Chapter 46 Cleaving an Advanced Combat Craft of Body Cultivation

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In the area of the third-grade monster beasts, there was an old forest, and the harsh sound of swords echoed continuously. The sword Qi flew in all directions. Nobody knew how many old trees suffered, and their branches and leaves were destroyed. Even the trunks were cut off. "Shadow Boxing!" "Fire Boxing!" "Destructive Sword!" "Lightning Sword!" "Wind-startling Sword!" The cold voice sounded constantly, first hot, and then it seemed as if there was thunder in the space. "This madman! Pervert! Evil!" Not far away, Su Shu was very excited. It had been six days since they entered Qingfeng Mountain. During these six days, she had been watching Lin Tian fight. Whenever there were monster beasts, Lin Tian rushed out immediately every time. She didn't even have a chance to start a fight. "Poof!" When the blood splashed, Lin Tian leapt up, spun his long sword and penetrated into the middle of the Dark Sunlight Bull's two eyebrows. With a bang, the huge body of the Dark Sunlight Bull suddenly fell to the ground and died. "Hoo!" Lin Tian took a long breath and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Dark Sunlight Bull was a monster beast comparable to a master at the eighth layer of body cultivation. Lin Tian almost did everything he could. He did his best in exerting all his combat crafts, then did he kill it after running out its energy. Taking out the beast nucleus of the Dark Sunlight Bull, and putting away the long sword, Lin Tian smiled faintly. "Su Shu, how many beast nuclei do we get?" After the practice these days, Lin Tian was more proficient in the control of Wind-startling Swordsmanship, almost attaining perfection. The power of the Wind-startling Swordsmanship also satisfied him very much. It proved itself to be a combat craft that no one had been able to cultivate to big perfection. It was really very powerful, which had greatly strengthened his own combat capability. Su Shu stepped forward and said, "We got 656." In these days, Lin Tian only combated with formidable monster beasts. Therefore, they collected beast nuclei inefficiently. Su Shu was certainly not dissatisfied with this. She didn't care much about the efficiency. During the past few days, she saw Lin Tian use the Wind-startling Swordsmanship time and again, feeling benefiting a lot from him. "Well, it's the last day. Let's get back," Lin Tian said with a smile. After several days of practicing, except for rest time, he was almost fighting with monster beasts, so his cultivation upgraded a lot. He felt that he could achieve the seventh layer of body cultivation at any time. "Let's go, let's go." Su Shu nodded several times. She had long wanted to go out. At that moment, they moved back towards Jiuyang Martial Institution. They were both at rather high cultivation. When they raced as expected, the old trees on both sides ran quickly in the opposite direction. After a while, three figures suddenly appeared in their vision, one of whom looked familiar. "Who are there?" Lin Tian narrowed his eyes slightly. In front, the three figures obviously noticed that Lin Tian and Su Shu were approaching and looked over. "Eh?" One of them was slightly surprised. This man in gold and looked handsome with grace, seeming a childe. It's Zhou Hao. "Shu." Zhou Hao greeted Lin Tian and Su Shu and stopped them. Su Shu stopped, frowned and said unhappily, "Zhou Hao, I've told you many times. Don't call me Shu!" There was an air of depression in Zhou Hao's eyes, but he still kept smiling. He looked at Su Shu and seemed to see Lin Tian just now. He said with a smile, "Lin Tian is here too. By the way, are you preparing for the competition three months later? I think you must be well prepared." Lin Tian shrugged and said, "No need to worry about me. You'd better ask the question to yourself. If the top one among exterior disciples is kicked down by me, a newcomer, and fell off the arena in three months, it will be much disgraceful." Zhou Hao narrowed his eyes slightly with a compelling look, stared at Lin Tian and said, "Oh? It seems that you are very confident in beating me." "Who knows?" Lin Tian looked indifferently. Suddenly, a crafty smile coming up on his face, he took Su Shu's hand and said, "Shu, let's go." Su Shu blushed and said, "You playboy!" However, she didn't say anything when Lin Tian called her Shu, nor did she take back the hand held by Lin Tian. Seeing this, Zhou Hao's face darkened immediately. "Well, Young Master Zhou, see you later," Lin Tian said with a grin. Holding Su Shu's hand, he pretended to be intimate with her and moved around Zhou Hao towards Jiuyang Martial Institution. "Stop!" "You're just a freshman. How dare you talk to your senior brother like that!" Just then, someone shouted coldly. The two young men behind Zhou Hao stood up, one in cyan and the other in gray. They both stared at Lin Tian with hostility. Lin Tian didn't seem to hear what they said. He took Su Shu's hand and walked at the same pace towards Jiuyang Martial Institution. "Clang!" A streak of sword light fell at his feet. And a deep crack could be seen on the ground. "You deaf!?" The young man in gray looked indifferently at Lin Tian, with a long sword in his hand shining. Staring at the deep sword crack at his feet, Lin Tian turned around, let go of Su Shu, and looked at the young man in gray holding the long sword, "Did you do this just now?" "I did it, so what!" The young man in gray sneered. "So what?" Lin Tian smiled coldly, and flashed in front of the young man in gray. He raised his hand and slapped him in the face. "Pow!" A slap sounded, the young man in gray was sent flying immediately. Lin Tian clapped his hands, "Nothing else, I'll just beat you." Witnessing the scene, Zhou Hao