Chapter 32 The Longstalk Condorvine

1821 Words
Ge Zheng was the elder of the Formation Masters' Guild in Fengjian City. Today, he was perceiving a new formation pattern in the room. When a maid reported that someone was here for the formation master certification, Ge Zheng was still expectant. After all, formation masters in Fengjian City were too scarce. Yet, when he came out he found that the applicant was 16 years old only. A 16-year-old young man came here for the formation master certification. In Ge Zheng's eyes, this was too ridiculous. The young man must be here to mess around! "Get out! Don't delay my business or disturb others." Ge Zheng said furiously. Under the black robe, Lin Tian frowned even more deeply. What was wrong with this old man? "I'm here for the formation master certification but not to mess around. Please test on me." Lin Tian said. There were quite some people in the Formation Masters' Guild, who surely had found the uproar here. When they figured out what was going on, all the people burst out laughing. "Brat, it's your fault. If a 16-year-old man like you can be certified as the formation master, there must be countless formation masters in the Beiyan Empire. You shouldn't fuss around here." "This is the Formation Masters' Guild, a holy and majestic place!" "Go back now. Don't mess around." Quite some people shook their heads. The Formation Masters' Guild often sold some special materials and posted some tasks. Therefore, quite some people usually gathered here. They were not formation masters but as they often came here, they had more and more knowledge about the formation master. A 16-year-old man was here for the formation master certification, which was basically out of the question for them. Under the black robe, Lin Tian was somewhat speechless. What was going on? "Elder Ge, I'm here for the certification indeed. Please give me an opportunity. If I'm lying, you can punish me." Lin Tian said sincerely. Ge Zheng stared at Lin Tian more furiously. "Get out!" Ge Zheng shouted and left with a flick of sleeves. All the people around watched respectfully Ge Zheng leaving and then stared at Lin Tian. They were all pointing fingers at Lin Tian, snickering and shaking their heads. "Well, Sir, it is not convenient for Elder Ge today. Would you..." The maid said carefully. Under the black robe, Lin Tian shook his head, "It's okay. I'm sorry for troubling you. I'm leaving now." Although he was a bit disgruntled, the maid was polite from start to finish. Why would Lin Tian vent his anger on her? Lin Tian didn't stay. Then, he walked out of the Formation Masters' Guild. Getting out of the Formation Masters' Guild, he instantly felt scorching in the blazing sun. Lin Tian was unhappy now. In the hot sun, he was in a bad mood. After cursing inwardly, he instantly walked faster. Bang! Now, someone came from the corner outside the gate of the Guild and ran into Lin Tian. Lin Tian staggered back and instantly felt even more disgruntled. He steadied himself and looked ahead. Instantly, he was shocked. This was an acquaintance of his. "Emm?" A surprised voice came almost at the same time. This was an old man in grey with grey hair and beard. He had the sign unique to the Formation Masters' Guild at the chest. There were two golden bars below the formation pattern. The old man was Pu Shi of Treasure Trading Pavilion. "You are...the young man I met half a month ago?" Pu Shi ventured to ask. In Fengjian City, very few men wore black robes but not only one. Hence, Pu Shi was not absolutely sure that this man was the young man who auctioned off the martial integrating formation pattern scrolls in Treasure Trading Pavilion half a month ago. Lin Tian nodded his head and said, "Yeah, I am." Pu Shi gave a smile on his face. He guessed it right indeed. Staring at Lin Tian, he said with a smile, "You must have been successfully certified right? Which level are you? Haha, I guess you can't be lower than me." Seeing Lin Tian walked out of the Formation Masters' Guild, Pu Shi thought Lin Tian must have been successfully certified as the formation master. After all, the three martial integrating formation patterns Lin Tian auctioned off in Treasure Trading Pavilion were stunningly great. Lin Tian shook his head and said slightly helplessly, "Don't talk about it. I was expelled." "Oh? What happened?" Pu Shi frowned. Pu Shi had absolute confidence in Lin Tian's formation harnessing capability. How could Lin Tian be expelled? Lin Tian didn't mean to hide the truth from Pu Shi. Hence, he told the latter what had happened in the Guild roughly. Then, Pu Shi instantly burst into laughter. "Oh, I see. It's because of Ge Zheng." Pu Shi laughed and stared at Lin Tian, saying, "Don't mind it at all. The old chap is actually quite nice but he is too prim and obstinate. It happens that I'm here for some business. Just go inside with me. I must let that old chap see how awesome you are this time." Lin Tian thought about it and then nodded. "Elder Pu, thank you in advance." He said. "Don't mention