Chapter 56 Wild Wave Formation

1985 Words
When Lin Tian woke up, the sky already became bright and the morning sun was shining, slightly dazzling. Standing up and looking around, Lin Tian found himself outside the Dark Forest. "What's going on?!" Lin Tian was astounded. I undoubtedly walked into a cave, how could I stay outside the Dark Forest just after a sleep?! "Oh, Purple... Purple!" Lin Tian scanned around. Seeing this, Lin Tian's face suddenly sank. There was grass of an inch high around him. He couldn't even see a ghost. "Purple!" Lin Tian shouted. Lin Tian looked for the little girl around for about half an hour, but he still couldn't find the trace of her. "What happened?" He frowned. In retrospect, he found it really weird. After checking himself all over, he found nothing lost, frowning harder. After that, he looked for her for one more hour and even went into the Dark Forest once, but he still failed. Finally, he gave up. "Forget it." Looking back at the Dark Forest, after a while, Lin Tian put on his black robe, turned away and left. The Dark Forest was far from Fengjian City. When Lin Tian returned to the City, it was already in the afternoon. Wrapped in a black robe, Lin Tian came to the Formation Masters' Guild. He carefully took out the shade spectre flower and handed it to Mi Fei, which surprised Mi Fei for a while. It was only two days. Lin Tian actually brought back the shade spectre flower from the Dark Forest. It took at least seven days for the one who completed the task fastest before. "Are you all right?" Mi Fei asked. Although Mi Fei still used honorific, she seemed to be more casual because of what Lin Tian said to her last time. "Nothing, just a little tired," Lin Tian smiled and said. "Thank goodness!" Mi Fei breathed a sigh of relief because many people died before on the way to finish this task. The shade spectre flower lacked a half piece of leaf, but it didn't matter. The most important thing was the petals. Mi Fei carefully put away the shade spectre flower, and then recorded Lin Tian's formation master points, "800 points in total. Would you like to redeem them all for moon drops?" "Yes, all for moon drops." Lin Tian nodded. "OK, just a moment, please." Mi Fei went into the backyard and soon took out a small jade bottle containing a little silver thick liquid. "Thank you." Lin Tian picked it up and took it into his pocket carefully. Ge Zheng hadn't come back yet. Lin Tian and Mi Fei said goodbye and left immediately. Soon after, he returned to his residence in the Martial Institution and climbed to the Top Pavilion. When Lin Tian woke up outside the Dark Forest, he found that his spirit had completely regained and even strengthened a little, so he didn't rest any more. "The moderate gale formation pattern." Closing his eyes, he directly began to comprehend the moderate gale formation pattern. The moderate gale formation pattern was a third-grade formation pattern, which was more difficult than the martial integrating formation pattern and the energy-gathering formation pattern. It took Lin Tian two full days to understand this formation pattern thoroughly. As for the blank scrolls, because the Formation Masters' Guild sold ready-made ones, Lin Tian bought some there, so he only needed to make pigmented ink and then depict it. Another day passed; the first moderate gale formation pattern was successfully made. "Hoo!" Lin Tian exhaled a mouthful of turbid air and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Different to the energy-gathering formation pattern, the third-grade moderate gale formation pattern had eight basic patterns, which was naturally not easy to depict, especially this first one. Fortunately, Lin Tian had rich formation depicting experience, so it took only three days to complete the first third-grade moderate gale formation pattern. "One more." After the first scroll was completed, Lin Tian started to make the second one. Compared with the first one, the second one was naturally much simpler to make. After all, he had practical experience. A day later, the moon drops were all consumed, and Lin Tian painted eight moderate gale formation patterns. "Good!" Lin Tian's eyes brightened. Just after nightfall, Lin Tian went down the Top Pavilion and breathed in the face of the rising sun to restore his spirit. "The Xiao family." Looking outside the Martial Institution, Lin Tian sneered. After the moderate gale formation pattern was finished and night fell again, he could go and get some things back. At this time, his identity jade pendant suddenly lit up, and a voice directly came into his mind, "All the new disciples of the Martial Institution must gather in the drill ground in half an hour." Lin Tian was surprised. Did this identity jade pendant have the function of the voice transmission tally? "Drill ground." After a pause, Lin Tian turned and went back to his residence. After a quick washing, he went to the drill ground of the Martial Institution. The identity jade pendant was a symbol of the disciples of the Martial Institution, or a symbol of Jiuyang Martial Institution. Since the voice came from the identity jade pendant, Lin Tian would naturally not disobey it. Half a quarter of an hour later, he came to the drill ground. The drill ground was almost empty. Only one middle-aged man stood on the biggest drill platform with his hands clasped behind his back. When he saw Lin Tian coming here, the middle-aged man showed a little interest in his eyes, "Are you a freshman?" "Yes." Lin Tian nodded. "Not bad!" Looking at Lin Tian, the middle-aged man showed satisfaction. After he issued a command, Lin Tian came here in half a quarter of an hour, which showed that Lin Tian got up early and worked hard every day. Most people liked hard-working people very much. Looking at Lin Tian, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "What's