Chapter 30 Start the Energy-gathering Formation Pattern

1879 Words
A more tempting scent rushed into his nose, which was like a deadly poison for men. Under the black robe, Lin Tian was speechless. This siren was trouble indeed! He took a step backward and coughed, "The auction is over. Can I have my money now?" Xing Yao gave a bright smile, making her more charming. She just leaned forward to Lin Tian more closely. "You've just used me and now you are in a hurry to ask for the money. What an ungrateful boy!" Xing Yao pretended to be sad and said. Xing Yao almost clung onto Lin Tian completely and he could even feel clearly the pair of soft bosoms. "Siren!" Lin Tian cursed inwardly. In the room, Pu Shi coughed with embarrassment again. He said to Lin Tian, "Sir, don't worry. Your auction revenue is being prepared and it will be sent soon. Please wait a minute here." Then, the old man stared at Xing Yao and reminded her, "Your Ladyship, please pay attention to your behaviors." Xing Yao rolled her eyes and finally moved away from Lin Tian reluctantly. "You are so funny." While moving away, she gave a coquettish smile at Lin Tian and sat next to Lin Tian. Her scent came to his nose continuously. While cursing her as a siren in his heart, Lin Tian was also surprised. Pu Shi was Chief Deacon of Treasure Trading Pavilion, whose position was extremely high. However, he addressed Xing Yao as "Your Ladyship". Who was this enchanting woman? It seemed that she was obviously not a simple auctioneer! While Lin Tian was thinking about this, Xing Yang said with her watery and long eyes fixed on Lin Tian, "Boy, are you really a formation master? And the three martial integrating formation pattern scrolls were made by you?" A 16-year-old formation master was really too young. There had never been such a young formation master in the history of the Beiyan Empire. Most importantly, his formation harnessing level was extremely high, which took Xing Yao by surprise. "Yes." Lin Tian answered briefly. Communicating with such a beautiful woman at a close distance, he felt as if treading on thin ice. A glint of surprise flashed across Xing Yao's eyes. Although she was not doubtful at the beginning, she was still a bit astonished after hearing Lin Tian acknowledge it. She looked Lin Tian up and down. After a while, Xing Yao gave a suspicious look and said, "Boy, where is your emblem? Aren't you wearing it?" "Emblem?" Lin Tian was slightly confused. Xing Yao and Pu Shi looked each other in the eyes. Both of them were puzzled. Pu Shi pointed at the emblem at his chest and said, "This is it. After a formation master is certified by the Formation Masters' Guild, the Guild will issue an emblem of a certain level based on his qualification and capability. There is a branch of the Formation Masters' Guild in Fengjian City. Have you ever been certified?" Lin Tian was surprised. Was there a Formation Masters' Guild? This was the first time he had heard of it. "I've just learned about the formation harnessing techniques. I haven't been certified yet." Lin Tian said. His words astonished Pu Shi and Xing Yao instantly, "You've just learned the techniques?" The two of them looked each other in the eye in shock. He was so capable after he had just learned the techniques? He was such an unbelievable genius! The corners of Pu Shi's mouth slightly twitched. He said, "When you have time, you had better go to the Formation Masters' Guild for certification as soon as possible. In terms of your capability, your level can't be low. By then, after you gain the emblem issued by the Formation Masters' Guild, it will be much more convenient for you to deal with many things. Moreover, if you need to auction off other things, the price will be higher." Lin Tian was shocked. Was it so beneficial to get certified? He nodded his head and said, "Okay. Thanks. I will get certified later." Now, with a knock on the door, a maid walked inside and passed a purple card to Xing Yao. Xing Yao took the purple card and passed it to Lin Tian with a grin, saying smilingly, "Boy, a 30% commission is deducted from the 60,000 spiritual coins and you can have 42,000 spiritual coins in the end. I have ordered to get you an advanced debit card. Am I nice to you?" More than 40,000 spiritual coins were too many. There could be more spiritual coins. Hence, institutions like banks were established in the Beiyan Empire, issuing various grades of debit cards. With such a card of this kind, the holder could go to the nearby bank to get the needed spiritual coins. "Thank you." Lin Tian said. On second thought, it would be a bit troublesome for him to bring 42,000 spiritual coins back to the martial institution. "You are welcome. You've brought a generous income of 18,000 spiritual coins for Treasure Trading Pavilion in one deal." Xing Yao smiled coquettishly and then got closer to Lin Tian, saying, "Of course, most importantly, it is because I like you. Ordinary people cannot enjoy such a benefit." Her tempting scent came to him again. Lin Tian felt his face was hot. Actually, the woman called him boy so naturally as if they were so close, which made Lin Tian so speechless. However, he didn't hate her. Admittedly, this woman really got something. Now that the money was obtained, Lin Tian coughed twice and really didn't want to stay here any longer. He stood up and said to Pu Shi and Xing Yao, "I'm sorry. I