Chapter 47 Invincible Sword Pattern

2010 Words
Lin Tian had an aura of terror. He had a real murderous look accumulated by actually killing people. He couldn't be with it only by hunting monster beasts. His murderous look revealed his coldness and ruthlessness, really frightening others. Zhou Hao frowned, resisted the retreating Lyu Sheng, and then looked at Lin Tian, "You are somehow domineering." "Domineering?" Lin Tian sneered, "You came to stopped us, attacked me at will and scolded wantonly. Now you even have the nerve to say I'm domineering. Are you way too shameless?" "We are your senior brothers. What's wrong with us letting you stop and scolding you!" Lyu Sheng shouted. "Senior brothers?" Lin Tian's gaze coldly swept Lyu Sheng, "You had the cheek to call yourself my senior brother?" "You..." Lyu Sheng got angry at once. Zhou Hao restrained Lyu Sheng, looked at Lin Tian and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, you go too much today. Xu Hou was hurt so badly. It's legitimate that you should apologize." "Apologize? Don't joke to me." Lin Tian snorted. Taking Su Shu's hand, Lin Tian turned about to leave. "Stop!" Lyu Sheng looked at Zhou Hao nearby and gritted his teeth, releasing a formidable force to stop Lin Tian. Boom! At this time, the earth trembled and a violent hurricane suddenly blew with force, making the old trees around sway wildly, as if an earthquake had hit there. At the moment, the spirit of monster beasts filled the third-grade monster beast area suddenly. Not far away, a black sandstorm was approaching, and then the ground shook even harder. Looking around, dense monster beasts rushed towards them. What an astounding scene! "These monster beasts must go mad!" Lin Tian grew anxious. "Dong!" After a loud sound, the earth shook more violently. Lin Tian looked into the distance and saw a huge monster beast like an octopus behind the pack of monster beasts. It was about 55 feet high and its eyes were as big as football. "The fourth-grade old monster beast Centipede Beast, why it appears in this area!" Su Shu widened her eyes. A fourth-grade monster beast was comparable to a master at Divine Meridians Stage! "Leave it alone! Let's go!" Lin Tian said in a deep voice. Without any hesitation, he took Su Shu's hand and turned around to leave. Confronting such a pack of violent monster beasts, it's simply courting death if stay here. "Ang!" A numbing cry sounded. Lin Tian only felt that his eardrums were about to be broken. In the rear, the Centipede Beast shook its tentacles and lashed against the ground cracked. Lin Tian and Su Shu were also bounced up because of the earthquake. As a strange suction force appeared, Lin Tian and Su Shu were pulled to the Centipede Beast. "D*mn it!" Lin Tian got a little anxious. This suction force was really strong. He and Su Shu were flying towards the Centipede Beast quickly. "Ah!" After a shrill scream sounded, the seriously injured Xu Hou was the first being whipped away, rolled up by one of the tentacles of the Centipede Beast and threw directly into its mouth. Such a scene made Lyu Sheng's face pale. Fortunately, there was an old tree next to him and Zhou Hao. They grabbed the trunk of the old tree and had not been sucked in the air. Lin Tian was still in the air. He and Su Shu were pulled to the Centipede Beast by this suction force. It's hard to halt for them. Glancing at the huge Centipede Beast behind him, Lin Tian gritted his teeth and grabbed Su Shu next to him with all his might and threw her back. As a result, he himself flew towards the Centipede Beast faster. "Lin Tian!" Su Shu was astonished. Lin Tian couldn't let himself fall on the ground when he was flying faster to the Centipede Beast. He stretched out his hand into his pocket, turned his back to the others, took out two pieces of martial integrating formation pattern scroll prepared before the training, and opened it with an instruction in his mind. With the sound of Clang, the dense sword curtain suddenly appeared and slashed wildly at the Centipede Beast. "Ang!" The Centipede Beast roared, and the sword curtain didn't hurt it, but the suction force disappeared. Lin Tian fell to the ground. Without hesitation, he quickly turned around and rushed back. "Ang!" Blocked by the sword curtain, the Centipede Beast seemed angry, and the dense tentacles swept madly towards Lin Tian. Lin Tian looked serious, but he was not afraid. Exerting the Heavenly Unification Soul Method, he strengthened his perception rapidly when using the Dual Position Step, keeping flashing between the dense tentacles to quickly go far away the Centipede Beast. "What is this bodily movement? How could it be so fast!" Lyu Sheng was shocked. "Lin Tian, be careful!" Su Shu shouted and ran straight ahead, pulling out her delicate sword to attack the Centipede Beast. "Shu, don't do that. I'll help Lin Tian." Zhou Hao stopped Su Shu. After bypassing Su Shu, Zhou Hao quickly came to the front. A long cyan sword now appeared in his hand, "Lin Tian, let me help you!" When he opened his mouth, a cold light flashed in Zhou Hao's eyes. He raised the long sword in his hand. And then the sword Qi roaring in the air quickly slashed to the front. Lin Tian somehow doubted that would Zhou Hao be kind to help him? In the next moment of this idea, Lin Tian was threatened, and his eyes suddenly became extremely cold. Zhou Hao's sword Qi seemed to be attacking the Centipede Beast, but he blocked all ways for Lin Tian to escape at the same time. He could have got through successfully by using Dual Position Step, but now Zhou Hao blocked the breakthrough. "Lin Tian, rush out!" Zhou Hao shouted with an anxious expression. Lin Tian's eyes were cold and he exerted the Dual Position Step to dodge quickly. However, in the dilemma between the sword Qi and the