Chapter 31 The Formation Masters' Guild

2261 Words
The energy-gathering formation pattern was more advanced than the martial integrating formation pattern, which consisted of seven basic lines. Therefore, it was more difficult to make the energy-gathering formation pattern than the martial integrating formation pattern. Yet, with the experience of imprinting the formation pattern, Lin Tian felt it was somewhat easier to make the energy-gathering formation pattern with a much lower failure rate. "Hum!" In the attic, the last finished energy-gathering formation pattern glittered brightly with four-color light. The imprinting of every formation pattern required different pigmented ink. Therefore, different formation patterns usually showed different colors and lusters. The better the color and luster were, the more powerful the imprinted formation pattern would be and vice versa. "Phew!" Lin Tian let out a breath and stretched himself. Comprehending the energy-gathering formation pattern included, he made five energy-gathering formation pattern scrolls in total within four days. Admittedly, he made remarkable progress! He put away the five finished energy-gathering formation patterns carefully. Instead of starting cultivating right away, Lin Tian walked out of the attic. After doing some breathing exercises, he entered the room for a rest. The high-intensity practice over the past four days had exhausted his mental strength gravely. If he cultivated now, he would get half the results with twice the effort. He was aware that more preparation might quicken the speed in doing work. Only if he rested well and regained the strength could he cultivate faster. Lin Tian directly slept from noon to evening. When he woke up in the evening, he washed himself up and came to the attic. Now, the stars glittered in the sky, shining the world keenly. The light was holy and beautiful. Lin Tian spread an energy-gathering formation pattern scroll, pulled a small jade bottle out of his arms and poured out a yellow pill. The pill was called Body Refining Pill, which could help martial artists refine the body and soul quickly. Of course, the effect couldn't be compared with that of Jiuqu Essence Pill he ate previously. He put the pill into his mouth. Likewise, the pill instantly melted in his mouth, turned into a rush of liquids and then flowed into his belly. Lin Tian felt the change of his body. Compared with Jiuqu Essence Pill, the Body Refining Pill was much worse in terms of taste and concentration of spiritual power. However, even so, a blast of heat was generated in his body. As a glint of light flashed across his eyes, Lin Tian knew he could start now. He put his right hand above the ready energy-gathering formation pattern scroll and shouted in a deep voice, "Start!" "Hum!" Within an instant, the energy-gathering formation pattern shimmered with faint light. A ball of halo enshrouded Lin Tian. About several breaths later, Lin Tian obviously felt the starlight that fell from the sky became several times richer. The surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth also seethed more heavily and rushed toward the direction where he stayed. "The energy-gathering formation pattern can have the power of stars and spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered near the formation pattern and condensed for the martial artist around the formation pattern to cultivate. It can improve the martial artist's cultivation speed. How magical!" Lin Tian said inwardly. Lin Tian didn't dare to be remiss. He quickly practiced Siji Scriptures. In this way, he guided the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the power of stars into his muscles and bones for repeated refining. At the same time, he also practiced Heavenly Unification Soul Method to enhance his soul power. Lin Tian could clearly feel that his cultivation went much faster than a dozen days ago. Now, as the Body Refining Pill melted in his body, the power of the pill flowed into his body and integrated with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the power of stars. In this way, his muscles, bones, flesh and blood were tremendously refined with his cultivation level elevated bit by bit. "In terms of the current speed, within ten days, I can surely enter the sixth layer of body cultivation!" Lin Tian's eyes sparkled. He closed his eyes and calmed himself down to guide the power of the pill, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the power of stars to forge his physique steadily and quickly. In this way, he proceeded with such similar practice again and again. Within the blink of an eye, ten days passed by. In Qingfeng Mountain this day... "Fire Boxing!" In the primitive forest full of thistles and thorns, a cold voice shouted. Then, 18 red fists appeared in the sky. Every fist was as big as the rim of a bowl, which smashed a thick old tree into pieces. "Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!" There were extremely many vines with narrow gaps in the forest. However, in such an environment, a figure ran swiftly within. As the figure ran within, Fire Boxing showed up in the air once in a while, causing the old trees nearby to shatter. Besides, the vines also exploded and got burned into ashes. Fast! Potent! These were the best two words to describe the figure. "Crack!" As another old tree was smashed, the figure also stopped. This figure was exactly Lin Tian. Having wiped the sweat off his forehead, Lin Tian smiled with satisfaction. "Then..." Lin Tian muttered and squinted his eyes. Then, he stretched his right hand back to grip the sword handle of a gorgeous long sword behind his neck. Staring at the tree ahead, he hurtled suddenly. He dashed forward and then leaped up. Whoosh! A streak of sword light flashed across the sky. Lin Tian went across the wood ahead, holding the sword handle of the long sword with his right hand. Now, the sword was still in the sheath. It seemed that he didn't draw out the sword. However, at the moment, a slight sound of friction came. Then, the big tree was broken from the position seven meters or so above the ground and collapsed with a bang. Besides, where the big tree was broken, the section was as smooth as the mirror, which was not rough at all. Lin Tian tilted his head and nodded with a smile. The second sword technique of Wind-startling Swordsmanship -- Lightning Sword -- was struck like a flash of thunder, which was definitely fatal! The power was amazing indeed! Lin Tian hedged and drew out the long sword. Instantly, a rush of scary sword intent was spread. Clang! A shrill sword chirp sounded in Lin Tian's ears. He raised the sword, went across a weird angle and slashed down harshly. "Wind-startling Sword!" As a cold shout came, in a twinkling, countless silver