it." Pu Shi waved his hand. ... In the Formation Masters' Guild, many people gathered in twos and threes, selecting the materials or staring at the tasks posted on the task board. Plenty of people were discussing something. Now, an old man in grey and a man in black entered the Guild. Squeak! With the sound, lots of people looked aside. "Emm? Isn't it the young man? Why is he back?" "Doesn't he want to mess around again?" "If he messes around again, I'm afraid that he will be thrown out by Lord Ge." Many people couldn't help laughing. Lin Tian under the black robe was speechless. Pu Shi next to him was also shocked. At the moment, in the Formation Masters' Guild, some people's gazes settled on Pu Shi. After being slightly dazed, they were shocked instantly. "This is Lord Pu Shi?" "The level-two formation master, the honorary elder of the Guild, and the deacon of Treasure Trading Pavilion, Lord Pu Shi!" "Wait! Why is the young man in a black robe standing with Lord Pu Shi?" " wearing the black robe too but he shouldn't be the previous man." Some people were struck dumb. In Fengjian City, Pu Shi was undoubtedly a man of a high identity and status. Very few people acquainted themselves with him but a lot of people heard of him. Even the masters of some families in Fengjian City had to be respectful upon meeting Pu Shi. In the Guild, the maid was also greatly frantic. She scurried towards Pu Shi. "Elder Pu Shi!" The maid's face was full of respect. "Yeah." Pu Shi greeted her with a faint smile. The maid tilted her head to stare at the man in black next to Pu Shi, asking with uncertainty, "You are..." "Yeah, it's me. I'm here to trouble you again." Lin Tian said smilingly. The main was shocked at once. This young man seemed a bit close to Pu Shi? Almost at the same time, the other people in the Guild were all startled. This man in a black robe was really the young man who had messed around here? The maid felt somewhat dizzy and saluted Pu Shi, saying, "Lord Pu Shi, Sir, please hold up here. I'll notice Lord Ge right away." The maid was frightened in shock. "Don't need to bother." Pu Shi waved his hand, raised his head and shouted to the depths of the Formation Masters' Guild, "Old Ge, come out here. My friend came here for the formation master certification. How dare you expel him? If I can't see you within three breaths, I will directly smash your yard!" Oh my! Lots of people were instantly speechless in the Guild. Was this Lord Pu Shi? Meanwhile, these people were horrified. This was the man in a black robe who was expelled just now. And he really had something to do with Pu Shi! In the depths of the Guild, Ge Zheng in green rushed out hurriedly and shouted at Pu Shi at once, "Pu Shi, are you out of your mind?" He hedged and then suddenly saw the man in a black robe next to Pu Shi, asking with a frown, "You are the young man who came here just now? Why are you back?" "Yeah, I'm here again." Lin Tian said indifferently. Actually, he didn't like the old man. Ge Zheng was slightly angry and was about to lose his temper. However, now, Pu Shi said, "Ge Zheng, are you dim-sighted? How can you keep such a formation master out of the door? If your president knows about it, he must rip off your skin." Ge Zheng was a bit displeased but then he knitted his eyebrows. "Are you his teacher?" Ge Zheng asked Pu Shi. Pu Shi glanced at Lin Tian and said with a bitter smile, "Nonsense. I'm not qualified to be his teacher." Wow! Pu Shi's reply just took the on-lookers in the Formation Masters' Guild by surprise again. "Who is the young man under the black robe? How can he make Lord Pu Shi say so?" "This..." A lot of people were dumbfounded. Ge Zheng frowned again. He understood Pu Shi well and knew that Pu Shi wouldn't joke at will but the man's young age was a concern to him. "He is 16 years old only. Can he?" Ge Zheng still didn't believe him. With a composed countenance, Pu Shi said, "If you want to know the answer, just give him a try." Ge Zheng stared at Lin Tian. After a while, he snorted. "Okay, Pu Shi, I'll give him a try for your sake," speaking of this, Ge Zheng changed his subject and said, "If he cannot pass the test, don't blame me for being merciless. I must throw him out on my own!" "Sure. If he really cannot pass the test, it will be okay to throw me out too," Pu Shi said and then laughed, "But, old chap, what if he passes the test? What will you do?" Ge Zheng knitted his eyebrows, "What do you want?" Pu Shi smiled and said, "Didn't you buy a Longstalk Condorvine from Treasure Trading Pavilion before? I guess you haven't refined it, right? If my friend passes the test, how about giving the Longstalk Condorvine to him?" Wow! The surrounding people were all astonished. Longstalk Condorvine was the magic elixir that could cultivate internal organs! Besides, it could not only benefit Qi and nourish blood but also even worked well on the martial artist of Divine Meridians Stage. It was worth a few ten thousand spiritual coins at least!
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