All Mine (I)

2063 Words
all mine ~~ Chapter 5 Black scoop her in his arms and start yelling Alex's name. " Call the f*****g doctor goddammit," Black said to Alex in a panicked tone. Black lay Neha on the bed and start patting her cheeks to wake her up but she wasn't responding at all. Her cold sleep was making her husband worried. Neha's mother started crying because of Neha's condition, her sisters tried to calm their mother but she was a mother and it wasn't easy to calm her. Neha was a very dear and beloved daughter of her mother which was why even a small sneak of Neha makes her mother worried about her. Black lovingly strokes his fingers in her hair while staring at her gorgeous innocent face. Looking at Black at this moment it was hard to say what he has been thinking but from inside his cold dead heart has been suffering from a tornado. After 16 minutes, the doctor came to Neha's home to check on her. The Doctor was very young and handsome and he has a huge crush on Misha for the last three years but unfortunately, he was scared to confess his love to her. " Can you guys please go out, I need to check her?" the doctor said to Neha's family but Black grabbed his collar and pulled him close to his face. Alex's breath almost got stuck in his throat, he instantly crossed his finger **Be careful Black, Calm your damn anger** Black's eyes were looking deadly and his expression was dominant. If the poor doctor wasn't strong enough he would have peed in his pant till now. " She is my wife (his each word was sounding so calculative, cold and dangerous) So check her right in front of my eyes," Black said angrily Alex gathered all the courage but from inside he was damn worried. He gently put his palm on Black's shoulder and then give Black's shoulder a light squeeze like telling him to calm his anger. "Is this how you'll check her?" Black asked the doctor in a very cold tone. The doctor made a sour face. " If you know how to treat her Sir? Then why you called me here" Black turned his gaze towards his man and Alex told the doctor to get out. Black grabs the injection and injects the medicine into Neha's hand. Neha's family was watching Black with shocked and worried expressions. Black was the renowned man but unfortunately Neha's family wasn't aware of his identity and those who almost recognise him thought that Black is the replica of The Billionaire Black Damien Knight. There were many questions going on Neha's family's mind but because of the situation their mouths were sealed. Most of the people in her family weren't familiar with English and those who were familiar were scared to even open their mouth in front of Black because of his cold, calculative and dominating aura. Black sat back on the bed and brush off Neha's hair from her face, then he slowly and carefully removed her some ornament. Of course Black actions made Neha's family little uncomfortable but they were too hesitate to say anything to Black as Black was looking extremely worried for Neha. " Son you go out I'll stay with her," said Neha's mom to Black but when Black didn't respond back to his mother-in-law, Black's sister-in-law steps forward and translate her mother's words for Black. Of course Black don't wanted to go out but unfortunately he had no other option at that time. Black runs his fingers into his silky Black hair and walks out in frustration. " Keep your anger down Black, they don't know anything about you and if you keep behaving like a aggressive alpha you'll turn the situation against you, " Alex warned but instead of saying anything Black glared at him in rage. After twenty minutes later Neha's mother came out of the room. Seeing his mother in law Black instantly got up from the couch and asked her about his wife. Neha's mother told Black that she got fainted because of tension. Black didn't say anything but Neha's mother was observing Black very keenly. She could see how her son in law was looking so worried for her daughter. Black tried to go inside Neha's room as he badly wanted to see his wife, but Neha's little sister Panchi stopped him. " Jiju can we stay with Neha di for tonight, I mean she needs time," Panchi said with a little hesitation because this is the first time she was talking to Black. Black wasn't a i***t, he understood why Panchi said that his sister needs time. Its because of Karan... Black badly wants to yell at her but he composed himself and with a heavy heart nods his head. Soon, Neha's cousin brothers, Uncles, Aunties, Her maternal and parental families starts asking questions to Black but Black wasn't in mood to talk. His mind, soul and heart was deeply engrossed in Neha's thoughts. When it get hard for Alex to handle all the guests, as Black was sitting like a mute dragon Alex told Neha's family about Black's real identity. Her entire family got stunned, seeing their almost popped up eyes and wide open mouth it was clear that the ground slipped under their feet. No one was expecting that Black will come out as the Billionaire Black Damien Knight... Some of Neha's cousins instantly took their cell phones out and started searching Black and when they see his net worth almost everyone's body got rigid, Some of the cousins even slapped their faces to wake themselves as they thought they must have been dreaming. The only persons who weren't shocked was Neha's sisters. Neha's parents were hell confused because of the behavior of Neha's cousins, their family and their daughters. When Neha's father asked his daughters why their family has been looking so shocked. Panchi and Misha told their parents everything about Black and his wealth too. They told their