sword shadows appeared in midair, which were astonishingly dense and directly formed an imperishable sword curtain. "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" As the sword shadows landed, there were continuous rattles. All the things ahead that were visible to the naked eye, including old trees, vines and big rocks, were almost ruined. The space within a radius of about ten meters became a mess. "Very good!" Staring at his achievements, Lin Tian gave a satisfied smile on his face. Within ten days, it took Lin Tian four Body Refining Pills and four energy-gathering formation pattern scrolls to finally reach the sixth layer of body cultivation. Meanwhile, he cultivated Shadow Fire Boxing and Wind-startling Swordsmanship to big attainment. And his combat capability was tremendously reinforced. Lin Tian believed that considering his current combat capability, he could even fight against a martial artist of the seventh layer of body cultivation. After withdrawing the sword, Lin Tian turned around and walked to Jiuyang Martial Institution. "Well, it is time that I should go to apply for the formation master level certification authorized by the Formation Masters' Guild." Lin Tian muttered to himself. ... The hot sun was shining at noon. Lin Tian was still wrapped in the black robe. After inquiring from some passers-by in the street, he arrived before a magnificent building. He looked ahead and found a huge sandalwood plaque above the top of the building. The plaque said Formation Masters' Guild, which was written in a vigorous and forceful style! "Here I am. Right here." Lin Tian muttered to himself. Looking around through the black robe, Lin Tian found that anyone who walked past the place would almost cast an awed look at the Guild ahead. Of course, some people also looked at Lin Tian because, in the blazing sun, Lin Tian was really strangely dressed. Feeling slightly speechless, Lin Tian paced into the Formation Masters' Guild. The moment he entered the place, he instantly felt much cooler, which made him somewhat surprised uncontrollably. Many people around were staring at him, mostly in a strange way. However, even so, no one said anything. "Excuse me, is there anything I can help you with?" A maid came forward. The maid was confused about Lin Tian's costume but she didn't mind it at all. On the contrary, the maid was brimming with smiles. This was the Formation Masters' Guild. Those who came here were not low-status, whom she couldn't offend. Hence, she would receive with care whoever entered the Formation Masters' Guild. "Hello, I'm here for the formation master level certification." Lin Tian just cut to the chase. "What?!" The maid widened her eyes. Lin Tian said, "I'm here for the formation master level certification." "You..." The maid was surprised that the voice of the visitor should be so young. Now, she was glad that her attitude was very good because the man under the black robe was here for the formation master level certification. Whether he could succeed or not, she couldn't afford to offend him. Within an instant, the maid became respectful and almost bent her body, saying, "Please wait here. I will immediately inform Lord Ge." Then, the maid left in a hurry. Lin Tian glanced over the Formation Masters' Guild and found a big rock plaque aside, which recorded a lot of words about the formation master. It happened that he was here to apply for the formation master level certification. Lin Tian didn't mind learning some knowledge about the formation master. Then, he started to read the words. "A formation master lives on the formation pattern and takes it as the weapon..." "According to the strength, the formation master is ranked on a scale from one to nine, from the lowest to the highest..." "The formation masters ranked from level one to level five can only imprint formation patterns with the pigmented ink. The higher level, the stronger the formation patterns. The formation masters ranked from level six to level nine can imprint formation patterns without the pigmented ink. Especially the level-nine formation master can exert ordinary formation patterns only with willpower. He can exert illusion formation patterns and killing formation patterns with ease. He is endowed with the destructive power." Lin Tian read the content word by word and instantly learned a lot about the basic knowledge of formation masters, including how the Formation Masters' Guild would rank the formation masters. In the process, evaluation was the first step. After passing the test, the Guild would issue the emblem of the corresponding level to the formation master. The emblem consisted of the symbol of Formation Masters' Guild and the level of the formation master. The symbol was a mysterious formation pattern and the level was shown by the number of the bars below the formation pattern. One bar represented level-one formation master, two bars stood for level-two formation master and so on. "Pu Shi is a level-two formation master. Well, he is quite strong in Fengjian City." Lin Tian said inwardly. Now, the maid returned with an old man in green. "Sir, this is Lord Ge of our guild. He will be responsible for your formation master level certification." The maid said respectfully. Lin Tian raised his head and only saw the old man in green next to the maid looked slightly indifferent and stern. The old man gave off a staid air. Lin Tian lowered his head and saw the emblem unique to the formation master at his chest. There were two golden bars embroidered below the formation pattern sign. It was the same as Pu Shi's emblem. "Level-two formation master!" He muttered inwardly. The old man in green looked at Lin Tian. Seeing his weird costume, the old man slightly knitted his eyebrows, "Name, age." "Black Robe, 16 years old." Lin Tian said. Of course he wouldn't give his real name so he came up with a fake name -- Black Robe. The maid instantly widened her eyes. He was 16 years old?! She had worked in the Formation Masters' Guild for a long time and seen quite some people come here for the formation master level certification. The youngest one was 28 years old, but now, the man who was here for the formation master certification turned out to be 16 years old only! "This is a monkey business! You young brat, don't mess around here!" The old man in green gazed at Lin Tian with staring eyes. A 16-year-old man came here for the formation master certification? From the perspective of the old man in green, this young man was undoubtedly messing around. Under the black robe, Lin Tian slightly frowned, "I'm not here to mess around but for the formation master certification." The old man in green pulled a long face and shouted, "How dare you argue back? Get out!"
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