Poor Black, his eyes were still searching for bride, his Neha. Alex noticed the frustrated face of Black. He knew Black will burst out any minute if he doesn't get the glimpse of his wife. On the other hand, Neha was standing inside her washroom and watching her mirror image like a lifeless doll. Only one thing was running in her mind, how her beautiful dream turned into a worst nightmare. What crime she had committed that god has punished her like this. Seeing the signs of her wedding over her body, she started crying bitterly. Only she knew how difficult it is for her to forget Karan and his love. They spent three years with each other, They both had knitted so many dreams about their future, About their kids, Their honeymoon, Their home, But today she was standing as someone else wife. She was wearing the nuptial chain of stranger man... More tears rolled out of her eyes, seeing the chain in her neck. She doesn't even know whom she got married, because of Karan's betrayal she hadn't see the face of her groom. Neha touched the Vermillion with trembling fingers and then once again fisted the nuptial chain in her palm. She slowly sits on the floor and once starts crying bitterly over her fate. After an hour later she took a hot bath and then wore a beautiful Indian saree with heavy jewelry and came out of the room. Neha stepped into the dining table and grab the juice, she sat beside her father and starts filling her plate with breakfast. Everyone was staring at her, her family, her parents, her cousins, her sister, Alex, and of course her husband too. She was looking so calm but her dead eyes were describing the condition of her inner battle which she was fighting with herself. How? How she will give Karan's place to the other man? How she will manage to survive with her stranger husband? Will her heart ever be able to accept him? Will her new husband be as gentle as calm as Karan was with her? Will her husband understand her feelings? Will he give her time to move on? But the biggest question was, Is she ready to move on from Karan? There were many questions running in her head, but she has no answer of her question. Her life has taken the complete u-turn, Karan left her at the place where one side is den and on the other side is devil, no matter which path she chose, she'll end either way. There were many penetrating gazes were staring at her very keenly. They were looking at her like a eagle stare at his pray. Neha didn't pay attention to anyone and chugged her juice. " Neha are you fine beta," Her Mother asked anxiously. Neha didn't look into her father's direction but nods her head and then took a bite of her aloo paratha. Neha's cousin brother gave her a sandwich which she instantly take it. " Neha are you sure, you ok sweetie?" her cousin brother asked She once again nods her head but seeing her expression any kid can say that she was in deep pain but trying her best to keep herself calm. When she felt everyone gaze on her, she made uncomfortable face. It was clear that the gazes were now affecting her and she don't want to look like a helpless cry baby in front of everyone that was why she stands up with her juice glass and starts walking towards her room back but her mother's words stopped her at her tracks. " Neha beta! I know you are going through with so much pain at this moment but you are married now (Neha hold her breath and her grip automatically tightened over the glass) Your husband is hell worried about you. Don't you think it's your responsibility to tell him how are you feeling now?" her mom said in a soft gentle tone. Neha slowly turned around and finally her gaze fell on Black. Black smirk at her horrified expression. He badly wants to kiss her mouth mouth till she forget to breath but he controlled his desires. For a few minutes, Neha kept staring at Black, as she wasn't expecting him at her occupancy. Her heart was about to come out of her mouth but she closed her mouth and told her shivering heart to calm down. " What kind of joke is this Mr knight? what are you doing in my home? (She was stuttering badly then she paused for a second to calm her shivering tongue) I mean what are you doing in India?" Neha asked in a very scared tone because now she know who Black Damien Knight is and what power he hold in the world. " I would like to hear hubby from your mouth my dear wife," Black said in low but calculative tone, A glass of juice fell from Neha's hand. She put her hand on her mouth in disbelief and tears start rolling down from her eyes. She violently started shaking her head in no while staring into Black's eyes with frightened utterance. Black like his fear in her big doe-like eyes. He got up from the chair and started walking towards Neha but she starts taking steps back. Neha's family is hell scared after seeing Neha's reaction. They thought because of their reputation and Neha's sudden decision of marriage they destroyed their daughter's life. When Neha saw Black near her she quickly runs towards her room and tried to close the door but Black put his leg between the door to stop her. Neha starts taking steps back because of fear and Black start walking towards her. Soon, Black closed the door of her bedroom, Seeing his bold stunt, Neha's heart started beating like drums. She fists her saree very tightly and starts taking deep breaths to calm herself but it was hard. He had the aura that can fill the terror in anyone's heart and that Aura made her completely possessed with fear. Black took long strides towards her and covered the distance between them in a blink of eyes. Once again her eyes open wide, her blood was turning cold and her breath also got stuck in her throat. fear was simply visible in her beautiful brown eyes. Black cupped her face but Neha quickly closed her eyes due to fear. She wants this nightmare to end here, She wants to wake up, She wants to come in reality but the poor girl has no idea that Black is her reality, Her fate, Her destiny and her fortune too Black leaned his face close to her, she can feel his breath over her face. Because of their proximity goosebumps appeared over her skin " You scared me last night Neha! (He finally told her about his fear which he never told anyone before. After a long pause he once again opened his mouth) Do you know how worried you made me? But you know what? (Suddenly her voice turned cold as ice and irritating as fire) Soon you'll pay for your actions, for making me worried about you," Black said in a dangerous promising tone, She opened her eyes and started looking at him but not more than few seconds, Neha push him away from her again took step back but she fell on the bed with Black. Her throat turned completely dry, Black grit his teeth in anger and comfortably hovered over her. Neha once again closed her eyes very tightly due to fear, Black grabs her jaws very tightly, and made her whimper in pain. " I don't like it when you tried to go away from me Neha! (he tightened his grip over her jaws and she once again moan but Black don't