your name?" "Lin Tian," Lin Tian said respectfully. The middle-aged man was surprised, "You are Lin Tian? The nine-star talent and the genius ranking first among freshmen?" The middle-aged man was not on the scene when Lin Tian took the examination of the Martial Institution more than a month ago. As a tutor of the Martial Institution, he would naturally know the participant who was so outstanding with nine-star talent after the assessment. Lin Tian said modestly, "I'm flattered. I really don't deserve to be called as genius." The middle-aged man was more satisfied with Lin Tian's attitude. There were many people like genius, but a humble one made people feel closer. "Don't be modest. You are genius!" the middle-aged man said frankly, "My name is Luo Xiao. I'm temporarily responsible for the physical training of freshmen. If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me at any time." "Thank you, master." Lin Tian thanked him. Soon, half an hour later, more than 100 new disciples gathered in this drill ground one after another. Many people's clothes were still a little untidy. Obviously, many people were still sleeping when hearing the voice from the identity jade pendant. Looking at these people, Luo Xiao shook his head and became more appreciative of Lin Tian. "Stand to attention in five seconds!" Roared Luo Xiao. The majestic energy surged in the air, which shocked all the disciples who suddenly moved several times faster. Lin Tian felt a jolt, "Divine Meridians Stage!" Compared with Mu Qing and Shi Dong, this energy was a lot poorer, but it was strong enough. He should be at the third layer of Divine Meridians Stage. Luo Xiao glanced at the crowd and didn't speak again until many people felt bursts of depression. "The drill ground is the place where the disciples of the Martial Institution practice their combat crafts and conduct some duels. Behind me, the other side of the drill ground is the specific training ground of the Martial Institution! The training ground is divided into physical fitness training center and energy gathering center. I want you to come here today to visit the first place, the physical fitness training center!" "Come with me!" Said Luo Xiao, turning and walking towards the other side of the drill ground. The drill ground of Jiuyang Martial Institution was very huge. On the other side, there was a huge open area. There were two different stone gates, which were both engraved with big characters, one was "physical fitness" and the other was "energy". The meanings of them were very simple. Behind the physical fitness stone gate was the physical fitness training center, and behind the energy stone gate was the energy gathering center. When he came near, Luo Xiao nodded to the deacon of Martial Institution who was guarding the stone gate. Suddenly, the two deacons opened the physical fitness stone gate together. "Come in!" Said Luo Xiao, who went in first. The group of disciples stepped into the stone gate one after another. As soon as they first entered, they became a little surprised. The space behind the stone gate seemed different from the outside and seemed depressed. Luo Xiao looked at the crowd and shouted, "The essence of the physical fitness training center is that there is a huge formation engraved in it, called wild wave formation! The so-called wild wave formation has only one effect, that is, to enhance the gravity in the formation which originally exists in the nature. It is more difficult to move in the formation than outside it." "The wild wave formation is divided into nine areas. Imaging there's a circle on the ground, the closer it is to the center, the heavier the gravity is. They are, double gravity area, triple gravity area, quadruple gravity area, five times gravity area, six times gravity area, seven times gravity area, eight times gravity area, nine times gravity area and ten times gravity area." Jiuyang Martial Institution had been established for a long time. Including the illusion formation involved in assessment, all the huge formations in the Martial Institution were engraved by very powerful formation masters. Luo Xiao looked at the crowd and then said, "Staying in the wild wave formation, the higher gravity of the area you are in, the higher impact of physical fitness training you will take. Just think about what it would be like when you can move freely in the double gravity area and return to the ordinary environment? All parts of your body will be built up by leaps and bounds!" "Wow!" As soon as Luo Xiao's words finished, there was an uproar at the scene. "This is also one of the cultivation resources of the Martial Institution? Great!" "How strong would it be after practicing for a year?" "That's great!" Many disciples were excited. Not only these people, but also Lin Tian could not help but be pleasantly surprised in secret that the Jiuyang Martial Institution had so abundant resources. These cultivation resources could never be found outside by himself! Seeing all the disciples jumping with excitement, Luo Xiao snorted coldly, "Don't be happy too early. The effect of cultivating in the wild wave formation is really significant. However, the process of the cultivation is extremely tough, even painful. Ordinary people can't stay long in the space! Even I can only barely move in the five times gravity area!" After a pause, Luo Xiao said again, "In addition, this time I'm just taking you to have a look. Later, each of you will be allowed to practice here for various time length according to your achievements in the Exterior Ministry Ranking Trail not long ago. The higher you rank, the longer you can practice in this huge formation every month. On the contrary, the lower you rank, you can practice here for the less time accordingly."
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