frowned. The man in cyan was also a little surprised. "So fast!" Su Shu was astonished. Although she had seen thoroughly Lin Tian's unbelievable speed in the past few days, she couldn't help but be shocked when she saw it again. For a master at the sixth layer of body cultivation, to act in this fast speed was really incredible. Not far away, the young man in gray had a bleeding corner of his mouth. Half of his cheeks were swollen, with a clear handprint on it. He was looking at Lin Tian with shame and anger. "Boom!" The young man in gray stood up quickly and covered with a terrible sword spirit. "You're fast! I'd say you seized the right time to launch a sneak attack!" The young man in gray looked at Lin Tian ferociously. "You dare to attack me. Wait to see how I disable your hands!" Not far behind him, Su Shu whispered to Lin Tian, "Xu Hou, ranking 25th among exterior disciples, at the top of the seventh layer of body cultivation. He masters the Ghostly Swordsmanship, an advanced combat craft of body cultivation. Be careful. It's hard to fend off its offensive. In comparison, although those of the Mo family are also at seventh layer of body cultivation, they definitely can't match with Xu Hou." "At the top of the seventh layer of body cultivation. Advanced combat craft of body cultivation." Lin Tian narrowed his eyes. At this time, Xu Hou had already advanced on Lin Tian. In a flash, sword shadows appeared all around with phantoms. The sword light generated by the combat craft was constantly changing direction at a weird angle at the same time, aiming at Lin Tian. "Ghostly Sword!" Xu Hou shouted coldly. "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" The light of the sword flickered, keeping making the sound of breaking the air, without a clear track of the sword light. In the rear, the man in cyan held his arms and said, "Ghostly Sword, as the name suggests, the sword light will be like a ghost. Ordinary people can't learn the moving direction of it at all. They will unconsciously find that they are already attacked by the sword Qi. Haven't seen him for a few days, Xu Hou is more proficient in mastering the swordsmanship. Maybe even I can't manage to withstand it." The man in cyan was named Lyu Sheng, ranking 23rd among exterior disciples. "Not bad." Zhou Hao nodded. Lyu Sheng said with a smile, "Complimented by Young Master Zhou on his swordsmanship, I'm sure Xu Hou will be honored later. Now, please watch the freshman make a fool of himself. Well, not before long entering the Martial Institution, he dares to disobey Young Master Zhou, how ignorant. Let Xu Hou teach him a good lesson." "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" The sword light flickered. Finally, the dense shadows of Ghostly Sword dashed towards Lin Tian. These sword shadows were really strange, constantly changing their directions, which was very troublesome. After observing several seconds, Lin Tian found it difficult to see through their tracks. "Hum!" However, Lin Tian didn't care about it, just responded with a snort. "Now that I can't see clearly, I will destroy them all!" He said coldly. The fierce and powerful sword spirit diffused into the air from his body. When he exerted the perfect Wind-startling Sword suddenly, a dense silver sword curtain emerged, spreading in the shape of a circle. "Clang!" The roar of the sword was harsh and frightening. With continuous crash, all the sword Qi of Ghostly Sword thrown off by Xu Hou was broken. Almost at the same time, several sword Qi of Wind-startling Sword penetrated through the sword curtain of Ghostly Sword and puffed into Xu Hou's body. "Ah!" Xu Hou screamed, bleeding all over and flew out in a panic. Such a scene shocked everyone there in an instant. "How... could it happen!" Lyu Sheng was shocked. The master at the sixth layer of body cultivation cleaved the sword light of Ghostly Sword thrown off by Xu Hou, a master at the peak level of seventh layer of body cultivation, and hurt him. Lyu Sheng was totally in disbelief. Zhou Hao's face darkened. He recognized the swordsmanship Lin Tian just used. It was the Wind-startling Swordsmanship that was the most difficult combat craft to cultivate in Martial Institution. And it seemed that Lin Tian had achieved the big attainment! "Lin Tian, they are all your fellows from the same Institution. Aren't you way too cruel?" Zhou Hao said seriously. Lin Tian sneered, "When he said he wanted to disable my right hand and used the advanced combat craft of body cultivation, you didn't say anything. Now I beat him, you came out and said I was cruel. Don't you think you have a bias towards him? But speaking of which, you keep so many dogs around you. I've seen six altogether until now." His gaze swept over Xu Hou and Lyu Sheng with a sneer. Such words and expressions suddenly changed the countenance of Xu Hou and Lyu Sheng. Xu Hou's face turned blue, while Lyu Sheng's face darkened at once with hard eyes. "Lin Tian, please be polite. They are my friends!" Zhou Hao darkened his face, "Moreover, Xu Hou didn't hurt you!" "If he hurts me, I bet you laugh," Lin Tian satirizes him. "Bastard! How dare you talk to Young Master Zhou like that!" Lyu Sheng spoke out and stared at Lin Tian coldly, "You're just a newcomer. Coming across your senior brothers, you didn't respect us, even fought with us, and didn't repent afterwards. You're really uneducated! Today, I'll teach you what etiquette is standing in for your irresponsible parents!" Lin Tian glanced at Lyu Sheng rather ruthlessly with a cold eye. "What did you say?" He said coldly. At this moment, he suddenly exuded a murderous air, like turning himself to a ghost. "You..." Lyu Sheng was astonished and he couldn't help taking a step back. This real murderous look made him fearful unconsciously.
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