Chapter 48 Surviving the Area of Fourth-grade Monster Beasts

1934 Words
Lin Tian was shocked. The spiritual energy entering his body from his right hand was so strong and pure. It was exactly the same as the feeling of refining the Jiuqu Essence Pill a month ago. "Is it...?" Lin Tian's face lighted up. Taking a deep breath, Lin Tian quickly sat down cross legged, exerting the Siji Scriptures at once. "Hum!" The faint silver brilliance glittered and bathed on his skin. Lin Tian calmed down and pulled the spiritual energy into his flesh and bones with energy. Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that he could really cultivate with this! "This is..." Taking another deep breath, Lin Tian contained his excitement and focused on cultivation. The Centipede Beast was a fourth-grade monster beast, which was comparable to the master of Divine Meridians Stage. The spiritual energy power bred inside the beast nucleus was super huge. At this moment, with the help of the sword pattern in the palm of the right hand, the beast nucleus seemed to be decomposed. And the spiritual energy bred in it spread rapidly and poured into Lin Tian's body. "Refining flesh! Cultivating muscles and bones!" Lin Tian whispered. His eyes were quiet and firm. Enduring the sharp pain of cultivating his body, he guided the spiritual energy into his flesh, muscles and bones again and again. Under the guidance of energy, the spiritual energy seemed to turn into sharp blades that cut his flesh, muscles and bones madly. The so-called cultivating body was to destroy it first and then rebuild it! This process was doomed to be extremely painful! Lin Tian exerted the Siji Scriptures time and again, completely ignoring the pain of cultivating his body, with his eyes always calm. Not knowing how long it took, heavenly drums were reverberated in his body, and white smoke came out of his head. So far, six hours soon passed. As the sky darkened, Lin Tian still sat cross-legged in the valley. The beast nucleus in his right hand was about to lose its luster and looked no different from ordinary stones. Also at this time, Lin Tian suddenly convulsed his body. "Boom!" A tremendous formidable force centered on him quickly spread around. This formidable force lasted for dozens of seconds. After dozens of seconds, all the force disappeared, and the light of the Centipede Beast's beast nucleus completely dimmed. At this time, Lin Tian finally opened his eyes, and the two streaks of glory flashed away. Exhaling a mouthful of turbid breath, Lin Tian stood up. "The seventh layer of body cultivation!" He shook his left fist and immediately felt a tremendous change. His strength was at least twice as powerful as before! "Click!" Just then, a rattle sounded from his right hand. The Centipede Beast's beast nucleus was taken away all the essence of the spiritual energy and turned into a common stone. As the energy in Lin Tian's body worked, a lot of cracks appeared on the nucleus. Lin Tian was really shocked when he put the scrap of beast nucleus in front of him. Because the physical constitution of monster beast was different from that of human beings, although there was endless spiritual energy in the beast nucleus, martial artists couldn't refine it without processing. They could only use it as a special material, such as using in alchemy and refining weapons. But now, to his surprise, he absorbed the spiritual energy in the beast nucleus directly, as if he had refined and absorbed an elixir. This was a miracle! It would never be known how many people would be surprised if such things got out. "This sword pattern..." Staring at the sword pattern in his hand, Lin Tian only felt a palpitation. It was so mysterious! At this moment, the sword pattern in the palm of his hand had become dim. After looking at it for a few seconds, the surprise on his face disappeared and was replaced by ecstasy. With this sword pattern, didn't he have one more way to advance his cultivation stage compared to ordinary people in the future? He could enhance strength by refining beast nuclei! Thinking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing excitedly. But after smiled for a while, he got a fierce look. "Zhou Hao, wait to see. I must kill you in two months, or I can name after you!" Lin Tian said coldly. Calming himself down, Lin Tian began to look around. It was a small valley, which seemed to be the nest of the Centipede Beast. After his eyes swept the nest carefully, Lin Tian found that there were skeletons of corpses there, both human bones and beast bones. But of course, most of them were beasts'. After scanning around, he found no beast nucleus. "Leave first, go back to start refining the internal organs based on Longstalk Condorvine," Lin Tian said to himself. The Longstalk Condorvine referred to that one he obtained from Ge Zheng. It was a spiritual elixir for refining the internal organs, which was worth nearly 100,000 spiritual coins and had a miraculous effect on refining the internal organs. He couldn't wait to use Longstalk Condorvine for the next step of cultivation. Moreover, he felt very uncomfortable staying in the nest of this monster beast. Striding out of the valley, what appeared in front of him was a denser old forest, with stronger trunks and spirit of monster beasts in the air, which made him feel cold on his back. "Roar!" The roar of beasts echoed in the old forest, even shaking the ground. By the faint moonlight, Lin Tian saw one and another huge monster beasts. Although their sizes were not as big as that of a Centipede Beast, they were huge enough. These monster beasts were filled with terrible fluctuations. The Scarlet Faced Apparition he killed was too weak to be