care. He want to make her understand how important she is for him) All the way I came to India for you and still you are trying to go away from me..." Black said and leaned his face close to her jaws. Because of their proximity his rage was vanishing into the thin air and some foreign feeling were taking the place of his anger. Neha can feel his hot breath on her skin, she was hell scared now. She starts breathing heavily when Black grabbed her bare waist and kissed her nose. Neha starts wriggling, She was attempting to get out of his grip but Black held her both hands above her head and started bussing her neck so ferociously. he starts leaving his deep dark kiss dent on her skin. But soon, Neha starts struggling harder under him. She was struggling as fish struggles without water. Black grabs her wrists more tightly but because of his grip her bangles granulate in his palms. Neha's wrists also started bleeding because some piece of her bangles stung in her skin. Black put all his weight on her body to feel her skin against him. To inhale her soul calming fragrance, To believe that now his girl only belongs to him. Neha can feel his hard raging length on her stomach, Disgust automatically appeared over her gross, she never felt this much dirty before. She badly wants to scream for help but because of her family, she kept her mouth mum. She don't know why but her gut feeling was telling her that Black has his hand behind his shattered dreams. Black grind his member on her stomach and Inhale her sweet body fragrance. Every inch of his body was encouraging him to claim her right here, right now but this was not the right time. With every passing second it was getting hard for him to control his emotions, his body and his aggressive animal who wants to devour each inch of her body " Dam I want you so badly! (He said looking at her face but stress appeared over her gross) Do you know my poor length is screaming for your attention," Black said in a very seductive voice. This was the very first time when he was using such tone and till now he had no idea that he was so good making such sounds. Black tried to kiss her lips but Neha turned her face in the other direction. Of course, he don't like her ignorant behaviour and what fueled his rage was that he warned her not to show ignorance to him. Black grits his teeth angrily, He releases her wrists and once again grabbed her jaws forcefully. He was about to smack his lips on her when someone knocked on the door. Black cursed under his breath but he still, he put a quick kiss on her cheek and got up from her body. He gave her his hand but Neha once again turned her face in the other direction. She quickly gets up and hugged her saree properly, her entire body was trembling badly and she was still feeling the weight of her husband over her body. Only she and her god know she had been standing at her feet. Black was staring at Neha with Dark gaze. Looking at his cold, deadly and blank expression it was hard to expression what he has been thinking. Neha wiped her tears and was about to ask Black about Karan but they again got interrupted by the door knock. Black was staring at his wife but Neha turned her attention at the door. " Give me a second," Neha said with teary eyes while wiping her tears which we simultaneously rolling out of her eyes. Neha starts walking towards the door but Black pushed her in the door and caged her between the door and his strong rock hard chest. " I legally married you (he said tucking her stubborn hair which were coming on her face again and again) Now you can't run away from me, (He leaned close to her and because of the sudden feelings and their proximity she closed her eyes. He raised his palm and brush his fingers over her cheek) Now you belong to me and only me, and no power in the world can change this truth, " Black said with hard expression and smacked his lips on her ferociously. Neha tried to push him but Black grabbed her waist very tightly and bite her lower lip. Neha gasps in shock and Black took the opportunity and shoved his tongue inside her honey-like mouth. he had been feeling Devine, he never kissed anyone before like this, that was why this kiss was giving him heavenly feeling to him. He was feeling so lively and happy. Yes, many years he was feeling as if he is alive, he was letting himself flowing with his desires, his feeling and his emotions. Neha can feel all his curves on her body, his member was poking her stomach so badly, and when Black grind himself on her, Neha uncontrollably starts crying again. Again the knock interrupt them that was when he left her sweet lips. Black was feeling tingling sensation in his body, he was feeling as if something has been dancing in his stomach. Goosebumps had appeared over his skin and his feet, he was feeling as if his feet aren't on earth. He has been feeling out of the world, he was feeling as if he has been flying over the cloud nine. He was extremely satisfied after seeing her red swollen lips. It was proud of his kiss because his lips made her skin crimson " All mine " Black said admiring the hickey and her swollen lips. Then Black opened the door and notices Neha's cousin's sister at the door. Black looked at them and was about to walk out but suddenly his gaze fell on Neha's bleeding hand. He quickly grabbed her hand and started observing her cuts, His expression were neutral from outside but from inside he was feeling emotions and concern which he hadn't felt from a long time. " why you didn't tell me you are hurt " Black asked taking out his napkin and started wrapping around her wound. "" Neha said and tried to free her hand from his grip but Black growled in anger. " Misha will bandage me, please," Neha said pleadingly, Black kept staring at her for few seconds but her gaze was fixed on his bare feet. He leaned close to her then put a soft kiss over her head and walks out. Neha's cousins were blushing and smiling. They steps inside her room but before they ask her or tease her Neha runs inside the washroom. Neha's cousins thought she has been feeling awkward and shy that was why they starts laughing at her. Neha washed her face with water but when her gaze fell on the red hickey her heart started bleeding in pain. She tried hard to wipe of the dents which he left on her skin but poor girl ended up hurting herself. When Neha Walkout she saw her cousins curious gaze at her. Neha gave them a confused look but her one of the cousins sister grab her wrist and showed Neha, her wounded wrist and then she showed her broken pieces of the bangle. " Neha we know our jiju is hot but can't you control your desires, I mean you are still at your parent's home," Rinki said and start laughing at her. " Yes Neha, o god he gave you a hickey on your neck," her other cousin said, Neha gulped her pain which her saliva, and then hide her neck with the help of her saree. Neha gave them a fake shy smile and turned her gaze in another direction to distract herself
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