have something urgent to do. Got to leave." Xing Yao grinned and said, "Okay, I'll ask someone to see you off. Hope to see you again." Xing Yao clapped her hands. The beautiful maid came inside again. Ordered by her, the maid ushered Lin Tian out of the room and then they disappeared along the corridor soon. As she stared at Lin Tian go away, Xing Yao's coquettish look gradually disappeared. "A 16-year-old formation master, how marvelous! Uncle Pu, do you know his background?" Xing Yao said lightly. Pu Shi shook his head, "I don't know." After being silent for a while, Xing Yao said, "Do we need to look into his background?" Pu Shi felt shocked and hastened to say, "Don't!" "Why?" Xing Yao was confused. Pu Shi wiped the sweat off his forehead, saying, "Your Ladyship, think about this. When the young man came to Treasure Trading Pavilion, he was wrapped up in a black robe. Obviously, he doesn't want others to know about his identity. If we look into his background randomly, I'm afraid that we will annoy him. That will not be a good thing." Pu Shi hedged and became extremely stern, saying, "Besides, Your Ladyship, a 16-year-old formation master is so capable. Don't you think he is too unbelievably talented? Besides, since he is so unbelievably talented, how terrifying is the man who teaches him the formation harnessing techniques?" As to the formation harnessing techniques, one of the necessary conditions was to learn the formation patterns from an advanced formation master. Therefore, Pu Shi assumed that Lin Tian must have a master teaching him the formation harnessing techniques. "Uncle Pu, you mean..." Xing Yao's face got stern. Pu Shi nodded his head and said, "Don't look into his identity at will. The young man looks easy to get along with but his master may not. Given his formation harnessing techniques, his master must be terrifyingly capable. If we offend his master accidentally amidst looking into his background, there will be unnecessary big trouble for Treasure Trading Pavilion or the family behind us. You know, the top formation masters can be destructive, who can imprint the killing formations in midair. It won't be difficult for them to destroy a big family." Xing Yao's countenance became even sterner. "Uncle Pu, you are right. I was too reckless." Xing Yao said. Pu Shi shook his head and said smilingly, "Your Ladyship, you are still very young, only two years older than that young man. Among your peers, very few can be more excellent than you. Therefore, don't worry about it. You have a long way to go. I believe that you can become a brilliant woman unmatched in the world." "Uncle Pu, I'm so flattered." Xing Yao stuck out her tongue as if acting like a spoiled child. However, a glint of strangeness crossed her eyes. After being quiet for a moment, she said, "By the way, Uncle Pu, during the auction of the three martial integrating formation pattern scrolls, I seem to have found something interesting." "Oh? What was it?" Pu Shi was slightly doubtful. Xing Yao's eyes gleamed. She said, "That guy seems to bear grudges against the Xiao family of Fengjian City." Then, Xing Yao told him what happened during the auction. Pu Shi was startled, "How was it possible..." The old man slightly hedged and gave a teasing look, saying dismissively, "Only a rich merchant family dares to offend a formation master. They are asking for trouble!" Xing Yao rested her cheek on her left hand, her beautiful eyes glistening. Her lazy look appeared even more tempting. Did he have grudges against the Xiao family? How interesting! ... When Lin Tian returned to the martial institution, it was getting darker. He arrived at the attic and put down a pile of materials for imprinting formation patterns. Then, he took out a small bottle of elixirs and a beautiful long sword from under the black robe. "42,000 spiritual coins. I have 37,000 spiritual coins left. I should return 1,000 spiritual coins to Su Shu later." Lin Tian said inwardly. With enough spiritual coins, he bought some super-advanced materials. The elixirs and the long sword were not cheap. These things cost him 5,000 spiritual coins in total. However, now, Lin Tian didn't mind the expense at all. 5,000 spiritual coins were nothing to him now. "It feels so good to be rich." Honestly, Lin Tian was a bit excited about having so many spiritual coins all of a sudden. After a moment of excitement, he thought that he should buy several suits of new clothes for Lin Xi. Two years ago, the assets of the Lin family were occupied by the Xiao family. Thereafter, Lin Tian and Lin Xi led a poor life. Over the recent two years, Lin Xi really suffered a lot of hardships. The clothes she wore were very old. Despite that, she never complained about anything but became very lovable and sensible. "Well, I shall ask Su Shu for the favor." At the thought of Lin Xi, Lin Tian's eyes became soft. After taking a deep breath, Lin Tian practiced Siji Scriptures and didn't stop to start practicing the energy-gathering formation pattern until one hour later. For the following half a month, Lin Tian planned to imprint the energy-gathering formation pattern so that he could cultivate with the help of elixirs. Within half a month, he must reach the sixth layer of body cultivation and cultivate Shadow Fire Boxing and Wind-startling Swordsmanship to big attainment!
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