parents that Black is not a normal guy. He is a freaking billionaire, with uncountable money and power. they showed their father his pictures on their cell phone. In the room: Black was walking into his room, which Neha's family allotted him. He was hell worried about Neha and he wants to stay with her but because of her family, he was forced to stay in the other room. Suddenly he got a call from his trusted man john. " Sir can we leave his parents or do you want me to murder them," John asked, John was the ex-Marco military officer and was the most trusted man of Black after Alex. " Release them but keep your eyes on them," Black said and cut the call. Sleep was far from Black's eyes, he was again and again checking the time. He put his palm over his heart, *What the heck is happening to me? What she has been doing with me? I never felt this emotions before, I was never so concerned about anyone before then what she has?** Black asked himself but he got no answer. He sat over the bed and then he instantly got up, The anxiety and the tension he was feeling from inside wasn't letting him breath properly. He tried his best to keep himself calm, He tried not to think about her but unfortunately his body was minding his, own business. The whole night-black had spent in tension. The whole night he spent sleepless because of Neha and her health. In the early morning, he walks out to meet Neha but she is nowhere to be found. When Neha woke up, she found her mother beside her. She tried to get down from the bed from the other side but she found her sisters on the other side. She was still wearing a heavy dress. For few minutes she kept staring at herself then last night memories hit her and tears started rolling out of her eyes shamelessly. Her tears falls on her mother's hand and she woke up. When her mother witnessed tears in Neha's eyes she hugged her tightly and kissed her head " Why mom? Why? (She was sobbing bitterly like a small kid) Why he left me like this, (Neha never thought that one day she would cry for the man) I loved him with all my heart and he didn't come to the aisle why Mom? " Neha asked her mom with tear filled eyes. "Neha, my baby now you are married to someone else, stop thinking about Karan, he left you when you need him. Marriage is a really important thing in women's lives, you are not only wearing his nuptial chain, but you also took vows in front of God. You have tied with him for seven births sweetie. Try to give this relationship a chance " her mom said and wiped her tears. Soon her marriage rituals, her holy rounds around the fire, The nuptial chain and the vermilion in her head appeared in her mind. She almost forget to breath, She felt as someone poured burning lava over her body. **What I have done.... No... No... No... I can't, I can't be someone's wife...i can't... (She looked at the nuptial chain which was proudly hanging in her neck, then she touched her head and noticed the red powder over her trembling fingers) ** "Neha..." Her mother grabbed her shoulder to get her attention that was when Neha looked into her mother's eyes. Neha understood that now she can't back off, no matter hell she have to go through, but she can't deny the fact that she is married. **Why did you do this to me Karan? why?** Neha instantly wipes her tears, nods her head and runs inside the washroom as she can't afford to break down in front of her mother. She know more than her, Her pain will affect her mother. Her mother and sisters went out to make some breakfast for everyone and There they found Black standing with cold and composed expressions. " Jiju what are you doing here? Do you need anything?" Misha asked, ( Neha's sister). " No! (Black rubs his fingers over his forehead) actually I was searching Neha's room, (He paused) Is she fine now?" Black asked directly without any hesitation. Neha's cousins start laughing at Black, including Neha's sister but due to embarrassment. Till now they hadn't seen such a desperate groom " Jiju have some Patience, actually she is a bathroom and yes she is absolutely fine now," Panchi said ( Neha's sister). Black nods his head and walk towards the dining room. " I didn't get why you married my daughter? son, (Neha's father paused and sucked a deep breath to calm himself. If someone else was at Neha's father place he would faint till now) I mean you are so rich and we are nothing in front of you so why you said yes to this marriage," Neha's father asked with the help of Panchi as Misha was too hesitant to speak in front of Black because of powerful cold personality. Black had no reason to lie, so he started telling his father-in-law everything from the beginning. " Sir, I saw your daughter in Australia. That time she had been helping the old lady. I tried to talk to her, I tried go after her but she was in hurry and vanished from my eye sight. Second time we encounter at my hotel where she came to rescue me but before I confess my love to her she left Australia. So in search of her, I came to India because I madly fell in love with her. (Black paused thinking about Neha, her innocent eyes had some kind of magic, Her soft lips, Her soft scared expressions and trembling body. She has completely possessed him in her love. Neha's father cleared his thoughts when Black came out of his thoughts and looked at his father-in-law. Black puffed out a heavy breath) Last night when I landed here, I came to know that she was getting married to someone but her groom didn't come so I grabbed that golden opportunity and said yes to this marriage," Black said with the help of his translator.
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