Chapter - One

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Paxton I slumped down on my couch. It was a hectic day at college today. “ Another hectic day? Want to play a game?” Eugene, my worst roommate ever. “ Yes I want to play a game. And yes again, my day was super hectic and I got a project” “ Oh really? Tell me all about it in the game. And yes please go take a shower , you sweat like a pig. I bet you took that crowded bus again” he said and waved me to go. He is one of those annoying guys who hate sweat. “ Yes, so you were telling me about your project” he reminded me. “ Yes, it’s a journalism project. My favorite ones – INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM” I highlighted the last part. “ I basically have to go this place where there is a hill. It is presumed to consume anything that goes on top of it. I need to investigate about it and write an article” I explained as I played . He paused it just as I was about to win in the reason of replying to me. ‘jerk’ . “ Really? I can’t say if it’s awesome or that it sucks” “ I know. You don’t have to mention it” Its awesome because investigative journalism is my dreams and I love to do it and finding and writing an article about why a hill sucks up things is the last thing I would like to do. “Anyways, where is it?” he asked me. “ Some place called Ohoya .” “ I think I have heard of it. Where have I ?” he again paused when he sensed I was going to win. “ Oh yes, I saw about that place in an advertisement. It was about a hotel. It looked good and legit. Maybe you could try and go stay there?” he suggested. “ Wow that would be nice. You reduced one of my stress.” “When are you supposed to leave?” he asked me “ In two days” I said and retrieved back to my room . I spent the rest of the evening checking out and booking the hotel Eugene had suggested and packing up. “ Wake up . there is a letter for you” Eugene was knocking on my door constantly. “ Fine , I am up. I’ll come in few minutes.” I said and freshened up. “No, no no this can’t be. Why do I keep getting these letters?” “ Maybe because they care for you and they know about your dream and passion?” he said. “No, they don’t care” even though I said that, deep down I knew they really did care. It was a letter from my dad’s colleagues aka best friends. He was a great dad and a much more better detective. Apparently I got his genes and now I have this dream to become an investigative journalist. My dad’s friends keep sending me these letters . ‘ Hey Paxton , How are you doing? We are doing good . We know you never reply to this question but we still want to remind you that we can get you the position you want. Just come and let us know that you are happy. How is studies and life going on? Have you found a girlfriend yet? Your dad already was celebrating his first year anniversary with your mom in your age. Take care and we all love you Alex Joan Lewis' He always sent me this letter . Almost once every six months. I only used to reply to the other questions and skip off the JOB part. I guess that is why he has specifically mentioned only that this time. -next day- I was all set to get going . I posted a letter to Alex yesterday evening giving him a vague reply about it. I wanted to do this on my own , so I am a set to go investigate the hill.
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