crazy beast, even he could not save himself at the moment. He was immediately entangled by a tentacle of the Centipede Beast. "Lin Tian!" Su Shu got frightened and changed color. She rushed out, brandishing the delicate sword in her hand to make streaks of sword light. "Shu, you can't go there!" Zhou Hao shouted and stopped Su Shu. "Get out of the way!" Su Shu roared and stared at Lin Tian who was entangled by the Centipede Beast, with tears falling down. "Ang!" At this time, the Centipede Beast roared again. For a time, the black fog surged around, and the fierce and terrible spirit of monster beasts shrouded like dark cloud. Then the Centipede Beast retreated and soon disappeared into the distance. And Lin Tian was dragged away. "Lin Tian!" Su Shu shouted and was about to catch up. At the same time, there were also dense groups of monster beasts in this area, which were all third-grade monster beasts, seemingly being driven here by the Centipede Beast. After the Centipede Beast left, these third-grade monster beasts attacked Su Shu and the others violently. As a result, Su Shu was blocked on the way chasing the Centipede Beast then. "Shu, be careful!" Zhou Hao shouted. Looking at the direction the Centipede Beast left, Zhou Hao breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, a wicked smile appeared on his face. "Dare to fight with me, then you must die soon!" Zhou Hao whispered. . Lin Tian's body was entangled by the tentacles of the Centipede Beast, and the dark clouds rolled around. The spirit of monster beasts was unimaginably dense. His hands and legs were both wrapped, so it was difficult for him to move, nor could he even struggle. "Hoo!" The wind roared violently. It could be sure that the Centipede Beast moved very fast. Not knowing how long it took, Lin Tian felt that the Centipede Beast stopped. Then his body was thrown out heavily and slammed into a stone wall. "It hurts!" Lin Tian winced and struggled to his feet as if several bones on his back fractured. Here was a valley. Black spirit of monster beasts was covered everywhere. Applying the Heavenly Unification Soul Method, through the black fog, Lin Tian saw vaguely a pair of pupils of a bloodthirsty demon, cold, cruel and ruthless. Such eyes made him shiver. "Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!" At this time, the sound of breaking the air sounded, the Centipede Beast roared, and the dense tentacles pressed towards Lin Tian. Many sharp teeth grew on the tentacles, which looked particularly frightening. "I'm screwed!" Lin Tian suddenly sank into the depths of hopelessness. A fourth-grade monster beast was comparable to a master at Divine Meridians Stage. How can he resist it? "Hum!" Suddenly, something unexpected happened to Lin Tian. At this time, the sword pattern in his right hand became luminous independently, emitting the brightest light ever. He felt that his right hand seemed to be burning. "This is?!" Lin Tian was shocked. At this time, the tentacles of the Centipede Beast had approached. No time to think much, Lin Tian gritted his teeth, spread his right hand and pushed it out. "Clang!" A frightening sword howl was heard. And the scream of the Centipede Beast sounded at the same time. Lin Tian looked up and stared at the monster beast. He saw that the Centipede Beast flew backward in confusion, and his tentacles were completely blasted into debris. "This..." Looking at the shining sword pattern in his right hand, Lin Tian was stunned for a while. This... Was it way too terrible? A hundred feet away from the other side, the Centipede Beast uttered a cry of fear. The football-sized eyes were full of panic. It got down on only a dozen tentacles left on the ground and quickly fled to the distance. Lin Tian recovered his self-possession with a cold light flashed in his eyes. "You can't escape!" The sword pattern in the palm of his hand was still shining. He exerted the Dual Position Step and slashed at the Centipede Beast by his palm in the air. "Boom!" It was slashed randomly, but it made the whole area vibrate. It seemed that there were endless sword howls reverberating and terrible thunder in the void shocking. And the whole world was completely shrouded in an air of destruction. "Poof!" The powerful Centipede Beast exploded with a bang. The splashed blood dyed a large area of the ground red. Lin Tian was so surprised at sword pattern in his hand again that he gulped. "What on earth is that iron sword?" He was shocked. After the iron sword integrated with his body, cultivation methods appeared in his mind, and then he obtained the unparalleled bodily movement. Later, he obtained the skill of formation and strengthened his swordsmanship and combat craft. Now, the sword pattern showed such terrible destructive power! "Whoosh!" A noise sounded. Lin Tian looked up and saw a fist sized crystal ball falling from the sky. Lin Tian reached out and grabbed it. "Is this...the beast nucleus of a Centipede Beast? Can't believe it could be complete," Lin Tian said to himself. Looking at the beast nucleus in his hand, Lin Tian felt a very strong spiritual energy from it. The fluctuation of spiritual energy was comparable to that of the Jiuqu Essence Pill he refined for the first time. "It's a pity that human martial artists can't refine beast nuclei. Otherwise, such a beast nucleus is enough for me to reach the seventh layer of body cultivation." Lin Tian shook his head and was ready to put away the beast nucleus. However, at this time, something unforeseen happened again. In the palm of his right hand, the sword pattern was bright, and a hazy divine light suddenly covered the beast nucleus in his hand. In an instant, a strong spiritual energy spread, and poured into his body along his right hand.
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