Chapter 54 Fourth-grade Monster Beast Spiritual Ridge Scorpion

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The sad cry echoed, and then it soon became silent. In the frightened eyes of the middle-aged man in yellow and the other two, Lu Ba was torn apart by more than ten Nether Apes, his internal organs were eaten, and blood was scattered all over the ground. "It seems that you are not that lucky. They didn't just bite you a few times," Lin Tian said indifferently. Turning around, his eyes were cold and swept towards the last three. Facing his eyes, the three trembled together. "Please forgive me, sir." The three trembled and all knelt down. At this moment, these people looked frightened and were so compunctious. A 16-year-old formation master who was at the seventh layer of body cultivation?! How genius he was?! How could they provoke such a demon! "Stand up," Lin Tian said indifferently. Shaking the Regression Origin Sword, Lin Tian pointed his sword straight at the three men with sword howl piercing. "Spare our lives, sir, we were as blind as bats! Just let us go as if we were a fart!" "We don't want to die!" The three were scared. With no facial expressions, Lin Tian pushed towards the three, "Nobody is willing to die. But you.must die!" The three men stumbled back in panic. "You... Do you really want to kill us? Can't you be merciful?" The voice of the middle-aged man in yellow trembled. "Mercy?" Lin Tian satirized, "You know what that is?" These men wanted to exchange the life of a little girl for his and the others' lives. And now, he wanted Lin Tian to be kind. Lin Tian felt that this was the funniest joke he had ever heard. "You." The facial expressions of the three were ugly, frightened and ghastly pale. "Do not think you can get away with this if you kill us!" One of them suddenly said ferociously. With a whoosh, the man stepped back and rushed to the little girl next to the stone wall. Lin Tian's face was cold and he dodged slightly. The Dual Position Step was exerted to the extreme, like a flash of lightning. He arrived earlier than that man. In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Tian stopped in front of the little girl and slashed him by the Regression Origin Sword in his hand. "Poof!" Blood spattered and the man's head flew straight out. After beheading the man, Lin Tian looked back at the little girl. He saw the little girl squatting in a corner of the stone wall, trembling, and her face was full of fear. "Purple, don't be scared. They are all evil and should be punished," Lin Tian comforted her. Unfortunately, the little girl was still afraid and didn't get much better. Lin Tian sighed. He also knew that for an 11-year-old girl, this scene was really cruel. He turned his head and looked at the last two with his face being colder. "If you do something wrong, you must be punished," He said indifferently. He pushed forward step by step. At the tip of the sword, the sword light appeared, which was particularly frightening. The middle-aged man in yellow and the other one retreated in embarrassment and were completely shocked by the momentum emitted by Lin Tian. Facing Lin Tian at the moment, they felt more frightened than facing the Double-headed Fiery Dragon before. "Do not come any closer!" One of them shouted, with a long stick in his hand straight towards Lin Tian, and his hands kept shaking. Lin Tian was expressionless and pushed forward step by step. "If you don't move, then I will," He said indifferently. With a swish, he rushed out like a bright light, cutting down the Regression Origin Sword obliquely. "Clang!" The long stick was cut off and fell to the ground. Lin Tian's face was indifferent. His right leg swept across the man's chest and kicked him, immediately making the man spit out blood. At the same time, the latter flew out of the coverage of Beast Dispelling Powder. More than ten Nether Apes roared and rushed towards the body with their eyes blood red. "Argh!" The shrill scream came out. Like Lu Ba, this man was also eaten by the Nether Apes. Lin Tian's eyes were indifferent and he looked at the middle-aged man in yellow. The middle-aged man in yellow stepped back and his face became dead white, "A devil! You are a devil!" "That's right, the devil who cleans up scums," Lin Tian said nonchalantly. The long sword in his hand turned and the Destructive Sword was exerted. Dozens of sword Qi approached from all directions and penetrated into the body of the middle-aged man in yellow. Coldly glancing at the several corpses, Lin Tian looked up and out of the scope of Beast Dispelling Powder. "Next, it's you," He said to himself. Now, he was at the seventh layer of body cultivation. Although the Nether Apes were terrifying, he was not too afraid. The only pressure was that there were more than ten Nether Apes here, which was very difficult to beat. Taking a deep breath, he moved his steps and stepped out of the area protected by the Beast Dispelling Powder. There was about a quarter of an hour left before the Beast Dispelling Powder failed. In the meantime, instead of him, the Beast Dispelling Powder could protect the little girl, and he must kill all the Nether Apes within fifteen minutes, otherwise it would be very troublesome later. His steps were gentle while the Regression Origin Sword vibrated, spreading the fierce sword spirit. "Hiss!" Just then, a strange voice sounded behind him. Lin Tian hurriedly stopped and looked back. Then he was shocked. Under the stone wall blocking the road ahead, a strange flower broke the withered bones and grew. The flower was about two inches, dark all over as ink, but the petals showed a strange blood red, as if soaked by blood. "Shade spectre flower?!" Lin Tian was a bit startled. He moved his feet and came under the stone wall with a flash. "Purple, come a little closer," He said to the girl. The shade spectre flower was highly poisonous. Now, the little girl was very close to the shade spectre flower. He was worried that the little girl would be in danger. The little girl was afraid and had not recovered from the previous cruel scene. However, after hearing Lin Tian's voice, she slowly moved behind Lin Tian and held Lin Tian's clothes tightly. "Just like this," Lin Tian said with a smile. Turning his head, he took a deep breath and quickly took out a small bag from his arms. Then with Regression Origin Sword, he shoveled the shade spectre flower together with the soil under it, put it into a small cloth bag and sealed it. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he carefully put away the small cloth bag. The shade spectre flower was highly poisonous. Masters at the eighth layer of body cultivation would also be dead if they touched it. Therefore, although the excavation process was only dozens of seconds, Lin Tian tightened his nerves. Under such pressure, he would naturally sweat. Clapping his hands, he stood up and pulled the little girl up. "Well, Purple, stay here. I will get through the way, and then we will leave together," Lin Tian said gently. The little girl nodded with fear, "Okay..." Lin Tian smiled and walked towards the Nether Apes. "Boom!" Suddenly, the whole canyon trembled, and two blood pupils as big as a bowl appeared in front. After that, just for a moment, there were Nether Apes screaming and the blood fog burst open. Lin Tian looked forward and his pupils shrank slightly. In the dark, a huge monster beast with the height of thirty feet appeared in front of the canyon. Its dark body looked like a huge lute, with four monster legs on each side of its abdomen, and a sharp spike at the end of its huge tail. "The fourth-grade monster beast Spiritual Ridge Scorpion!" Lin Tian was startled. Another fourth-grade monster beast comparable to a master at Divine Meridians Stage! "Is it attracted by the shade spectre flower?" Lin Tian was a bit annoyed, "I knew it wasn't that simple." "Roar!" The Nether Apes roared. In the face of a fourth-grade monster beast, the Nether Apes seemed very weak, but these monster beasts were very aggressive. They didn't escape at all. Instead, they rushed towards the Spiritual Ridge Scorpion fiercely, as if they wanted to avenge their companions. Lin Tian stepped back and came to the little girl. He quickly calculated in his heart. Beast Dispelling Powder only worked on monster beasts under fourth grade. Obviously, it was ineffective to Spiritual Ridge Scorpion. Once all the Nether Apes were killed in the battle, the Spiritual Ridge Scorpion would rush over and they would be in danger at that time. He was definitely not capable of fighting with a fourth-grade monster beast for now. "Rush out while it is chaotic?" Lin Tian stared at the front, but soon shook his head. If he was alone, he might be able to escape relying on Dual Position Step, but now he had to take the little girl with him. In this way, the speed would be greatly reduced and he would never rush out. Leaning over his head, Lin Tian looked at the stone wall behind him. The stone wall was horizontal in front, which was more than a hundred feet high, blocking the road ahead. The most important thing was that the stone wall was very steep, and it was difficult to climb. "Take a bet," Lin Tian whispered. He pulled off a section of his sleeve and pulled the little girl over, "Purple, I will give you a piggyback." "Okay." The little girl laid on Lin Tian's back and put her hands around Lin Tian's neck. Lin Tian nodded subconsciously and tied the little girl firmly to his back with the sleeve. "All right," Lin Tian whispered in his heart and slowly retreated until he was seventy feet away from the stone wall. He gently said to the little girl, "Purple, close your eyes. If I don't tell you to open your eyes, don't open." The little girl trembled, honestly closed her eyes and tightly encircled Lin Tian's neck. "Huff!" Staring at the stone wall in front, Lin Tian exhaled out a mouthful of turbid air. At the next moment, his eyes flashed a light, his body flashed like an arrow leaving the string. He passed the distance of seventy feet in the blink of an eye. After that, he stepped on the stone wall on foot and ran frantically towards the top of the stone wall. "Buzz!" His body lit up a bright silver light, the energy in his body surged wildly, and the Dual Position Step was exerted to the extreme. "Sizzle!" "Sizzle!" "Sizzle!" The sound of dust falling constantly sounded. Every time when Lin Tian's feet contacted the stone wall, the upward resistance would become strong. When he came to the position a hundred feet high, it was difficult for him to step out again. "Wind-startling Sword!" Moving his body and turning his right hand, he exerted the third movement of Wind-startling Swordsmanship. With a bang, the Wind-startling Sword generated countless sword gales, and Lin Tian rushed up with the rebound force after exerting Wind-startling Swordsmanship, and finally took the little girl to the top of the stone wall. Looking at the canyon under the stone wall, Lin Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Turning his head, he found the other end of the stone wall was also an old forest. "Let's go!" It was difficult to climb the stone wall, but it was easy to go down from the other side at the moment, because there were many tall and strong old trees on the other side of the stone wall, which was enough for Lin Tian to cushion the falling trend. Without hesitation, Lin Tian took a leap lightly and jumped straight down. Several seconds later, he landed gently on the ground at the other end of the stone wall. "Thud!" Just then, a loud noise sounded and the space was shocked. Lin Tian looked up and he suddenly became startled. The Spiritual Ridge Scorpion also jumped on the top of the stone wall and its pupils like blood were staring at him coldly.
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