Chapter 55 The Weird Girl

1987 Words
Secretly scolding, Lin Tian didn't hesitate, ran quickly, exerted Dual Position Step and fled to the distance. He really didn't expect that the Spiritual Ridge Scorpion actually chased here from the other side of the canyon. It was just persistent. With a fierce roar, the Spiritual Ridge Scorpion jumped down the stone wall. "Bang!" The Spiritual Ridge Scorpion fell to the ground, and the whole ground shook as if an earthquake had occurred. Many old trees fell under its monster body and were crushed. Soon, Lin Tian was startled again. The Spiritual Ridge Scorpion was not only huge, but also not slow. Although he had exerted the Dual Position Step to the limit, the distance between the two was still getting closer. "Wind-startling Sword!" Lin Tian gritted his teeth and gave out a backhand stroke. The clang sound constantly appeared, and the dense sword shadow rushed towards the Spiritual Ridge Scorpion. Then, Lin Tian left without looking back. This sword was just to largen the distance between him and Spiritual Ridge Scorpion. "Find somewhere to hide," Lin Tian said in heart. He rushed forward quickly, and the old trees on both sides retreated quickly. Suddenly, a black claw protruded from the side. The claw was covered with beast fur. Unexpectedly, it was a third-grade monster beast Black-tongued Swine at medium level. "Get lost!" Lin Tian raised his hand and cut with a sword. With a scream, the claw stretched out by the Black-tongued Swine was cut off by Lin Tian. Behind Lin Tian, the sound of thumping continued to sound. The eight legs of Spiritual Ridge Scorpion moved quickly, raising dust on the ground. Lin Tian glanced back, jumped forward and kicked the Black-tongued Swine to the Spiritual Ridge Scorpion. The Black-tongued Swine howled miserably, and then its monster body hit the Spiritual Ridge Scorpion. "Roar!" The Spiritual Ridge Scorpion was very angry. The two front monster legs showed sharp blades and penetrated into the Black-tongued Swine. At this time, Lin Tian had rushed out far again. The sky gradually dimmed, and the Dark Forest looked even darker. "Brother, can I open my eyes?" The little girl said weakly. "Purple, don't worry, just wait a minute," Lin Tian said. Now they hadn't really got rid of the crisis yet. He could feel that the spirit of Spiritual Ridge Scorpion was still getting close. Glancing around, Lin Tian suddenly saw a tall mountain in the distance. "Maybe there is a place to hide," Lin Tian thought in secret. His speed became faster, and there was even a faint silver light on the soles of his feet. "Fizz." "Fizz." "Fizz." A strange voice came out from behind an old tree nearby, which immediately alerted Lin Tian. As he ran into the distance, he looked around warily. Around ten seconds later, with a strange wind blowing up, not far from his right side, a huge centipede stood up, and the dense centipede feet made him feel cold. "The fourth-grade monster beast Devouring Landform Centipede!" Lin Tian was shocked. It never rained but it poured. This was exactly what Lin Tian felt now. The Devouring Landform Centipede gave a strange hiss, leaned back and wound towards Lin Tian like a snake. "Fire Boxing!" Lin Tian turned sideways and threw 18 fiery boxing lights with one fist. Of course, he didn't expect that such attacks would cause any damage to a fourth-grade monster beast. Everything was just to buy some time for a successful escape. The light of Fire Boxing briefly obscured the vision of the Devouring Landform Centipede, and Lin Tian rushed forward quickly. "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" His speed was very fast and he kept shuttling through the old forest, like a shadow in the dark. Soon, Lin Tian became sad. Within half an hour, more and more monster beasts gathered behind him, and they were all fourth-grade monster beasts, with nearly ten or so. "What the hell is this shade spectre flower?" Lin Tian was annoyed in secret, "Forget it, when we are really forced to a dead end, we can only throw it away." The shade spectre flower was important, but life was much more important than that. As time went by, Lin Tian gradually felt that he was out of strength. "Brother." The little girl heard Lin Tian's faint gasp and whispered. "It's fine. You'll be able to open your eyes soon," Lin Tian comforted her. That said, but his heart was very heavy at the moment. The sound of thump behind him continued to appear, and the old trees on both sides were broken one by one, like rolling up a sandstorm. The sky was completely dimmed. Lin Tian didn't even notice that a full moon had hung in the sky. "The moonlight doesn't match the scene," Lin Tian sighed. His speed was very fast. Behind him, more than ten monster beasts were chasing after him. If these monster beasts hadn't had some disputes with each other, it was estimated that he would have been caught up already. Not far away, Lin Tian finally gritted his teeth and took out the cloth bag carefully. "Try to throw out half of the leave," Lin Tian said in secret. Lin Tian had kept running for nearly an hour. From time to time, he cut out the Wind-startling Sword to largen the distance from the monster beasts. In addition, the previous battle with Lu Ba and the others already consumed some energy. Now, he was almost exhausted. Opening the small cloth bag, he carefully cut off a section of the leaf of the shade spectre flower with the Regression Origin Sword, rolled it out with the sword wind and threw it behind him. The black leaf floated out with the wind, and all the monster beasts were attracted at that time. "Roar!" "Argh!" A dozen of fourth-grade monster beasts unexpectedly rushed towards the black leaf. This situation made Lin Tian stare. What was this shade spectre flower that