comparable to them. "Here... Shouldn't it be the area of fourth-grade monster beasts?" Lin Tian swallowed hard. Composing himself, Lin Tian hid in the valley and looked outside carefully. Soon, half a quarter later, Lin Tian sadly found that he was really in the area of fourth-grade monster beasts! "Sh*t!" Lin Tian suddenly had an impulse to hack away. If he wanted to go back to Jiuyang Martial Institution, he had to cross this area. However, the fourth-grade monster beasts lived here everywhere. The weakest ones could be comparable to masters at primary level of Divine Meridians. Now he was just at the seventh layer of body cultivation, so that surviving such a monster beasts area was having a narrow escape. Although he killed the Centipede Beast with the sword pattern before, the two attacks almost took away all his energy. Moreover, he found that he just triggered the sword pattern by accident. Under normal circumstances, he couldn't put forth the powerful strength like that. "It's terrible." Thinking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help smiling bitterly and wanted to grip Zhou Hao and hack him a thousand times at once. With a deep breath, he slowly walked out of the valley. Although the area of fourth-grade monster beasts was dangerous, he had to leave. He couldn't cultivate here until he reached the Divine Meridians Stage, could he? If so, he would waste months and years here! "I can use Dual Position Step and I still have two martial integrating formation pattern scrolls of body cultivation. With my prudence, they will rescue me," Lin Tian said to himself. Taking advantage of the darkness, Lin Tian flashed out of the valley and moved carefully towards the area of third-grade monster beasts. "Roar!" "Ow!" In the area of fourth-grade monster beasts, roaring of monster beasts sounded from time to time. As a result, Lin Tian's eardrums got numb. He carefully hid in the dark and tried his best to catch his breath, like a ghost rushing through the old forest. "Boom!" Suddenly, the ground shook as if caused by a walking giant. Lin Tian stopped and hid behind an old tree and looked into the distance. He saw a monster beast looking like an ape fighting with another monster beast like a crocodile covered with scales. When they were struggling, blood flew in the air. The old trees around them collapsed one by one, and the boulders smashed piece by piece. The scene was extremely appalling. Lin Tian couldn't help swallowing hard. It was really terrible. "Quietly sloped off," Lin Tian said and dodged carefully. The night shrouded the old forest, but the monster beasts were still active. Soon after, Lin Tian was stared at by a pair of dark blue demon eyes. It was a strange monster beast about ten feet tall. Although it was not very huge in size, its aura was terrible, even no worse than that Centipede Beast. With a fierce roar, the monster beast causing a foul wind pounced directly on Lin Tian. "F*ck you!" With a loud scold, Lin Tian stepped on Dual Position Step and ran away quickly. "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" He moved very fast, rushing through the old forest, making sounds of breaking the air. However, the monster beast chasing him was not even slower than him, and the distance between the two was narrowing quickly. Looking back, Lin Tian kept the same speed, but his right hand reached into his pocket and took out a martial integrating formation pattern scroll prepared before. After putting his intention into the scroll, he threw it straight at the strange monster beast behind him. "Clang!" For a moment, the piercing sword howl rang through the forest, and the continuous silver sword curtain slashed down. The monster beast gave a low roar, while a strong wind blew up. After several seconds or so, the strong wind died away, and the martial integrating formation pattern scroll of the Wind-startling Sword had made the monster beast bloodied. Moreover, Lin Tian disappeared from the beast's vision. "Roar!" The monster beast was furious, roared up to the sky, causing old trees around to shake violently. A thousand feet away, Lin Tian heard the roar and couldn't help taking a long breath. "Finally got rid of it," Lin Tian said to himself. Thinking about it, Lin Tian was suddenly glad that he had prepared several martial integrating formation pattern scrolls before entering Qingfeng Mountain. Otherwise, he would get into trouble under the circumstances. Although he could use Wind-startling Sword at any time, it took time and energy bare handed, which was very unfavorable to his escape. "There is only one martial integrating formation pattern scroll left. I must be more careful," Lin Tian said in mind. Hiding behind an old tree, he looked around cautiously. After confirming that there was no danger nearby, he moved again and quickly rushed towards the area of third-grade monster beasts with Dual Position Step. ... Three days later, at the edge of the area second-grade monster beasts in Qingfeng Mountain, a ragged and disheveled teenager with a long sword in hand, whose face was smeared with dirt, staggered, not much different from a beggar. This young man was exactly Lin Tian. "It's finally an end to the escape!" Lin Tian sputtered. The last martial integrating formation pattern scroll of body cultivation of Wind-startling Sword was also used up in three days. After that, in order to avoid terrible monster beasts in the area of fourth-grade, he buried himself in heaps of rubble, hid in brambles with sharp thorns and among the dense branches. How miserable it must be. Most importantly, in the past three days, he even ate a lot of grass to fill his belly.
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