made these monster beasts so persistent? He shook his head fiercely. Lin Tian's speed was faster. Because a section of black shade spectre flower leaf was thrown out, more than ten monster beasts began to compete, giving up Lin Tian for a short time. Lin Tian put the small cloth bag back, walked in a flash, gritted his teeth and went towards the high mountain in front of him. About a quarter of an hour later, he came to the front of the mountain. The mountain was slightly bright. There was a cave not far away. The entrance was not too big. It was difficult for ordinary monster beasts to find out. Lin Tian gasped and stepped into the cave with difficulty. Finally, his physical strength couldn't support him anymore and he sat down on the ground. "Purple, you can open your eyes," He said, unfastening the sleeve at his waist and putting the little girl down. The little girl opened her eyes and saw Lin Tian's face pale. She immediately showed an expression of desire to cry. She half knelt beside Lin Tian, grabbed Lin Tian's clothes and said anxiously, "What's the matter with you, big brother?" "I'm fine, just a bit tired," Lin Tian said with a smile. The smile was naturally forced. Looking outside the cave, Lin Tian felt his vision began to blur. This feeling was almost the same as the last time he was outside the Formation Masters' Guild. His energy and spirit were consumed too seriously. In this regard, he was not surprised. It was a miracle that he could survive in the face of the pursuit of more than ten fourth-grade monster beasts. It was normal that his energy and spirit were consumed so seriously. "Purple, do not go anywhere, just stay here," Lin Tian reluctantly said. His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Lin Tian really couldn't support and slept passively. "Big brother? Brother? Brother!" The little girl pushed Lin Tian hard. Seeing that Lin Tian didn't move, the little girl was so anxious that she thought something had happened to Lin Tian, and her tears flowed down. Struggling, the little girl put her head on Lin Tian's chest until she felt Lin Tian's heartbeat. She was relieved and breathed a long sigh of relief. Although an 11-year-old girl was ignorant, she still knew some of the simplest things. Wiping away her tears, the little girl laid her head on Lin Tian's chest. She was very docile and quiet. Looking around, the little girl looked out of the cave and into the gorgeous night sky. "The moon is so charming," The little girl whispered. The moon was very round with its silver light scattering, covering the whole world with a layer of silver. The silver moonlight even shone into the cave. Looking at the full moon, the little girl's eyes were very pure and focused. Gradually, the little girl's beautiful pupils changed a little and opened a little wider. Several seconds later, the little girl's facial expression also changed. She wasn't like a child anymore. She stood up beside Lin Tian, with black hair like a waterfall falling on her waist and dancing gently in the night wind. At this moment, the little girl's eyes were no longer confused, no longer hesitant, no longer pure, but turned into calm and profound. "This day of the year is really troublesome," The little girl said to herself. "Sizzle." "Sizzle." "Sizzle." Strange sounds sounded. Outside the cave, a huge monster beast head appeared and stared straight at the cave. Then, more and more demon eyes lit up, full of bloodthirsty, greed and cruelty. After a short pause, the monster beasts chasing Lin Tian came here. Among them, there were Spiritual Ridge Scorpion, Devouring Landform Centipede, Fiery Demon Dog, and even Monster Serpent which was at fifth grade. The fifth-grade Monster Serpent stuck its forked tongue, winding towards the cave. The demon pupils were cold, with the light of evil intention, staring at the sleeping Lin Tian tightly. Like staring at a prey, the Monster Serpent leaned slowly towards Lin Tian. "Get lost." At this time, a cold voice sounded. The little girl tilted her head. Her pure eyes became indifferent, glancing towards the Monster Serpent and the monster beasts outside the cave. The fifth-grade Monster Serpent in the cave trembled violently. And its mouth bled. The spirit in its eyes passed quickly, and there was no movement in the blink of an eye. At the same time, outside the cave, all the monster beasts trembled, and pairs of bloodthirsty eyes showed panic. In an instant, all the monster beasts retreated together and disappeared in the blink of an eye. There was only a corpse of a fifth-grade monster beast left here. The little girl looked back at Lin Tian again. Suddenly she saw a jade pendant on Lin Tian's chest, squatted down and took it. "Jiuyang Martial Institution, Lin Tian." The little girl said to herself. The corners of her mouth involuntarily raised, revealing a very strange smile, "That's interesting." Putting the jade pendant back on Lin Tian's chest, she held Lin Tian's back collar with her small hand, and the two disappeared into the cave with a light flashing. The next moment, outside the Dark Forest, the light wind rolled up and the little girl reappeared. Putting Lin Tian down, the little girl raised her left hand. An aperture appeared outside Lin Tian's body, and then it dimmed quickly. Looking at the sleeping Lin Tian, the little girl squatted down and put her right hand on Lin Tian's chest. A slightly imperceptible light flashed and quickly disappeared into Lin Tian's body. "Thanks to you," The little girl said gently. The voice was still clear and crisp. It was not much different from an ordinary 11-year-old girl, but it was somehow strange. Looking at Lin Tian, after a breeze rolled over, and the little girl disappeared silently.
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